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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So we are back to rank advancement as a check list...... The spirit or soul of the scout be damned...... Like old Krampus johnny rottencamper ....... What happened to the BSA being the builder of men????
  2. Ya know the Anti gay folks were right on this point..... The assault on god has begun
  3. I would suggest you log into myscouting and take the Safe Swim Defense class it will answer your questions. No the BSA does not prevent you from swimming on HAT..... Some of the rules are pretty tough to abide by in the back country...... Water Clarity and the amount of junk in the river would impact my decision.
  4. I wonder why I didn't receive that email........ I still think the entire crew needs fired........From the ticket with no name screw up..... now the permission slips that are no longer any good and need resigned with a 4 page form...... We are less than 2 months out.......I hope they have their stuff together when my scout arrives. I have significant doubts..
  5. Does anyone have a phone number to call at national to get this resolved???????/
  6. So what are you doing that warrants that sort of thing????? Resident camp??? naw.....
  7. We used leather working letter stamps and symbols.
  8. So my expectation that the boys actually live the oath and law is too high????? I hear about a school yard brawl involving my scouts, I am out of line for asking for an SMC. I over hear a scout bragging about things he is doing with and too his girl friend, I am out of line for asking for an SMC???? I don't believe the oath and law are similar in any way to the scout shirt......The shirt when the meeting is over is taken off and hung in the closet. In my book you simply don't shed the oath and law when you exit the meeting. I have told my scouts about some of their antics and my disappointment and their thoughts about living the oath and law.
  9. So your shoplifting Life scout gets caught 1 time or 10 times.........At what point is their no forgiveness and disqualifiies him???? Or how about the Life scout you over hear talking about sex with his girlfriend.....you council him only for him to continue?????? How about the life scout who is a brawler????? Fights at school over and over and over....fights at summer camp...... Where doe it end????
  10. So I get an email that my scout is missing his Jambo physical, they never received it online or via mail This is complete Bull because I filled it out and mailed it well before the deadline. I printed what I mailed and got it signed by his doctor so I know it was there........ So I try to log in to his dashboard......His physical page is competely missing.......What the heck........this isn't the first IT webpage screw up at the jamboree.....I have never seen an IT department run like this train wreck...... So I start sending emails to everything I can find on the summit page....they are bouncing higher than a basketball, many come back undelivable.......No phone numbers to call... So at this point I am stuck.....I have called an left a message for his Troops SM Ya I am pissed......for the amount of money spent this has been a very second rate experience. Bottom line someone high up needs to get the ax out and start chopping that department to shredsssss...... Pretty obvious they are unable to do their job.
  11. I can't PM for some reason Q you guys did Dolly Sods in the past.....what loop did you take???? how about water????
  12. I believe he is a she..... I wasn't there, but from the way the account was written a big deal was made by both parties.... Now a price is being paid......Not saying I agree with it......
  13. So question to the group....... In the past years on this forum the group has determined the following legal and illegal activities are NOT grounds for Eagle denial. Alcohol consumption Homosexuality, when not permitted Smoking Illegal Drug use Shoplifting Various Thefts Criminal damaging Criminal mystif fire setting Lying Fighting Intimidation Bullying Swearing Various sexual activity on troop outings...... and now Fathering a child is on the acceptable list. While many of the things are kids being kids........ Where is the line when we say enough is enough????? The old Eagle is getting more and more tarnished.....
  14. The Parents need a SMC. What responsible parent would let their teenage son who is a new father continue in scouting?? To my mind, fathering or mothering a child immediately makes you an adult......No passing go, no more partys no more sports, no more hanging out on friday night. No more scouting..... So earning an Eagle isn't a possibility.
  15. A quote "In July I will be attending the National Jamboree for Boy Scouts. There are still a few things that I need to get and I need some money for the road. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. Please help by funding." Makes me warm and fuzzy about donating So With 800 friends on Facebook the lad has yet to raise $1.
  16. who cares what district or council thinks??? Especially with the way they have treated you. there was a district that had all the SM's write on a white board where they were going to summer camp.......When it was a council owned camp there was applause and attaboys. out of council was met with boos and hisses....... Our troop never goes to in council camps. cheaper and better program elsewhere.
  17. I still and forever will contend that the folks who have or say woodbadge is life changing have led very sheltered and shallow lives..... No hardships or tough choices...... Ya we had a bunch of folks that were in tears at the end of the course......I didn't get it........ Honestly I never felt like crying after a management course ended......
  18. I am guessing you made a big deal about the hat thing.. and made some enemy's at council.
  19. Gee Khaliela That higher birthrate wouldn't have anything to do with the fact the nations poor don't have access to birth control the same as the wealthy..... Poor kids are more often left at home alone between end of school and the time parents get home from work... I think the rates for teenage intercourse are the same for rich and poor......the difference is one can afford or is educated to take precautions the other is not..... Local wealthy school made the news with many student getting ejected from the prom for having sex on the dance floor.......The only rules the dance was the girls hands could not be on the floor and had to be above her knees when dancing........I can't imagine what was going on to make that a required rule.
  20. So the BSA currently has a black eye......You are helping this fellow blacken the other one....... give it a rest for cryin out loud.....
  21. Unless National elects not to validate the application. Section of your GtA. Ya can open up that GTA and crawl right into it and slam it shut.... Once the local board passes it, it's gold far as I am concerned..... How many times have you heard of drug using, shoplifting, bullying scouts get denied at the local level to only have it over ruled by national......
  22. Just as with all other BSA ranks.....the second he passes his board of review he is that rank... There is no Legal nonsense..... Brief is good and the shorter the better is even better..... the thing to remember is IT IS YOUR SON"S, not your court of honor.......Let him make as big or small a deal about it as he wants. Abide by his wishes.
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