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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Sounds like your district guy is recruiting a new member for manning the councils cope course. Your unit probably won't benefit as much as you think.... Rapelling is to expensive on the unit level.......I know I could not afford the ropes, harnesses, helmets and hardware to equip a patrol... So your going to spend thousands of dollars on the gear and use it once a year or maybe twice..... I have 4 boys who want to become rappell masters...but the minimum age is 14 so it will be a year or two....for most of them.....But We attend the local rappell master workshop as the test subjects..... I will always contend that my scout riding his bike to the quickie mart for a slushy or hanging at the pool with his peeps checking out the ladies shouldn't count for the award. Even if your contending the desire to earn the award makes every activity he does Under the auspices.
  2. Well my scout is one of the lucky ones who didn't get a schedule.....
  3. It is the dumbest thing I have ever seen..... My coworkers who are nutters have tens of thousands of rounds of 223 and 9mm...... I keep asking them for what..... Like Pack said..... They believe they will have to revolt against the government or the zombie apocalypse is coming. I don't get it......and the 22lr is non exsistant locally....I am glad I have a couple of bricks a head.
  4. Discounted uniforms??? Well sorry BSA if your gonna send my scout home for hanes socks then so be it..... Remember a couple of years a go the announcement that every participant was going to have a communication device of some sort.....hmmmmm My Beef isn't the up charge but the fact is was included initially then pulled back without a reduction in cost for the mass
  5. Canoeing isn't my thing.....Bored out of my mind..... But what the heck....thats what they want to do.
  6. Locally the troop tends to take on the personality of the SM. We have the Parlor troop ran by the metrosexual. We have the high adventure SM who runs a trip to philmont, northern tier and Sea base on a rotational basis. And a lot of guys like me who try to get the boys out monthly. So your sitting at the PLC planning meeting.....They are staring at the walls the ceiling, with blank looks....Do you start dropping crumbs and help them find their way or let them wander around in the dark. I let them struggle a bit... then start dropping crumbs....It tends to be things I like to do.....So I do steer the program....I hope someday I can sit in the background and they do it all themselves.
  7. So did your SM go thru your son's gear at their shakedown camp out????? Well ours did and every tshirt even completely blank was rejected. All of his target synthetics were rejected because they didn't have the BSA logo.....His olive short were rejected....because they were not BSA. Well I told him I don't have $250 to spend on a BSA clothing for his trip....So he is going with what he has.....Tough cookies for his scout master
  8. Well I hope my scout has a good time....... I know I spent a lot of money on the trip....Over $100 a day......plus the rafting extra costs.....
  9. Troop webhost does allow you to link to your personal google calendar....The link is per sign on so when the person leaves or goes in active the link goes away.
  10. Wooooo Whoo....another volume to digest by the lawyer scouts and scouters.... Is there a clif notes of changes????
  11. I would find another troop....Or step up and make a difference....... In August we are doing 19 miles with an overnight canoeing..... the outfitter is charging us $20 per canoe......very nice discount...... I imagine it is a class one no boiling rapids..... So your event that is going to take what a whole hour or two??????
  12. I give up KDD your son's scouting program has got to be the absolute worst on the planet. Not meeting in the summer is not the norm in my part of the country, we all meet year round. We camp 11 months out of the year, canoe, hike, rapell, camp, backpack........ I am sorry that you feel the need to bend the rules so your scout can feel special..... My boys, if they choice to earn it, will earn it as written..............At troop, patrol, council, or national events. You were asked to be SM.....if you don't step up then whose to blame????????????????
  13. Duhhhhh KDD if they are completing a merit badge it is under the auspices.....
  14. Complete 100 miles of hiking or backpacking under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including miles hiked as part of requirement 2. Complete at least 50 hours of any combination of swimming, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, small-boat sailing, or whitewater activity under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including time spent in requirements 2 through 4 Complete 10 of any combination or repetition of the following adventure activities under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America: Every single segment has an under the auspices line....Not sure what your looking at??????? http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/Youth/Awards/NOA.aspx So I will send my request for them to add the verbage under the auspices to the gold devices as well..... But it completely stupid that they need too.....you would think that in the main requirement is the only place it should be needed.
  15. Not a very helpful post KDD. We don't allow the boys to bring snacks so I eat in the dining hall with the boys......I am not better than they are...... My first question is it he is allergic or just doesn't like them?????? If it is an allergy, I have found every single BSA camp very responsive to food allergys..... If he is truly allergic and it is noted on his medical form and your not getting any reassurances from your contingents scout master I would call the national jambo line at 972-580-2489... Have his member number and jambo troop number availble in case they ask.... I will bet that they will provide him a substitute.. On the staff listing there is a listing for Retail food sales
  16. Up at moms today.......Blueberrys are peaking...hmmmm..
  17. In the past I have gone way out of the way to help a young man earn rank.....From scheduling make up days, which no one showed, to even going over to pick them up and no body home. The three make up days I spent doing chores in the CO..... The boy has already missed wolf, bear, no way to make it up. I wouldn't bother...
  18. It all must be done with in scouting...... Why in the world would they require the first bit to be within scouting and then the additional for gold devices in any old manner.... I believe all of it should take place under the auspice.
  19. If everyone is a member then is stops being the National Honor society of scouting.
  20. Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event. However You Must apply BSA Rules They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming They Observe BSA Guidelines I agree... Taking something so simple Then Try to apply the Guide to Advancement too it..... Just because a scout wants to earn the outdoor award does not automatically make absolutely every time he swims, boats bikes or camps apply... He's got to do it with the scouts in some manner.
  21. Lets look at the size of the commitment when volunteering for the BSA....If you volunteer as tiger den leader you could be volunteering for 12 years or more.... weekly meetings, one weekend a month campout, one week of summer camp a year.......Then your taking boys who have, boy type judgement, so there is an element of risk .It is a huge commitment Let me see little league, what 12 weeks maybe Volunteering with the parks...sure. We are now dealing with the millenial parents....They expect atta boys for showing up and running the weekly den meeting, or helping with a trash pick up........Lets face it being a volunteer with the BSA won't get your picture in the paper or an invite to the local volunteer recongition banquet.... The other thing to keep in mind that many large corps now require volunteerism as a condition of employment....I have been to several events were corporate HR folks are holding sign ins and outs........ So while the numbers look good.....I am going to bet if we remove the forced corporate volunteers the numbers will go down. The final problem.....How does one exit the BSA???? So do you just quit and hope someone steps in.....Or do you keep working till your replaced.....
  22. To do this you will need to reconfigure the Scout and Adult user roles. This process is described in our User Guide here: http://www.troopwebhost.org/help.aspx?ID=200 For the Scout role, you need to uncheck the task named "_Scout" and check the specific tasks you want all scouts to have. For the Adult role, you need to uncheck the task named "_Adult" and check the specific tasks you want all adults to have. In both cases, do not include the task "View Membership Information" if you want to prevent them from seeing the troop directories. Please let us know if you have any further questions about this. We'll be glad to help.
  23. Kinda tough backpacking with a baker tent
  24. Pretty obvious that old charmoc is either a troll or king of paper eagles.... So folks nothing to see move on.
  25. It is pretty obvious my son every lad in my troop is.....
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