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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I don't know what is going on, but I have some program questions I would like to ask and can't do it. I do really enjoy the random way I enter the site, never to the same page twice, Today it was to the Life to eagle coach thread from a couple of years back, yesterday it was double dipping service hours. All I would like is to land at the forum home page and then be able to create a topic.
  2. What fun all of these old threads popping up. read thru this one. I will say my opinion in the two years has changed a bit. old 5years scout would be alright in my book with his level of service and double dipping. But a scout that has less than 10 hours a month would not be permitted the luxury. He would need to do his service
  3. Since I cannot create my own thread currently I will piggy back on this one. This is my first go round training the new PL. Old SM would complain the boys didn't know or do their jobs.....Well he never conducted a TLT campout or event. He handed them the position specific book and expected them to know their job the following week. Well it never happened. So I am looking at doing this for the first time. So please share your successes and failures. I read Barrys thread an may use that approach. Do a Friday night lock in with video games after the training. But share how you do it and the results..... I am trying my darnedest to move from a mostly adult led program to boy led and this is my first big step.
  4. Well I am now not authorized to create a new thread in the open program discussion forum
  5. One of the many problems we have in the public eye......We, the BSA, is always asking for money.......
  6. Well we got 6 post up before someone busted his chops about getting trained. After two interpretations of my writing..... I give the boys their rank advancement as soon as it is earned.
  7. All scout should receive the awards as soon as possible. I know a lot of cub packs like to hold them till the Blue and Gold and I know of a couple that hold them till the end of their program year, which is may. When I was cubmaster, the boys were awarded them at the next pack meeting and as SM I award Rank directly after the BOR. The program year ends with the school year which varies around the country, but June 1st is when they advance in scout net. So your wolf would be a bear june 1 regardless of completion of the wolf program. So registering for summer camps register them for the next rank, not their current one. Far as progress toward rank totem goes.....It is a waste of money......Rarely do the majority of the boys wear them and I cannot tell you the number of beads I pick up when cleaning up after the meeting. If you are really new to the Pack or the Program, walk easy for a bit. Do one thing at a time......So what is most important too you? This months committee meeting discuss it and get their support for change. Are you guys working the sports and academic program......Belt loops
  8. Our council provides "Free" advancement as well, there is a fantastic check sheet. Attend a Council owned summer camp, Meet your FOS financial goals and a couple of retention goals.......So I need to Over spend on a summer camp program by $50 a scout and then met the absorbent FOS goal you set for our unit.......Naw. We will just save the trouble and the money and buy the patches.
  9. I gotta ask how long you have been involved in scouting???? Joebob is correct...... Nation or council doesn't really care about the local units, we are just a tick mark on someones talley sheet. Honestly there are finite resources available on the local level, whether it is store fronts to sell popcorn in front of, or it is asking business owners for donations or if it is fund raising door to door or the inexpensive or free camping spots and even scouts.....Our units compete for everything. While it is true that scouters are supposed to look out for each other and the "We all win" mentality, doesn't exist in the real world of scouting.
  10. Now that is funny... An organization of Honor Campers where you don't actually have to camp to be a member.... Talk about losing credibility.
  11. Expect nothing that way you won't be disappointed. In years past we would see our DE twice a year. FOS presentation at the Blue and Gold Banquet and then To collect our apps and fees after our school night. Our new one hasn't done any of that.......I have seen him only once or twice in the six or eight months he has been our DE. Now I am not complaining..... Like you I have no clue why we are paying these folks $30k or so a year..... Well I am told he can organize a humdinger of a golf outing........Thats right it is a $100 a head sort of event........
  12. Honestly, every single scoutmaster and ASM in our district has the lodge flap on their uniform. Whether they are active and paying dues or not. Far as it still being the Honor society of scouting??? Every senior scout I have met seems to be a member...... so what exactly is exceptional outdoorsmanship or camping????
  13. It is absolutely the forums business as to where you are writing your perspective from...... From your response the answer is probably yes. BTW what is your scouting resume......again seein who we are talking too. Mine, current SM, only 6 month, ASM 4 years, tiger, wolf, bear, webelos den leader, ACM, CM. Pack oudoor chair, District Day camp program director and CC...... I live and scout in a poor urban area, most of my scouts are from single parent, grand parent homes....Rarely is their a father figure involved. I have a troop committee of 8 60-70 year old Eagle scout life time troop members. and one other ASM in his 40's. Far as the Eagle who smokes some weed......I would have suspended him and refused to sign his applicaiton. But it wouldn't have made any difference council would sign it any way. Compassion, no......I hold him to the same standard I live by......In the other thread I poked them about it being illegal, because in my lifetime it won't be..... Worth the time, I don't have any more time......If I have to chose between a patrol of boys vs one autistic boy.......Guess who loses..........That is my reality, so unless the the Scouter Fairy delivers me 4 or 5 full trained ASM as volunteers it ain't gonna happen.
  14. There is an attendance requirement.......The Parent can/should not sign webelos advancement. Miss the den meeting you don't get the pin......Pretty simple
  15. Well fred and krampus, I am one of two active adults in the troop. We have a 10 to 1 ratio..... Our Troop does not have the resources to babysit or chaparone an unpredictable scout. While you find it personally rewarding to help this one boy, I have a troop full of them abandon, no or single parent home, raised by grandparents, no father in the picture. Most of them have add/adhd issues on top of it all. This isn't your rosey suburban picture of a two parent home with a white picket fence, two new cars and a dog. Now your going to throw a mildly autuistic scout in the mix????? I am a bottom line kinda guy........I don't have the time or interest in having or getting the training for this, your comparison to WFA is a bad one, WFA benefits everyone on the trip as does rangemaster training, My spending hundreds of dollars and countless hours getting trained for one autistic scout doesn't make sense........Call me lazy or any other name. Krampus,....guesiing your son is autistic?
  16. In our lodge they love tradesmen. Carpenters, masons, electricians, plumbers, heavy equipment owner operators......Free labor on the camps. Other than that if you can drive the boys to events your good.
  17. there is an alternative....Our Pack runs a Baden Powell service association den for the girls. It fizzled after a couple of years, but it is an option.
  18. I don't have a problem with it as long as all of the churches lose their not for profit status as well. Imagine the money from the LDS church alone...... That is how ya pay for socialized medicine.
  19. I was in her exact shoes.... I took it personal.... Went above and beyond to make sure those I thought needed the program got one.....Spent thousands of dollars on sleeping bags tents and backpacks Because I thought they wanted the program and couldn't afford it. Truth was, they never really cared that much for the program and my efforts were wasted.
  20. I can't believe you guys are saying she is justified for being hurt by it???? She shouldn't take it personal......Because it isn't personal.
  21. He hold an open class race for parents, leaders and sibs. $10 buy in give kit and trophies for the class.
  22. ill informed???? How so? I have three scouts with autism to varying degrees.....Two are just fine, well, not violent......One is violent abusive and just plain acts inappropriate. One has been suspended for acting unscoutlike which resulted in two boys naming him as the reason he quit. When is it too much.
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