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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. There is no official policy on dating within a venture crew.... The coed crews I have been part of had a No PDA policy......Public Display of affection....The youth police it. We had 3 dating couples in our crew and once it became evident that the other youth and adults weren't going to host romantic weekend camping trips, they quit.... Girls tent with girls, guys tent together....Adults in between. Absolutely postively no monkey business.
  2. Oh for petesake, More dense wood......... Did the car weigh 5 ounces???? Did the car meet the size dimensions???? Then your good. There are no official BSA rules...... Now if your district has a district run off kinda race, I would make sure that your boys cars meet those rules..... We made marks on the blocks of wood and they had to remain unpainted and visible to qualify for trophies and door prizes......
  3. I wonder with many zealots abandoning ship....If the quality of the program will improve........Close minded christian only views of scouting stepping away from the table.
  4. It is all with scoutmaster approval.... I have withheld our local hooligans name from PL election, SPL election and OA election. While it is boy led, your try to guide them in making better decisions..... I council the hooligan and tell him why his name was not on the ballot.
  5. I am my son's scout master, as was I his Tiger wolf bear, webelos and Cubmaster........ A couple of years ago, My son and I were cleaning and drying troop tents and he said that it stinks he has to do it..... So I will caution don't ask him to do significantly more than the other boys in the troop......Guilty..... Make sure you do not sign off on his advancement, peoples, boys will talk. Special treatment, he needs to do it better than any other boy in the troop with out your help. I have an ASM do his SMC's and as SM I do not participate in BOR......... Other than that I don't really interact with him at meetings or outings.....He is under his PL and the SPL....They hold him accountable not me.....He is on the duty roster just like everyone else...... He hangs with his scouting brothers........just as it should be. But my son was in the troop for two years with out dad being around....I was ASM and second adult. on outings.....But he integrated with the troop with out dad there. So advise to you.......I would stop attending meetings and outings for a bit.......Your scout will never find his feet if your there to catch him everytime he stumbles and falls.
  6. We have so many adults involved who were not scouts.....I believe if the BSA truly wants Boy Led Patrol method troops it warrants a course dedicated to such....... How many posts are folks asking how to do it???????
  7. All cubs advance in rank June 1 or at the end of their school year. So if a lad hasn't finished his wolf at the end of school, tough luck he advances to Bear without his wolf patch........ The neckercheifs mean nothing.....Just show what rank they are working on So if it was me.....I would call all of the boys up front who actually completed the rank requirements and award their patches.......Then call the remainder of the den of to change neckercheifs..... NO PATCHES
  8. My district and council both put on quite a few events throughout the year. At the district level, we offer a Cub Scout Family Camping weekend, various special belt loop events, a district-wide Pinewood Derby, an annual Boy Scout Camporee, the annual Klondike Derby (with an option for Webelos to attend), as well as a few other events I can't think of right now. At the council level, add in an annual Webelos Woods camping weekend, a Merit Badge workshop, overnight and day camps for both Boy Scouts and Cubs, High Adventure opportunities, Community Service events, an annual Cub Scout sleepover at the Liberty Science Center, and again more stuff that I'm forgetting. To tell the truth, almost all of these events break even from the entry fees or make a small profit. Luckily we have some dedicated volunteers at both the council and district levels who are very good with financial planning issues, so the money doesn't just disappear... it is budgeted very well and the events can happen year after year! Our events make money... The SE takes the money and puts it in the general fund January 1...... All of the money, no seed money for next years event.
  9. Wow you guys are out of line.... If the IH and COR don't have a problem with the way the SM is running the program, The boys are coming because they like it.... Who are a couple of outsiders to replace the Sm.... I have had one UC in all of my time as an Adult in scouting.....I thru him out after he conducted a uniform inspection that ended in a bunch of mad parents and crying cubs. I, then CM, told him to leave and never ever come back.
