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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Now this is a harsh reality check. Too many I's and me's in your post. It isn't about you, the program you provide is for the boys. Park the ego at the door. I can speak from experience, I wasted a lot of time chasing boys that I thought needed scouting, sweating missed acheivements and outings...... The boys missed them because either the parent didn't see the value in them or the boy wasn't interested. Yes my ego was involved. Don't waste your time on chasing the boy or the family. Don't waste your time feeling slighted by them trying to get their son his bear patch.....Because honestly in a year they will not be wearing the blue shirts anyhow. Spend your energy in a more postive manner......Give a great program to the boys who are interested and show up. Far as the CM's meddling in your den. I would ask for this scout to not be a member of your den next year if the CM choses to award the patch to him. Because at this point the Bear patch is just a patch.
  2. Ya Baden, I have seen the young ladies step up to be leaders in the venture crews as well.....Very simply the boys are burned out and happy to accept someone else doing the planning.
  3. Cub Scouting is family scouting, but a properly run troop it is not and families should not attend as it interferes with program delivery. Sorry mom, dad and sister should stay at home so Scout son has the oppurtunity to find himself and gain confidence and skills. Your children are still young, But boys and girls in the 11-15 year bracket don't mix well. The boys acting as leaders will lose their minds if a pretty girl is present, seen it happen too many times on family night or at the pick up times...... I have a scout with an older sister, I feel like a dirty old man, She is amazingly pretty and knows how to handle the boys......they do their macho king of the hill routine when she is around. The AHG is not a good fit.....Their christian only, married only, no gay members is no longer a good or proper fit. I hope we recede the mutual support agreement soon. There have been some reports and storys of AHG bulling their way into scout only events citing this mutal support agreement. Our council has gone so far as to add a statement to all of our training flyers saying that the training is only available to registered BSA leaders, This is one of the only things they have done that I support.
  4. comparing them to an OA sash is pretty fair comparison...... the necker to the sash and the beads to maybe the lodge flap.
  5. Well met with the COR, CC and IH last night regarding this situation. The group decided to contact the two young men that left because of Aspie scout. If they return and attend meeting and the next outing the committee will ask aspie boy to enjoy his scouting elsewhere. Aspie boy has been suspended for 30 days effective next meeting. They were going to dismiss him immediately, I argued that the boys that quit might not be that interested in scouting and he was just an excuse to quit......so we will see. NJ......money makes a lot of problems go away. The autistic kids whose parents have money have a much different reality and future than those that don't have cash or connections. Explain to me what makes a kid born accrossed the beltway any more or less deserving that the kid born in DA Hood for health care, education or oppurtunity.
  6. So why in the world does it take several minutes for the post to process??????? if it is a hardwarie thing........I am willing to throw some cash at it to get it fixed
  7. Sorry ADCinNC that is not to be considered an official source as it is not a BSA owned Website.
  8. For proper reference here is the link to the national site with the http://www.scouting.org/filestore/mission/JTE_FAQs-Unit.pdf they need to change the wording from campout to outing. So the parlor troops can earn gold as a proper adult led troop should.
  9. Here is a Question What exactly is momtoeli's role in the troop and how many adults are along? I am blessed and cursed by the fact I have low parental involvement. If she is just a tag along parent then the boys shouldn't listen to her.....
  10. Lawyer scouting at it's finest. Honestly who gives a hoot about the JTE. If you have to worry about the number of nights the troop camps or the number of outings just for this piece of paper and $2 patch your doing scouting wrong.
  11. No rules where it when you want or is customary to your area. I have seen SM and CM wear them weekly to den meetings, I have seen other folks never wear them to court of honors or Pack meeting or just round tables Personally I never wear them, they live in a shoe box in the bottom of my closet. I don't see the point in wearing them and consider it boasting.
  12. Yes we meet every week during the summer and also hold our monthly campouts and patrol outings.
  13. Well I recently lost two NORMAL boys to one of these autistic fellows......He was named very specifically as the reason they left and they can name very specific incidents. To be real honest when he is around, he sets me on edge, not exactly sure why, but that spidey sense thing. I know that I need to keep an eye on him because he is know to vandalize, dissappear without telling anyone he is going, shirk responsibily and get physical with the other boys. I am currently trying to decide on asking him and his parents to enjoy their scouting elsewhere. I will discuss it with the Patrol leaders, CC and COR this evening. I am tired of it......He has the ability to take an enjoyable scouting weekend and make it a complete nightmare........Then he will recite the line that mom taught him. Mr B I have aspbergers and you know I don't have any control over what I say or do. Well my son you can have no control somewhere else because I am done with you. Enjoy your life sleeping on your moms couch. I saw a bumper sticker that said your "Athlete will be working for my Aspie someday. " Really, maybe in the wealthy area where they can get the help they need. In my hood, they rarely graduate and just end up on drugs and public assistance.
  14. Just asking a question here I wonder what the ratio is of merit badges earned to merit badge books purchased?????
  15. Who said scouting is for boys??? Clearly this is about and for the adults.
  16. The point of my post is that the boys did not like the or look forward to the COH. Breaking the mold and doing something new.
  17. Why would the troop buy merit badge books????? Many of my scouts have ipod, and some even some smart phones
  18. Throw a scout or scouter out for telling a lie...... Your funny.....scouting would cease to exsist. I don't know of a scouter I haven't caught telling a lie, whether a little bitty so I don't hurt your feelings to the big giant going to jail whopper. I find it interesting that not a year ago, this same forum, said, the poor little boy made a mistake and should get his eagle even after getting caught smoking mary jane. I didn't agree then. the scout needs disiplined. Suspended for sure.....
  19. A question to the group. How common is it for scouts to own Ipads????? Honestly they should be able to afford 5 bucks for a merit badge book. The BSA has a right to recoop cost of producing the books. So why don't they make them available on Google play or itunes????? I think that would go a long way to making them seem at least remotely current and relevant with the way most folks operate now a days.
  20. So what makes a lad worth saving???? and does he want saved or will his parents welcome your intervention????? Sure Talk with him and his parents, some lads will keep running away from you just so you will continue to chase them.
  21. As New SM I marched into the scout shop and made a fuss till they sold me three of each scout thru Life. I give them to the boys after their BOR upon the CC's thumbs up. I replenish what is used when the CC goes and turns in the advancement report.
  22. These are exactly the ideas I needed. Blow up any ideas that I had.......I know they hated the traditional court of honor, sitting with a stuffy ceremony. So Scout son another scout got sat down last night, interupted their video gaming, and fed some ideas. Well they loved the what we did since last court of honor idea, they liked the Tail gate/ pot luch idea....... So right now, we are gonna do a family pizza party, giant pizza we have a joint that doest a 15 square foot pizza the guys love it, with each scout presenting one thing they did since last court of honor.
  23. I asked, and suggested that it might be a great communciations merit badge oppurtunity...... No takers, I am considering having the patrol leaders announce and hand out the awards to each of their patrols.
  24. Well time for my first COH as SM. I do not remember my COH as a scout and lets just say the old SM's were not great. I don't have anyone who is working on communications and we do not have an SPL currently with only two functional Patrols. So what do you do??? I understand and appreciate the boys should do it, but my troop is not there yet, hopefully with this batch of crossovers we will be big enough for an SPL.
  25. Smoking Pot is legal in one state and possession is no longer criminal in another.... This falls into the same catagory as smoking and drinking. So how long before the rest follow.
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