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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Bleaching your tent is really bad advice it will destroy it..... From Campmor [url=http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/CustomerServiceContent____tentinfo#25]http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/CustomerServiceContent____tentinfo#25[/url=http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/CustomerServiceContent____tentinfo#25] 25. My tent has mold/mildew. How do I get rid of it?[/url=http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/CustomerServiceContent____tentinfo#25] You can't. Mold and mildew form under the urethane coating and invade the fabric. If left untreated it will cause an awful smell and possibly lead to delamination of the urethane coating and weakening of the fabric. To treat mold/mildew fill a bucket with warm soapy water (no detergents please). Add 2 cups of lemon juice and mix. Set up the tent. Take a sponge and gently clean all areas of the tent inside and out. Rinse the tent by lightly sprinkling it with a hose. Let it air dry and be sure to stake it down. To clean the fly lay it on the ground and repeat cleaning procedure described above. After finishing one side, flip it over and do the other side. Rinse and air dry to finish.
  2. MB your forgetting that cubs advance based on Grade not completion of the previous rank....So they advance without receiving his past rank patch no biggy.
  3. If it is moldy masking it with frabreeze will not do anything. You need to kill the mold. If a scout with asthma or allergies gets it you may be in trouble. I would attempt to hand wash it in water with a little bit of lemon juice do not rinse setup to dry, then rewash with tech wash. If the smell does not go away........The scout that did not do his job owes the troop a new tent. I would find the tent online and hold a SMC with Mom and scout and hand them the bill......
  4. Typically the boys and Parents I see do this have a case of patch envy......New scout no lodge flap needs more brightly colored cloth on uniform..... When I see incorrect patch placement, I mention it.....
  5. first he is a boy.....so drop the he's purple pink or blue in color...... Yes the family dynamics are different as are priorities.... He is a scout. Second, we have completely done away with any scout scholarship or camperships at the pack and troop level......the results were very poor and for the investment of $100 the pack and troop made in each boy for a shirt book and camp for the boys........One in about 25 ever stayed with the program.....a very poor return on the investment. As a Committee chairman I would never spend Pack money on a scout to attend any camp if he has no attendance record. I would never take a cub level scout to a resident camp I did not know very well, if at all. So is he a theif, liar, medical issues.....What about the parents???? are they going on vacation while he is at camp???? You cannot exclude him, but what I did with a scout, I didn't like, trust and was a generally evil boy, was to make his parent attend with him.......Issue fixed they were going on vacation while he was at camp.
  6. I am an engineer......I want an engineer patch for my uniform..... Completely stupid........So why not a doctor or nurse patch.. or how about an automechanic patch... So why is it police officers and firefighters always want to be recognized. Kinda like scoutfish and the cpr patches on the uniforms a few years ago.......
  7. Come on folks....day camp is as easy as it gets...... You take a chair, walk the boys from station to station and your home for dinner, shower, AC and your nice soft bed....... the thing to remember is let them be boys......Don't make them walk single file or march or walk in buddy pairs.......Let them have fun.....Bring a small ball or frisbee for slow times. One of the saddest thing I ever witnessed was a den walker who forced the boys to hold hands and walk silently station to station....Then at lunch wouldn't let them run and play the hacky sack version of dodge ball. they sat and got yelled at in the shade....great fun Far as not being able to afford it......Every council has campership money.....So there is no excuse for boys not going to camp. I have seen campership moneys go to rich folks who simply filled out the paperwork. So ask your DE or if you don't like him or if he is a do nothing call the council office and ask. MONEY IS NO EXCUSE TO MISS RESIDENT OF DAY CAMP.
  8. Look for a thread title "It stinks being a leaders son". He gets stuck setting up tents and washing dirty pots.......The fix for it is send the gear home with the scouts to be brought back to the next meeting clean and dry. We spent our sunday afternoons setting up tents and taking them down after they dried......Ya it did stink...... At this point I don't care............It isn't my gear it is the boys gear.....If they don't take care of it, not my problem......Last campout the Alpha patrol put all of their cook pots way dirty......So guess what they spent friday night at the next campout washing pots, pans and utensils instead of playing ghost in the grave yard......Lesson learned.......You should have heard the patrol sunday morning packing up......I think every patrol member inspected the patrol box........A lesson they will never forget.......dried stuck on scrambled eggs and stinky old potato pans. Made my stomach turn..... Assign specific tents to each patrol they are completely responsible for maintaining them. Dirty tent.....well ya used it last trip..... Gear is hard to come by.......But my personal time is more valuable......
