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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. You are probably right tcd. At summer camp the white country and suburban folks can make fun of our ethnicity and sexual orientation.
  2. It is good to be called out by a cub scout parent with 3 posts. Your opinion is uniformed......Our council was one of the ones that had a don't ask don't tell policy till this blew up recently. Pretty simple my man......People are not guns and the guy I know and have spent many nights in the woods and at other scouting events is not a threat. When I met the man I had no clue he was gay....He became a friend and I determined him to be a great guy interested in the program and making scouting a great experience for his son. When I found out it was too late we were friends and even my ignorant anti gay bias was broken. He was just another guy raisin a son not that unlike me. So how well do you know your fellow scouters??? How many of them are divorced? what was the reason for the divorce???? Cheating on the spouse??? Beating the spouse????? Are you sure they are not gay or lesbian???? how do you know????
  3. Old simmon isn't all that enlightened and fears what he doesn't understand or even cares see the other side. Not that long ago folks would not marry or rent to mixed race couples.....This isn't all that much different. Regardless of what you believe, gay and lesbian folks are decent folks too....There are the idiot dirt bags just like hetero...types......
  4. naw....this gentleman carrys a bible everywhere. He will flip to a page and quote from it when it supports his argument; He has been know to pound it on the table at church meetings to emphasize his point. So guessing old simmons is far right...... For the record the Mr. J is a better person and human being than bible thumping Mr. D who has never volunteered at the food bank or community meal....Never a conservation project or any community service......Other than they should get off their lazy asses and get a job.....Other than carrying a bible you would never guess he is a christian.....
  5. Just hope I can talk the COR back from the cliff.... Lone scout program looks pretty attractive to me at this point.
  6. If you want to see a great example of this go to the United methodist web page and look for the scout announcement then read the comments below it.
  7. It is a wash....the two scouts that used the scout with issues as an excuse has not come back......
  8. Knowing the Parent involved it was hatred or vengeance....my post from earlier this morning disappeared...... But the family are bible thumpers....Oddly they have known about the gay leader for 5 years and did nothing till lastt sunday when they went to the COR. So instead of moving their scout to a unit that meets their moral standards, cough cough, they are going to destroy two units. The parent that started this is one of those that asked why the cub scouts don't go to the local conservation club for youth day, we can't because cubs can't shoot rifles or shotguns and you could take your scout on your own. Goes to the IH and complains we arent active enough....really??? When asked to plan or chair the event they are too busy or some other excuse.
  9. The beginning of the end of my unit started tonight.......The phone call I have dreaded happened....One of my Bible thumping parents contacted the COR about the gay leader in the unit. The next phone call was from a Pack committee member, if Mr. J is asked to leave, expect my resignation and the CM, CC WDL and BDL.....that will kill the Pack. I will have lost my second adult for troop outings....killing the troops outdoor program. It is hard enough to recruit volunteers, good ones are like gold, harder yet to get them trained for their positions and then for them to do their job well. To have one person who isn't active in either Units leadership to be able to decapitate both units........... I completely exhausted. I just don't understand the hatred. I ponder my own membership at this point, At least we haven't paid for summer camp yet.
  10. If he doesn't support the district volunteers....... Then what are their purpose?????
  11. all ya need for a West knot is donate $1,000 bucks......
  12. Merit badges are kinda like belt loops in cub scouting.......Kinda irrelevant in the big picture of things, when is the last time you saw a scout with a merit badge sash on running around a summer camp??????
  13. I have been found out.....and been placed in the proper station to the many superiors on this forum
  14. How about turning up the time before the auto log out maybe make it an hour instead of 15 minute........I have a tough time crafting a post before I am logged out and lose my work......
  15. Woodbadge is kinda like amway.....your tasked to get the next level of the pyramid...... There is no reason for woodbadge other than council fundraising.......Let me see 40 staff at $150 each.....50-100 participants at $250 each...... Yep a huge fundraiser. Far as the 3 minute beading ceremony that was a good length and the proper perspective as to where Woodbadge belongs in the scouting program.
