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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/joining.aspx
  2. Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/joining.aspx
  3. EWD, I hope you experience a gal like this in your future......
  4. I read that about how the webelos' leader has to sign off. That's why I tell her what my son has done, so she can sign off. He can't exactly care for the lawn at scout meeting. He started it a month ago, because that was when there was something to actually do. My husband is rather meticulous with his springtime lawn work, which makes lawn care extremely minimal for the rest of the year. I wanted my son to actually do a bunch of work rather than just go learn how the autoatic sprinkler system work. Family Member is full of stuff that cannot be done at scouts. The Webelos' leader has a routine in which she hands the boy a packet to go home and do at home for the badge. They just do stuff that have to be done as a den together. We were told we had to complete citizenship, fitness, and 1 badge of choice at home in order to earn Webelos. The leader also expects that the boys finish all the badges started at camp- at home. (Trying to find a scientist at work that we can go visit at work. The other boy just talked to his dad, an engineer at home and that was counted for the belt loop.) You make a point about the chart, I'll make him write up the stuff about the lawn and have my husband sign it. In future, I think I'll take photos or something of what he does at home. I don't know how him writing that he did such and such provides proof he did it, but if that's proper preparation to become a boy scout, I'll make him do that too. I don't know if my kid is the only lazy one in the world, but if I don't make him write down stuff, he won't. Perhaps if I make him now, he'll do it next year on his own. Your competely out of control regarding this situation.....you really need to read Vendi's post.....
  5. EDW have you read the posts..... she does not need applauded or praised.....she needs to stop and step back from her sons scouting experience. Vendi hit the nail on the head with this one.
  6. I was thinking the same thing Veni..... I hinted around what I thought in my first post.
  7. Not even a year old and that seems like a life time ago.......
  8. Why hold them back..... 10 years old with the AOL they join the troop..... Of course it is up to the parent and the scout......
  9. "Smart unit leader DO take an interest in district meetings and activities" I go to roundtable month after month and listen to them beg for volunteers....I watch the big troops sit with their arms crossed.....They have 19 adults and none of them can pitch in and help......Another Troop has 30 on the roster. Your going to need to explain that better. What I see you doing is poaching unit leaders for District positions......I disagree with what you are doing. A Cubmaster should not be a UC for his old Pack.....he has too much skin in the game to be a neutral party in any dispute. So what is more important, Adults working the youth level direct contact or Adults sitting in adult meetings about a bunch of nebulus things that never come to pass. In the UC manual it says that they should not be registered in any other position in scouting.......
  10. hmmm My district....bunch of fellows sitting in meetings and there is never any results. They meet every month various committees and nothing ever changes.....Finance committee...what in the world do they do???? District Commissioner, typically a business man and not a scouter....He is key to raise funds for the council....Spends his time setting up golf outings and skeet shoots. Membership committee.....the guys the DE yells at and trys to hold accountable for missed recruiting numbers. Not much else. Activities Committee.....they do nothing, we haven't had a district event since I was day camp director 4 or 5 years ago. Advancement committee...Send a rep to the troop eagle boards. They spin stories of bad eagle projects and terrbile scouts. Roundtable commissioners....Run the round table. He does a pretty decent job. Finance committee/????? is that the Friend of scouting guy????? We never have any money despite Golf outings and skeet shoots that raise lots of camporee. Unit commisioners.....are supposed to fill out reports on teh health of units....The are the go between the De and unit, answer the units questions about operations. So with all of the meetings, I don't see any results...No camporees, no cub events, we do have a roundtable.....nothing else.
  11. So how many boys are you planning to lose before the hooligan's rain is over.... this isn't 1920, parents and boys don't have the patience for the shenanigans of a hooligan.
  12. Why does he need all 20 activity pins......If memory serves....he only needs 11 to get his AOL. I am in a non LDS unit and the boys typically join the troop in February of their first year in Webelos. We attend Webelos resident camp Aquanaut, Geologist, Forester and sportsman and a Webelos woods event, readyman, outdoorsman, scientist ....Den meetings handyman, Enginneer, artist, fitness and showman..........Super easy to finish the AOL in 9 months. In reading the OP's other post I think her son is the webelo in the pack.
  13. Here is the link to the cub uniforming page http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/home/cubscouts/parents/awards/parents.aspx
  14. There is no requirement to wear the uniform.... No where in the BSA literature will it say it is not required......I challenge you to show me a document that says it is
  15. Wow, I think the wording on the requirement is screwed up..... So the way it reads is a boy can change a light bulb and then make sure it works for two weeks.......That can't possibly be correct. I need to dig up my sons book and look at it. Build a saw horse how do you do that for two weeks. When I was WDL we would use the household chores and chart those for a week..... We would check the oil and change the tail lights and tires on my truck, we would do a bike rodeo and the boys would inflate their bike tires and lube their chains......of course change a light bulb..... Sounds like you have a history with the den leader already. So if he is not working on activity badges, what is he doing at the den meetings.
  16. As parent you shouldn't be signing off anything for your webelo scout. This is the transition period to boy scouts.... If he did the rock collection, shouldn't be a big deal to share it with his den?????? or is it????? So what exactly does taking care of the lawn mean??? He mowed it twice??? I would rather him take out the trash every day for two weeks or wash the dishes for two weeks...... So look at the character connection.... List the tasks to keep your home running List the tasks that you are responsible for Chose one and do it well for two weeks..... Ya I think mowing the lawn twice is short cutting the intent of the requirement......To me the intent of the requirement is to show that you have to work every single day to keep a household running.
  17. I really like this article..... Especially like the Fishers of men..... http://www.arkansasbaptist.org/letters-to-editor/2013/5/24/an-open-letter-to-southern-baptists-from-the-bsa-religious-r.html
  18. as a youth I attended NYLT which was brown sea at the time. So including my time in scouting as a youth I had 20 years in scouting when I attended.
  19. Your DE will help you with that Friends of Scouting will help us improve the program for your boy.
  20. They being the media.....Not the church...... My commanding skill of the written language...come on now ya know what I was thinking
  21. from the link " Tim Hester, executive pastor of Southeast Christian, said the youth organization’s consideration of that issue started the discussion that eventually led to the church’s board of elders deciding against renewing the church’s charter with Troop 212, but it wasn’t the deciding issue. The charter was going to be broken regardless of the Boy Scout vote, he said."
  22. I don't worry about it....But when it was cuddle time around the campfire it was a big you got to be kidding me. I have no illusions that on weekends when they are not camping they are bumping uglies...... I know at least one scout master who doesn't sleep when the troop goes camping......I have told myself it I start doing that I will quit....I can't imagine how he would behave with dating couples in camp..... Q......Was the owner of the before mentioned prophylactic known???? Made for an interesting trash sweep. Probably a few chuckles......and at least they were taking precautions......not that it makes me feel any better.
  23. The fix for that is a single day pinewood derby......Cut them out and have the boys decorate them with sharpies and race them in the same day.... Removes dads from tinkering.... Our speed trophies are small.....Our biggest trophy is for the best fuel economy, slowest, and Best Scouts own....Which is a car that was very obviously build by the scout. The best story for pinewood is a webelo, he got his kit at the christmas party and had it completed with paint by the first den meeting in january......Our race is mid Feb.....Well that car had probably 1,000 miles on it from trips on the church floor by race day....... Well the car was really rough, made with nothing more than a wood rasp.....and painted with water color paint. It was a mess, But ya know he placed third overall. We have had parents buy cars on ebay......
  24. this is a non story... The church decided to not renew it's charter before the vote.....Now they are going to try to link it to the vote.
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