  10. Pack are you trolling.... There is an incredible amount of peer pressure,,,,,,, I was forced to take woodbadge by the Districts Good old boys club......New scouter, what did I know, heck I was trying to fit in....You need woodbadge to put on District level cub events......Ok I will do it....Well I did and they still told me know......Well 5 years later they are all gone, no longer active in scouting. Wellyou come back having completed woodbadge....they just pulled out another hurtle......and another and another.....Ok, I get it you don't want me to volunteer. You have zero District level cub programs and your ok with it. Woodbadge was a complete waste of two weekends.....I understand that my course may not be the norm.......But from speaking with other folks, I don't think so...... Did I benefit for woodbadge, naw..... Our patrol never bonded, we were spread out over 200 miles separating us....Country hicks that don't own computers and barely have a house phone, with no answering machine...and the hicks won't drive half way to meet the rest of us for a patrol meeting..... Did my unit benefit....naw....My ticket was stuff I was going to do anyhow.... The things that happened in my course.....All of the councils key volunteers were on staff, IOLS course director, training director, Council Commisioner....just about everyone. Many of staff members held court during lunch or during down times, most of my patrol was busy kissing ass.......I love the inside jokes, not so much.... The announcement song over and over and over again at gillwell. When I was PL I was caught in a fight between the female SPL and her adult son who was in my patrol and very obviously didn't want to be there......I could go on and on and on...
  11. This shouldn't be like youth baseball.... Participation does not equal trophy.....Do the work get the award and recognition. The boys know who earned it and who didn't, don't cheapen the award for the boys who earned it.
  12. I am entertained by the Faith based Boys I wonder who their leaders are going to be???? Purity – Adult members are called to live a life of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word and deed, reserving sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage; marriage being a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman. So no divoreee's, single parents, no grandparents raising grand kids no aduterers.....I wonder about kids conceived out of wed lock...... Of the guys I work with, all college educated engineers and Cad assistants, Not one of their adult children has had a child in wedlock......It is more common for them to live together than get married..... I can say my cub parents are very similar.....
  13. grumble grumble it jacked my link up here it is http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf
  14. Issue 1.....who disallowed the swimming merit badge???? Once the merit badge is signed it is to be awarded. Issue 2....Sounds fair enough....I would never ever permit parents to sign off on requirements......My youth leadership does it. Issue 3 sounds like she is on a power trip...Why does she have any input at all regarding outings..... Issue 4....I would have a couple of coffee with the CC and COR and have her get trained for her position or removed. here is the link to the guide to advancement..
  15. blw2, your scouts aren't old enough yet..........but boys absolutely positively lose their minds when girls are around. My normally in control SPL, turns into a hormone raging lunatic... I don't know if the US male way of treating women or what it is.. I simply don't know, and the way some of the teen age girls dress, goodness gracious...... I don't profess to have an answer.... blw....here is a suggestion, we experimented with it in the Pack....We ran a BPSA den in our Pack for the Girls, making an effective sib den.... The problem is with folks to run it......BPSA it is more important than in the BSA to have scout skills...... I refused to let her run the cub scouty crafty crap and award them Cub scout ranks......just not right in my book...... so in a short period the experiment failed. The gal was registered as a den leader with the Pack so background checks and stuff were done......
  16. Let me see my parents are dead. Wifes parents live 600 miles away...Sometimes my wife is my second adult for outings.....Daughter comes along because she has too, She is 11 and can't spend the weekend home alone. I am not doing anything off hand, she doesn't run with the boys....but she and mom participate in the activities..... At 11 she is tougher than any member of the troop.
  17. At least they let you sign up.....Our GS council would not let a man run a troop....So my daughter tags along with the Pack and Troop.... We experience some pretty significant discrimination from the local girl scout units. Too young too old, wrong school, wrong neighborhood, just short of wrong color.... I do not like the AHG, there have been a few reports of them Bullying their way into events that were closed because it was at capacity by using that mutual support letter.......
  18. had a parent sign and entire Bear book in 10 minutes while I waited years ago....he was going to get his patch
  19. Tell them it looks like it hurts and they should probably do something about it.
  20. I did the same thing.....The PL and SPL have yet to read them....
  21. When previous SM and I joined the troop there were two boys left......the culture was meetings and cabin camping. We recruited some new scouts and we were off......as a side note.....the last two boys of the original troop quit very promptly after we started ramping up the outdoor program. The entire organic advancement was very accidental........Watched billy scout put up the patrol tarp....Let me look at those knots....hey that is pretty good.....you wouldn't happen to have your book with you would you.........Hiking Billy scout hollers back look out for that poison ivy right there.........Check out where the beaver chewed that tree.....look at that squirel nest.....man cool deer track....got your book..... so where are we on the map........how do you know....well here is the feild, the woods are right there and that bridge is just up a head...........first aid happens the same way, well for some of it......Lucky no broken bones and such. I would like to take credit, but it just happened....
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