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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. The GSUSA is Draconian with the way they run the cookie sale....I doubt dissolving the troop would have ended it for the unit leaders..... From what I have read every BSA council Runs their Popcorn/fundraisers differently....... Some won't let you return less than full cases....Some won't let you return at all......Others return as much as you want. In our unit.....All popcorn is paid for up front.....This minimizes the units liability...... This minimizes the lost stolen, eaten popcorn. Once the popcorn leaves the units hands is the parent and youth problem.
  2. I don't generally have an extra $1k laying around to give to anyone....Just sayin.
  3. Let me see time.... I had the 6 days for the course.... I had 5 days for the LNT training, part of my ticket......LNT is more screwed up than the BSA....No Trainer courses offered in my home state for 2 years.... The other ticket items.....easily another week, running here and there, scheduling appointments and meetings. so I am going to say abut 18 days. Should I include the time trying to get a hold and meeting with my ticket councilor......that would be another couple of days for missed meetings and such......
  4. KKD There are three LNT different course. One is a single day class...Typically free. Second is a trainer course...I took this one....Typically three days...Cost from $100 to $400 depending on the provider Third is a master educator course.....This is a week long and cost between $500 and $1500 depending on the provider The third course is completely off the hook.....I see no reason why you would ever need to take this course.....I back packed for three days and had to do a presentation to the group.....It was no big deal....
  5. I think my course was around $300.......Then the old ticket....I traveled out of state for Leave no trace training......That was an extra $500. so by the time the smoke cleared I had a grand in it pretty easy.....
  6. How did I miss this....... Nike....I have yet to meet the young man who makes a grand mowing lawns..... So Krampus, why $1000 and not $100????? We have Dennis99ss or something like that who flys his troop to summer camp. We have that gay denied eagle scout from san fransisco whose troop travels to Alaska and hawaii... We have another troop that post to this forum that flew to Valley Forge from Texas for a weekend event.....Who and the heck does that with a Troop??? Obviously your not hauling patrol boxes and tents.......So how does that contribute to the program. At what point does it become man scouting and not boy scouting...........The boys can learn leadership at the local camp better than jetting off to Half Dome or Mt. McKinley. We got an email from our summer camp....The CD has relented and they rich boys are bringing their golf carts and gators again this year........great.......I am glad we will not be going back there, ever if I have my way. But yet I cannot bring my mountain bike to ride on the roads.......
  7. So a question to the group..... Who takes your boys to the ordeal weekend???? Well I took my boys that were elected and had been tapped out this weekend.....Looked to be the only SM that did it. I saw a bunch of helicopter parents this weekend while dropping my group off.....Parents carrying their son's gear, medical form and registration standing in line.....Then this morning, the parents going out to the campsite and taking down tents and carrying gear to the cars this morning.....Then the mom feeding her fat boy a mcdonalds big breakfast, never mind he just ate in the dining hall. I was sitting on the porch to the dining hall enjoying the circus.....I am handed a cup of coffee, Fellow i recognize from roundtable.....He was our districts chapter advisor....... He commented that a number OA candidates that can't pitch a tent and several who went home homesick.. I didn't ask about my guys, I know they are solid..... Soon enough my guys came out from breakfast.....Smiling and happy, Soon there was 10 scouts chatting, video games, the event, the upcoming conclave, jambo, chapter meetings. I just sat their and listened to the banter, enjoying the moment.....They carried on till their various parent said they had to go......Brotherhood, It was good to see....
  8. I guarantee that it ended up on their resume... While your laughing about it......Using the endowment in that manner is inappropriate and shameful
  9. Your information is incorrect....Dan.....That endowment fund is used to make up shortfalls in the budget....... I believe it was Eamon, who is the forum member whom I consider to be the expert on council level scouting, he said that the west money is used for more than just an endowment. I wish the blasted search function worked I would provide a link to the thread
  10. Wow that council has some great marketing if they are getting Cub leaders to attend. You did what they hoped you would do, recruited more to attend
  11. Remember any money you raise like this needs to be reported as income....why not go mow a wa few yards or recycle some aluminum cans. Or put an add for yard work or painting.... asking for donations is lazy
  12. Here is an honest why...... You are required, at least in our council, to have 21st version to be a scoutmaster for our Jambo contingent. And after sitting in the parents meetings for my sons trip.....I would never want that job.....You thought the boys were neurotic.....Of course several parents micro analyse the emails sent by national and the poor SM..... Fricken relax your not going and your scout will have a great time.
