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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I agree with what you preach But you are not being even remotely helpful.. So our July outing.....The lad has done nothing to plan it......I applied pressure to get him going......If it were my son I would have booted him in the ass to get him going......Well he is not, so I cannot apply the fatherly boot. Spoke with him this evening and he made significant progress today......We have a campsite...and program ideas........
  2. KDD kudu's program isn't about giving everyone a chance to try leadership......It is about the natural leaders taking over and running the outings.... Your son wouldn't get an opportunity to give it a try.... Ok wise guy explain to me how the following is helpful ". Purchase 26 Troop Librarian patches. 2. Ask your SPL to appoint one Troop Librarian for every letter of the alphabet. Especially valuable are letters for which you have no book titles. They teach the very highest form of leadership: Innovation (the ability to package nothing as something). 3. Announce that everyone in the Troop now has a "POR" for advancement." Stupid post like this remove any shred of credibility you had.
  3. that is where I am at Fred...... I want all of the boys to earn their way.....But I also don't want to risk any legal problems for our CO or parents.
  4. No I don't treat the SPL like this..... But I haven't heard him keep repeating 300 feet 300 feet 300 feet........ You just keep spouting the same crap year after year after year...... I get it Just not very helpful
  5. Again.... Not very helpful I am glad it helps your sense of superiority
  6. Had a long conversation with the Jambo contigent SM, He is also the SM for the local NYLT training. as you can imagine most of the boys in the Jambo Troop had also attended NYLT in his troop. Well much to his dismay, NONE of the NYLT attendees volunteered for Senior positions of leadership in the Jambo troop. His the Jambo ASM is more cynical of NYLT calling it a waste of time and only the privileged scouts can go........ I went to the course 30 something years ago.....I found it helpful and had a good time. I was going to try and send a couple of boys summer 2014.
  7. Accepting.....I believe he understands that he has not done the job. Only time will tell
  8. Glad you feel better posting it......But not very helpful
  9. I guess that is the issue.... Is he completely lost and comes a crossed uninterested.....Or doesn't he care?????? that is the million dollar question. Well tonight I sat down with the spl duties out of the book and asked him if he honestly did the duties one at a time......HIs answer was no to most.......I suggested we wait on the smc and bor till those answers were yes's.
  10. I have a SMC with each webelo that joins the troop....and a Parent scout meeting right afterward...We go over our welcome packet.....I would like to tand them off to the SPL but we are not to that point yet.
  11. It is more my growing frustration with the lad.......The return on my time spent with him, is next to zero...I just don't see any growth or interest in the position. His failure to consistently provide leadership in the troop.....Unless I call him to make sure he has a program scheduled he won't do it.
  12. We do an AOL presentation to the entire group.....They receive their Arrow and plaque.... The boys who have not filled out the application to join the troop are then dismissed to their seats. The boys who are joining the troop participate in the bridging ceremony. they cross the bridge, receive new epilauttes, book, troop tshirt and hat.
  13. Role model???? The boys earning the AOL are not role models they are just boys. So mom or dad drug them to the Den meetings, they sat semi attentively and may or may not have learned anything. The AOL is more an endurance award than anything. Attendance = Completion
  14. And weren't you removed as an adult leader from that troop??????
  15. Currently 3 patrols....My troop is very young and there lies part of the problem.
  16. Let me see..... Simple meeting.....He some times starts on time, He can lead the pledge, oath, law and outdoor code and thats it. He cannot make announcements for upcoming events, he cannot conduct or guide the PL's to do the sign ups. His contribution to the troop meeting is british bull dog. I asked how he thought he was doing my weekly meetings with the SPL.....He thinks he is doing fine....We review the meeting and I ask....How did your portion of the meeting go?? he says great.....I follow up with what did you teach tonight???? silence. Been trying to get him to plan our august outing, the date is set....that is it..... Might just have to miss August I guess.....
  17. A troop with one or two patrols do not need an SPL.
  18. Well my SPL has been in his position for nearly 4 months now and has asked for an Smc for advancement. Let's just say his performance has been really weak. Missed plc's and failure to plan upcoming outings...... less than prepared for the meetings......heck he can't even tell you what the next out is going to be..... He is aware thoughts on his performance and has a improvement plan......He has yet to implement anything we have talked about. I have tried to train the lad....met with him weekly to plan next weeks meeting......still nothing. Let's just say I am not happy with the performance and much less happy regarding his request for a smc. I don't see any option. other than meet with him and pass him on to the bor and give the cc a heads up on my thought..... To me he has not fulfilled the por in a reasonable manner So to the group......whether it is laziness.....lack of Interest or parent driven......what have you done with this scout??????
  19. Many units use Individual Scout Accounts, ISA, as a way to make scouting affordable to families..... Several forum members have commented that it is unethical to raise money and then deposit it in an ISA for individual Benefit. Is it unethical??? So removing ISA accounts how does one ensure fair or equal distribution of effort and benefit???? Mandatory fund raising hours as a condition of membership??? I am looking for ideas with the pending Again....My parents have no problem putting their hand out for help......
  20. Keep beating me up Stosh ISA accounts are standard practice in our district and council from what I can tell. Units give from 50-100% of the fundraiser directly to the scouts. Some units allow parents, leaders or not, to use these funds to attend outings....I am talking big trips not simply going to summer camp. One unit rented cabins at mammoth cave and spent a week there and it turned into a family vacation for the unit. All of it through their ISA account financed by the popcorn, mulch sale and christmas tree lot. We have another unit in council that works one of the concession locations at the local pro sport team, the scouts cannot work the station because of beer sales so it is adults only. I understand that they make $80k a year doing so resulting in a completely free program for the scouts. Q......your right I don't have a dog in the fight and it is none of my business. But it is wrong for a parent of a boy with a donated uniform and book, borrowed gear to use his ISA money to go to camp.......I won't be so mad about it if I didn't know that Dad can't hold a job because of MJ use and video games, and he couldn't tear himself away from the video games to drop and retrieive his scout after the fundraising events....... Guess dad will need to figure it out for next year
  21. So is the hero and zero patrol model ok or acceptable????? I think it is a recipe for losing boys.......
  22. So how many cub age boys do you think are interested in an archery test????? Maybe a few.... You must have a lot better equipment than our day camps do, be cause we are lucky if they can hit the 4 foot round and make it stick....We have the cheapo fiberglass bows and a mismash of 10 year old arrows....
  23. Stosh..... We use the send me to camp message.........No lie no deception When we were buying tents.....We say exactly that.
  24. They are not den leaders or even leaders in the Pack.....What happened they saw the camp flyer that invited parents along too.... It rubs me wrong......I work to hard on the fundraisers so the boys can have a program and be able to attend camps... Then Mom and Dad are blowing this boys money so they can have a free vacation.....
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