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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So how is the local option going to be unworkable??????
  2. Separate but equal... Wasn't that tried once before....How did that work out?? anyone anyone.
  3. American heritage girls are WASP's regardless of what the pictures of the website show.
  4. I think Az is looking to join the american Heritage boys. WASPhood at it's finest. I am good with local option.....But I am also concerned how the Anti gay units will treat the units tagged as welcoming gays.
  5. 80000 seem excessive to me.....I would hope he isn't exaggerating....I picked up 2000 on the way home from work tonight.
  6. Conservative Ron Portman changed his stance recently. You can hate gays all ya want.....Till it happens to you.
  7. Looking for a mentor, visit other troop or packs programs.....Find one you like and partner or buddy up with the CM or SM...... I have done that and it does help.
  8. I hate not being able to edit a post. so your talking $189 per year for TM with Web add on and Soar to get similar functionality to Troopwebhost.
  9. mozart that still doesn't give you web access to the program using any web browser....With troopmaster you must spend another $59.88 for the troopmaster web....so we are talking $100 a year and you can't email your Troop.
  10. I use troop Troopwebhost and like it very well. I have used internet explorer, chrome and firefox with it and have had no issues with disappearing buttons or flakey performance. I currently use it with a chromebook where ever I go......very happy with it. We did not get our own url.... TroopMasters web program was horrible. It still needs to sync with a database on someones home computer or laptop........ I looked at it before purchasing Troopwebhost. My criteria was webbased, everyone in troop leadership needed access to the program. Not sure what niche Soar fills. Website and emails?????? You have limited storage for your photo gallery as well. only a couple of hundred megs......your paying $89 for that.....Why not a free google group if that is all you need??????? I didn't see the benefit so we didn't go that route, but we did look at it. Troopwebhost I can add documents to emails. email troop or patrol or just leadership. Once a month I have it set to email the group the upcoming events and their scouts rank advancement info. these are what jr, needs to complete first class.... Our advancement has improved since this has started. It also holds the troop equipment inventory and finances, which I drug our treasurer kicking and screaming into using. Troopwebhosts web calendar can be linked to google calendar or any other calendar programs.....so event changes or new events automatically update everyones calendar. Photogallery is hosted on their site as well. Honestly $15 per year is irrelevant. Call me an underachiever, but I didn't want to maintain two pieces of software......
  11. If you have been involved in scouting very long, you have had the scout tell you they don't believe in god. Whether it is for spite or they are trying to figure out their personal belief system, they tell you.....I have never considered tossing a lad for this and it has never been an issue for my unit. Wolfeagle.....I answered your first question.....Far as scouts own goes....We never have them at the troop or pack level because the PLC decides not to do it.....The Pack because every single parent is in a rush to exit camp in the morning...... In your eyes that makes me less of a scout leader....I am good with it....
  12. Dan that would be an interesting turn of events.... The congress amending the BSA's charter with a nondiscrimination policy. Puts a smile on my face.
  13. Bottom line the BSA will lose, short term, regardless of what happens. No gays vote, corporations and some churches will leave Yes to gays vote, Corporations and some churches will leave No vote or postpone, the BSA leadership will appear weak and indecisive.....some on both sides of the fence will leave. No win, in the short term.
  14. Oh so narrow minded......Predictable as you say. My agenda is to grow the troop and pack. Provide/guide them to a great scouting experience. I really hate all of the adult BS that is required. Along the way I have learned somethings. 1. White folks treat those of color with suspicion and regional with hatred and fear. 2. When ever anything at a camp is missing or vandalized those of color are blamed first. 3. Adult volunteers are hard to come by. 4. People are people regardless of their color, education, religious background or sexual orientation. 5. Not all gay and lesbian folks are looking for their next conquest.....Honestly, less so than a few adult leaders I have met lusting after the camps life guard. Bottom line is my boys know we are under the microscope at camp... We have to be better behaved mannered and more polite than the rest. Now granted, we are a camp with 20 other units and we have problems from 4 or 5 of them..... The CD has address the leaders of a couple and the entire troop in another instance. Far as pulling it all together....I am good thanks for your concern.
  15. My unit has been on the receiving end of a lot of bigotry. From the country hicks telling my boys that rwaiting tables in the dinning hall is vocational training for them...To the cracks about watermelon served at lake games night...... How about a couple of my hispanic scouts getting stopped and asked to empty their pockets after leaving a camp trading post very recently..... Ya know all of us with a bit of color in our skin are just looking for a hand out or to steal what you have.... My stereotyping the scouting community is what I have experienced. While we are welcomed at camps we are not treated as brothers.
  16. That is un true eagle...If you actually watched the piece they picked a number of folks.....With all levels of experience. None reacted as I would expect....
  17. That is un true eagle...If you actually watched the piece they picked a number of folks.....With all levels of experience. None reacted as I would expect....
  18. Still cannot create a new topic or thread......Add cannot edit a post either.
  19. Our precamp meeting the CD asked for us to keep our eye open and let him know about the ammo situation...He asked for 80,000 rounds of 22.
  20. this is all adult stupidity. the boys don't care that Mr. j is gay, of course we have never brought it up in conversation......But several of the boys have spent the night with Mr. j's son at a sleep over. the next thing that is gonna get asked aren't you worried about scouts being at a gay mans house. While he is a member of scouting, I cannot control, nor should I, what goes on at home. My son has scout friends over to spend the night and play video games, not sure how that is different. The boys just want to hang with their friends having adventures..... Eagledad, I am a man who believes that Truth only exists in the moment an event happens......the second someone sees it and interpret it, to paper or speech the truth of what happened it tainted. Tainted by their station in life, education, and mood. .
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