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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. cough cough..... The parents are looking for a free vacation.... My beef is that the webelo wants to go to Philmont and the Jamboree when he crosses over.... mom and dad removing $300 to take a vacation just rubs me wrong.
  2. To the group........ So you have a scout who is a no show for months, no communication as the whys........Recharter time comes around and a check shows up in the mail for his fee......... Do you recharter him?????
  3. So what you are talking about is a single page document with a list of locations and phone numbers. Maybe available activities????? Not much of a woodbadge ticket item.
  4. Your district eagle board will over rule scout spirit or smc being withheld...... Once the boy completes the project he would have to be a mass murderer or on that order of magnitude for his eagle to be withheld You missed your chance to do quality control when you kept rechartering him as a no show.
  5. I am not out to thin the herd. But it just doesn't seem proper to me for the parents to use a scouts fundraising money to attend scout events...... My example....Webelos resident camp the Scout has $500 in his account initially only he was going. Dad asks how much is in his account.....Now mom and dad are both going on the boys fundraising efforts. ......the only reason the sibs weren't going was they are not permited by the camp.....
  6. Polaris you are not correct......Campsites can change very dramatically...Either thru vandalism, fires, thefts or closures....... One of our favorite campsites had its water well status changed to not potable. Had another where the picnic tables were all stolen..... yet another took out it's fire rings. had one that no longer permits scout groups.
  7. I am thinking your SOL when it comes to doing anything to hold the young man up or preventing the eagle. My question to you is..... How does your recharter process work??? Do the boys pay their own fees or does the troop pay an keep them on the roster till they age out/???? Do you have an attendance policy?????? We have one and it has significantly improved our attendance. The absolute biggest mistake I see made here is the continual rechartering of a boy who isn't active.
  8. How about parents who just want to attend the premium events.....such as canoeing, spelunking.........The parent did not help in the sale beyond dropping the scout off.
  9. What are your thoughts about Parents or Scouters having either their own ISA accounts or using their sons to pay for scouting activities......Now I am talking specifically about unit fundraising dollars being placed in them.....Not deposits they have made by them or on their behalf.
  10. the problem with this sort of book is who is going to maintain it......and how is it going to be created??? Are you going to drive to each site and evaluate it annually or semi annually????? Without maintenance the book is worthless.
  11. I think 12 is too small for real patrol method using two patrols.......two patrols of 6 boys....So think monthly campouts....Your going to end up with two patrols of 4 boys each. I think your selection method was good. Sounds like your ASM is looking out for his scout and not the entire Troop.
  12. Fred....Tried that and ended up with one patrol. then we ended up with a hero and zeros patrol system......Well that didn't work either. Initially you need to assign the patrols..... Assign for balance......Friendships be darned.
  13. while that is good guidance....I think about Krampus and his parent led troop. Like Fehler, my read is that the boy does not need to have a six month long project of significant duration....But he needs to show leadership and teach others during its course.
  14. Why not balloons???? I bought fun sized starburst and m&ms and for each balloon popped they got a candy from the bowl.
  15. hmmm How is the troop storage situation??? Could it use a good cleaning and cataloging????? We are responsible for maintaining our CO's playground, Put him in charge of the work crew that takes care of it over the summer?? Or how about volunteering at the Districts Cub day camp.......That might be a suggestion....
  16. Ya your over reacting http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/stats/ Ticks happen.....most of the ticks I see are the brown dog ticks.. I generally remove a couple a year from my son and I.....No big deal
  17. If he slide it a crossed the table to me and said here.... No. But if he sat down and said...... Here is my allowance deposits, here is where I deposited my lawn mowing money birthday money......I doubt his total finances are on that card.....I was saving for the new video game or ipod and here is where I bought it....Here is where I paid for the cmp out. He probably doesn't have monthly expenses..... Q thats funny
  18. For me it would depend on how the scout presented it.
  19. So did anyone else get the last round of emails from national??? I will say that at least they put a phone number in this one....well scout sons physical has mysteriously disappeared but I printed and mailed it in February..... The wait on hold 30 minutes and repeated disconnects weren't too bad..... person I spoke with spoke very plain English. Glad to see it wasn't out sourced to india
  20. Dad out rules SM...... So for Dad to take such drastic measures....it musta been a great wound..... From the sound of it, your lucky he didn't take all of your knives and hawks.
  21. Reading the application found on the OA website.... To be elected as an adult you really need to have a skill they want.....I was under the impression that the SM's were all automatic.....That doesn't appear to be the case any more. From what I observed on my scouts OA ordeal weekend. It is very Boy led and run....The boys did it all, from checking them in to wrist banding them, to sorting them into groups, leading them out of the dining hall the cooking crew......The adults hung back and were advisors nothing more... It is my opinion that the boys need scouting outside the troop with out the old SM hanging around..... So what do you want to do in the OA and why????? Maybe I am burnt out, maybe just too busy with my local unit......But I am good with bein a chauffeur for once.
  22. The funny part is that is part of his play train set in his back yard..... Dad told him that the money has been cut off and he needed to earn his way His response was to have a donation drive on the internet
  23. I was referring to God or belief in a higher power within the BSA. One of the anti gay folks said it would be next
  24. Shallow fair enough.... But reading the antics going on here and other forums.....leaves a fellow to ponder what being a eagle really is about?????
  25. So not only do you have to manage your contigent, now your responsible for putting on the program...... Nice.
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