  13. must breath..... Choking on my coffee........That is too funny
  14. I think you have a big brother sort of chat with him..... I wouldn't delve into his thoughts or beliefs on sexual orientation. But ask him to look back and remember the enjoyment he has found in scouting.. Ask him to look at the Eagle scouts he knows and if he would like to join them in the brotherhood.
  15. Kudu that isn't close to a hooligan... hoo·li·gan /ˈhu:lɪgən/ noun plural hoo·li·gans [count] : a usually young man who does noisy and violent things as part of a group or gang ▪ The windows were broken by a gang of teenage hooligans. ▪ soccer hooligans [=violent soccer fans who fight against other soccer fans]  hoo·li·gan·ism /ˈhu:lɪgəˌnɪzəm/ noun [noncount] This is the hooligan I deal with.....The troop bully who disrupts his patrol meetings when the leader is out of the room.....The fellow who gets elected through intimidation.
  16. wow thats odd....I tried to post it a couple of times and gave up.... Now I check back and it posted 4 times over a half an hour period.....odd
  17. We have this discussion I think annually here.. There is no set age for boys entering cub scouts.....Home schoolers drive me crazy about this..... Tiger Cubâ€â€Must be under the age of 8, who has completed kindergarten or is in the first grade or be age 7. So what about the 5 year old home schooler who tests at a first grade level. or the school system that starts kids in kindergarten at 5 instead of 6........ Many schools start the kids earlier....so it is very possible to have a 4 th grader in boy scouts....I think lisabobs son was one of them. To answer your question, yes I had a number of boys who were 10.5 during their 4th grade year and joined the troop. Generally most of the previous years webelos have joined the troop by Christmas.
  18. We have this discussion I think annually here.. There is no set age for boys entering cub scouts.....Home schoolers drive me crazy about this..... Tiger Cubâ€â€Must be under the age of 8, who has completed kindergarten or is in the first grade or be age 7. So what about the 5 year old home schooler who tests at a first grade level. or the school system that starts kids in kindergarten at 5 instead of 6........ Many schools start the kids earlier....so it is very possible to have a 4 th grader in boy scouts....I think lisabobs son was one of them. To answer your question, yes I had a number of boys who were 10.5 during their 4th grade year and joined the troop. Generally most of the previous years webelos have joined the troop by Christmas.
  19. We have this discussion I think annually here.. There is no set age for boys entering cub scouts.....Home schoolers drive me crazy about this..... Tiger Cubâ€â€Must be under the age of 8, who has completed kindergarten or is in the first grade or be age 7. So what about the 5 year old home schooler who tests at a first grade level. or the school system that starts kids in kindergarten at 5 instead of 6........ Many schools start the kids earlier....so it is very possible to have a 4 th grader in boy scouts....I think lisabobs son was one of them. To answer your question, yes I had a number of boys who were 10.5 during their 4th grade year and joined the troop. Generally most of the previous years webelos have joined the troop by Christmas.
  20. We have this discussion I think annually here.. There is no set age for boys entering cub scouts.....Home schoolers drive me crazy about this..... Tiger Cubâ€â€Must be under the age of 8, who has completed kindergarten or is in the first grade or be age 7. So what about the 5 year old home schooler who tests at a first grade level. or the school system that starts kids in kindergarten at 5 instead of 6........ Many schools start the kids earlier....so it is very possible to have a 4 th grader in boy scouts....I think lisabobs son was one of them. To answer your question, yes I had a number of boys who were 10.5 during their 4th grade year and joined the troop. Generally most of the previous years webelos have joined the troop by Christmas.
  21. We have this discussion I think annually here.. There is no set age for boys entering cub scouts.....Home schoolers drive me crazy about this..... Tiger Cubâ€â€Must be under the age of 8, who has completed kindergarten or is in the first grade or be age 7. So what about the 5 year old home schooler who tests at a first grade level. or the school system that starts kids in kindergarten at 5 instead of 6........ Many schools start the kids earlier....so it is very possible to have a 4 th grader in boy scouts....I think lisabobs son was one of them. To answer your question, yes I had a number of boys who were 10.5 during their 4th grade year and joined the troop. Generally most of the previous years webelos have joined the troop by Christmas.
  22. Like JC....I am lucky to get a year out of a pair of pants..... Of course I wear mine 4 days a week and some weeks every day.....
  23. Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.
  24. Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/joining.aspx
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