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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. sounds like council is looking for their piece of the Pie? I get a vision of a couple of gangbangers coming in and shaking down the local quikie mart for protection money. I would say no thank you.
  2. Eaglemom2b.....everytime I read the alias I chuckle.......How do you know????? I hope my son earns his eagle. He is currently having fun in scouting, Attending NYLT, Summer camp and Jambo this summer. But bottom line is......His choice. If he burns out and choses to quit, I will be disappointed but accept his choice.
  3. A year or so ago there was a discussion going on that Drug use was not a disqualifying factor for eagle. I would post the link but the Search function is not working correctly. Far as it being a felony, depends on where ya live, in Colorado and Washington your ok. Well behaved young men are just to smart or just smarter than their adults to get caught.....They are young men after all. I remember thinking how great my guys were till I saw the ipod with video.....hmmmm, watching dirty movies on the Ipod..... At least they didn't share it with the new scouts. If true, I believe it is a disqualifying mark in my book. Especially since he does not have any time to show improvement. Follow your heart......A Mary Jane enjoying Eagle isn't any worse than an Eagle with no skills.
  4. Our council offers a seperate Cub Family Day camp and Resident Camp.
  5. Now might be a good time to sit down with scout and have a chat about scouting. Does he want to be involved with scouting? Doe he enjoy it? If either are no, sit down with Dad and Scout and suggest he take a month off and then reevaluate his commitment. I am dealing with one of these currently. He has figured out that if he makes the meal unedible he can get out of being a cook.....He also has a bowel issue that he uses to get out of clean up. So I sat down with CC, mom and scout and had this discussion. He blamed me, the other scouts and his mom because he is being forced to attend. Nobody likes him....well ya burned the pancakes and ducked out on your KP. We will see what happens. Far as summer camp food goes, they will eat by tuesday or Wednsday......
  6. So topshot.....I am interested in hearing what your question were and how they got answered??????? Ya know mom.....the college admission guys are right.......There are that many eagles.....How many actually earned it as the requirements are written?????
  7. Storing anything in a trailer is stupid. I can't believe you are suggesting it. How many times do you read here or in the local paper about scout trailers being stolen and contents never being recovered????? Not sure where you live, but that trailer is not climate controlled....if your pinewood track is wood it will destroy it in short order. Ours got stored in someones garage and the changes in humidity and temperature destroyed it, warped and delaminated.
  8. Storing anything in a trailer is stupid. I can't believe you are suggesting it. How many times do you read here or in the local paper about scout trailers being stolen and contents never being recovered????? Not sure where you live, but that trailer is not climate controlled....if your pinewood track is wood it will destroy it in short order. Ours got stored in someones garage and the changes in humidity and temperature destroyed it, warped and delaminated.
  9. I would run screaming from the troop. Plenty of scout spirit, psssst, sounds like a legal nightmare..... While I understand and appreciate the boys need for scouting, He should have never earned Scout let alone Eagle. We have a policy of one month of meetings and one outing without an application. First, how old is the boy? if he is 13 or 14 no big deal just get him signed up.....Let him earn the ranks legitimately. I just sit here shaking my head, Some local BSA units are train wrecks.
  10. who cares what the DE and councils wants???? Honestly you shouldn't care. Run a solid program on the local level and the folks will come. With all of the current drama the BSA involved in can you blame folks for not having their kids join.
  11. I have gay and lesbian leaders in the Pack and Troop currently.......I am worried that one of my bible thumping, the one who always pound the bible with their finger or thump it on the table to try to win a disagreement or prove a point, parents will take revenge on them and have them removed from service. Honestly, even if they are not officially on the roster I wouldn't have a problem with them working with the boys in den meetings an such. IT IS A LOCAL ISSUE. All of the points brought up are vailid. I would not want/let the troop or a patrol participate in the gay pride parade. Of course it isn't my decision, I would have to go by what ever the IH and committee say. Tenting, gay boy can tent alone. I would never let a teenage boy and girl tent together on an outing.......Same rule applies. Transgender......You will need to find another troop, I am not equipt with the skill or knowledge to deal with you and the issues that accompany you.... I imagine there is a lot of drama that follows these folks around. I have already dealt with an 11 year old telling me he was gay......He is one of those fellows that does stuff for shock value. That was probably a year ago or more. I spoke with his mother about it. that was the end of it. a 17 year old coming out would be a bit different, but not by much. Cross dressing and such would not be tolerated, you would need to fit our troop uniforming standards. Which is Class B's or A's period. We don't put up with drug, concert, humorous or anyother silk screened shirts. Kilts.....I guess as long as it is tastefully done and not too short. Far as the camporee with a gay troop in attendance.....I wouldn't say anything.....I would be prepared to answer quesions from the guys, but that is it. I would expect the gay troops behavior to be on par with the rest of the scouts, no hand holding or kissing at events or in public. If not I would go to the event organizers and lodge a complaint and then council. That guy, we have all had that guy apply to be a member of the troop. Whether it was he was gay or something else, something just didn't make sense or set off your spidey senses. NO is always the right answer when you feel something isn't quite right. err on the side of safety.
  12. Just curious, Exactly what is to explain? I had a lady who knows I am a scouter try to pick a fight about the BSA's policy regarding sexual orientation. My response was the fight and decision is above my pay grade and what ever was decided won't impact what is happening in either of the organizations I am involved with. She followed up with doesn't it bother you that............. My response was simply......NO, that isn't how my little corner of scouting is or operates..... I have my boys and a committee of adults to answer too..... The boy don't know or care about it. That is all I have to say about it
  13. They can postpone it all they want...... Not going to change my program one bit. So Ultimately I really don't care what they decide
  14. The thing that Bluejacket and most district scouters forget is they work for the units not the other way around. He thinks/thought the CM works for him. He was way out of line as a unit commisioner in his level of activity with the Pack. Now I have never met a good one, but I think a once a month visit would be enough, to count heads and check the facilities.....as if anyone has any questions.
  15. I heard somewhere if you keep repeating it to yourself you will believe it and it will become true.
  16. Well old Bluejacket has not been back since this post. I wonder if he successfully destroyed the Pack?
  17. Just google it.....there will be a bunch pop up. The thing to remember about the Blue and Gold is keep it short and not more than an hour or so.
  18. Mom...your gonna need to post a link to your stats. I signed that petition so I can say with absolute certainty that One Scouter with a boy and soon girl in the program voted for allowing gay and lesbian Adults be leaders.
  19. The Pack does not give a good bye gift. We give a Career arrow for those who earn their arrow of light. It is customized for each scout with their ranks and arrow points on them.
  20. I am a show me kinda guy..... So I would like to see a link or source for the statistic of 70% of councils favor it.
  21. ghm......so what exactly is that opinion???? All I am hearing is a roar of noise.......Everyone is screaming at the top of their lungs. Nobody is happy currently Keep Scouting local
  22. Changes nothing for me. I will continue to welcome all scouters and scouts irregardless of the color, religious beliefs or sexual preference.
  23. So is it about lessons or killing two birds with one STONE?
  24. Grubmaster from each patrol is on their own to get their food. they are given the budgeted amount of cash. Generally they take the food tub and cooler home......Generally mom takes them to the store. I have taken them when asked but parent is the first choice.
  25. Cut the apron strings. The boys will be ok for 36 hours with out talking to mom and dad. we have had some issues with inapproprate things on ipods and smartphones. All are ban from scout events period. Parents can call my cell phone and I will check the voicemail if I have coverage. I will not call back unless it is an emergency.
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