  16. At this point in my SMship I am not comfortable with suspending or dismissing a scout.....I will let the CC do his BOR and suspend the scout if he feels it is necessary. I have had conversations regarding behavior issues with scout and mom. CC was calling scouts who did not recharter and that is when this all started. I feel much better about it now and wish it had happened sooner.
  17. Oh I know that in time, I will feel better about it. The kid is a punk and mom is an enabler. There is no notation about autism or asperbergers on his medical form. It still never feels good to sit a mom and son down and say your son did x,y and Z to jimmy and he quit because of it. Then he acted proud of his shenanigans. If the two boys come back next week and have solid attendance......I will ask the CC to dismiss him from the troop.
  18. Why you do a ceremony for the rank advancment......The boys love the painted faces one. Far as baggies, it is an adult thing.....We call them up in groups......Hey we went hiking and the following scouts earned the hiking belt loop would 1,2,3,4,5,6 come on up. Hey we played kickball, would 1,2,3,4,5,,6,7 come on up. You all earned the kick ball belt loop Sure it is more work but it also makes an impression on the boys, hey I only got called up twice john got called 8 times.....
  19. The sad thing is.........The guilty I feel hoping he never comes back. I don't believe there is any way to help this young man or mom from with in scouting, He will continue to use his disability, real or imagined, as an excuse or crutch. He will continue to be an issue inside the troop with the youth.
  20. The CC demanded documented he took notes and recorded it. I guess he is expecting problems.
  21. My folks claim poverty.....But yet trips to disney and iphones are on the menu. Never seen one of my scouts with an ipad. they have ipods for sure. I have been taken advantage of these folks on more than one occasion. It is about parental priorities. the demographic of my troop is anywhere from myself decent job and income to 4 generations living under one roof. Whether I do a good job or not......Not sure how to evaluate that.....My vision of success is the troop growing to a maximum of 40 members. The SPL running the program and have a PLC full of excited boys. I will not view my time in scouting as an adult as a success till one of my current scouts introduces me to his son who is currently a scout.
  22. Well BOR with CC, 2 CM's, SM, Problem Scout and mom last night. Scout was read the accusations against him, read the quotes from the scouts who quit and relay the incidents witnessed by those in attendance. He was given his moment to speak and address his action and then was suspended for 30 days. I followed up with my feeling about him putting his patrol mates at risk and his behavior in public is an embarrassment to our unit. His response was the one line mom taught him and mom quoted the line as well. Here is the hitch, the CC asked for a Diagnosis from the Physician because it was not noted on his current BSA physical on file with the troop. According to it he is completely normal. Mom left in a rage and is going to call scout office and have our jobs......I am ok with that. I contacted the youth that used him as the reason they left the troop. I will see next week whether they return or not. The overall experience has left me flat. We lost two scouts because of this youth. The scout and parent involved are not taking the suspension and BOR seriously and threatened the troop leadership. The scout will not take this moment to reflect on his behavior. Parent and scout have the attitude that the troop leadership are out to get him. After all that I wonder if that hour of sitting with the scout and mom was worth it. I wonder if we just should have dismissed him from the troop. I wonder if the suspension is going to make a difference in his behavior or life. I wonder if he will return or not. I did not leave the room with a warm and fuzzy feeling and to be real honest I was sick to my stomach.
  23. So why aren't the district and council scrouters attending long term camps?
  24. Why should scoutcraft be a prerequisite? Please show me where it says so????? I will hopefully have a tenderfoot, probably a scout as the new scout patrol patrol leader........He will not know his woodcraft yet, so should he be immediately disqualified???? Locally most troops do not do it....But I suspect they are not boy led, like I hope our troop will be in the future. I have talked with the SM's of troops who look like they have a solid program....No TLT, But they have a 17 year old SPL and their patrol leaders are 14-16 and they do not use a new scout patrol or single age patrol. While efficent, I don't want to plan all the outings, activities and meetings......nor buy all the groceries.
  25. 44 I am not talking about merit badges..... A lad can wait till the COH to be given them. I am talking rank, Like peri, we use troopwebhost and I or the CC can enter he pasted his BOR immediately and we simply print the advancement form from the program to be turned into council. A gain I am a member of a small troop and that maybe the difference.
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