  9. Invite away.... But be aware that activities that involve multiple Packs are not permitted unless it is a District or council level activity.......As a new Cubmaster I did the same thing and was promptly told never do it again by our council Professionals. I wouldn't tell anyone outside of the two units involved and make sure the other unit knows to remain quite. If the blasted search function would work I would post the link to the discussion.....
  10. Just walk into the scout shop and buy them......They will ask why....Just be honest and tell them your scout lost them..... I happens more than you think.
  11. As SM I conduct it promptly after each change in youth leadership, which is twice a year........Only the elected and appointed youth leaders attend not the entire troop. Only have done it once........ Pizza and lock in are the reward.....We hooked up 4 xboxes and the boys gamed all night after the training....... Now all the boys are talking about it.....there is excitement about being a youth leader and the perks...........
  12. I tried.....couldn't do it.......
  13. Just checking to see if I can start a new topic
  14. So Sentinel.....Any other tips or tricks for Friedlander...... Is the campsite setup for your arrival, are cots and tents provided???? is there shelters or do you need to bring flys, are troop trailers allowed in the campsites or is everything carried in??? What is the most convenient campsite to everything or best campsite???
  15. We are off to Muskingham Valley Scout Reservation this year The PLC is going to visit Friedlander this summer and we may run a split summer camp....I really don't want to take two weeks of vacation to get the troop to summer camp. Does Friedlander do a first year program?????
  16. So summary huzzar has no idea what he is talking about.
  17. So Matt, How is letting only gay youth to be members of the BSA standing up for what they believe in??????? Standing up for what they believe in is either an all or nothing proposition. Which ever direction you believe that lies????? Not this only gay youth...... I read the opinion on the link above....My summary of it is......Gay adults will be welcome but we need to wait till those over 50 die off or stop being involved in scouitng.
  18. Gay adults can still be members until some adult with an Ax To Grind gets wind of it and reports them...... It was basically a non decision.
  19. Guess I was unaware that neutering was part of becoming a member of national..... What a bunch of whimps.........Make a decision all ready....... This has got to be one of the biggest cop outs ever. So from the membership side......Is it possible to start a vote of "NO CONFIDENCE" and oust the current leadership?????? I would live with what ever decision was made......but you have got to be kidding me........
  20. So what is the point of tapping them out if they cannot do the ordeal????? Honestly I think you stepping over the line trying to do your own tapout. Unless they complete the ordeal within a year of the it is irrelevant as the lodge won't recognize them as members. My tap out and ordeal was special and left a huge impression on me. It was my first time in my scouting career being dumped in a situation where I knew no one. I would call around or find a tap out...... I would never put one on because a boys couldn't make it......the hole servant leadership thing gets lost in it.
  21. MB our lodge does the tapouts at the spring camporee so the council does not miss out on all that free labor to set up the summer resident camp..... But seriously, I would call the lodge cheif and see if there is another tap out being held......Plus the boys could come out to summer camp just for the tapout ceremony. I have taken boys to spring camporees we did not attend so they could get tappeed out. We are told to keep their election secret, so the tapout will be a surprise....
  22. In the SMC.......the boy who answers yes or no to all the questions even if you go fish for more answers.... Your in band? yes I understand you play trumpet, how do you like playing? yes any challenges in play? Nope.
  23. Not something that gets recorded....generally on and done. Why can't he just enjoy his backpacking or canoeing trips...Everything doesn't need to be a competition. They are nice boots but why????? I wear out boots on a fairly regular basis.....I just go buy a new pair of merril mid goretex once a year and not worry about it. Generally get about 800 miles out of them before the goretex fails and they start to leak. for $100 what do ya want.
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