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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. One man tents are poor choices for scout camping..... First they take nearly the same foot print as a two man tent... Philmont and many land managers don't permit them.
  2. You just need to create a job title historian or scribe and give him permissions to access program....
  3. There is a idiot on BOS , a new cross over dad................He has studied the previous G2A cover to cover and is a complete expert on the subject of advancement. I am highly entertained by his cub level interpretations for boy scout advancement....... I like mine, There are times in life when doing your best isn't good enough and could cost you your life......Learn it, Demonstrate it, Master it. I can see him being a high speed low drag parent.....
  4. As a youth I was blocked out of events like 2CD mentioned at AP Hill........ I don't remember the golf carts zipping around.....
  5. If you look at many of my previous post... My home unit functions like that...... The troop committee and the Pack committee are essentially the same.. Our webelos are so integrated into the troop that the parents have problems understanding why they need to fill out an application when the boys cross over.
  6. KDD some of us take our boys to places with out fences......There are no trail signs.....You have a topo map and a compass, Gps as well.... It is possible to get lost where we backpack.....but honestly we could walk in one direction for a day and hit a road... Sorry to hear your troop is limited to boy scout camps and city parks. Adventure is out there my friend you just need to look for it in a boys eyes. A lot of scout leaders make great decisions outdoors.... But how many times have we had headlines like these http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/20240116/2012/12/02/boy-scout-troop-lost-in-tonto-national-forest http://www.ktnv.com/news/local/210802771.html http://abcnews.go.com/US/boy-scout-death-20-mile-hike-heat/story?id=11861418 so is that RichardB in that last one The problem we have is cube dwellers and fluffy body type boys go out and get in over their heads...... Of course they have no idea what their limits are???? We have adults who have minimal outdoor experience taking troops to places they have no business being........ Then the entire outdoor courtesy and ethics problem. Entire troops using area that limit group size.......
  7. I still contend that the BSA needs an Advanced Outdoor Leadership course required to draw a High adventure tour permit. IOLS should be required for ASM's.
  8. Alex even cub scouting is supposed to be about the boys. "Because the Boy Scout Leaders are upset that we aren't showing up in 5th grade after marching our boys through 4.5 years of Scouting" That is why Cub scouting should be shorter in length. So what your saying, is that You are not interested in your boy being in boy scouting because your not permitted to be SM immediately when your son joins.... Most cub scout parents need to be deprogramed before they should be involved directly in the boy scouting program......A year is an appropriate amount of time, but it varies per person. I was not involved in the troop for 2 years after my son crossed over........I was second adult on outings during that period, but I did not interfere with the Old SM running the unit.
  9. your lucky.....I am told that our council had gear to loan or rent years ago..... But abuse by the folks that borrowed it ended the practice......I understood they even loaned out canoes too.... Units screwing each other over.
  10. Hey GS......Found my scouts name on your list..... That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen......He is scheduled for one thing plus his rafting....... I was expecting more of a schedule. Thx
  11. The uniform is only required for arrival, the big arena shows and departure. So where is the security in that.
  12. Ya it will be accepted.... Folks like you that perpetuate the BS. I got $1,000 that says my scout will not be sent home because he is wearing white socks, walmart khaki short and a target synthtic t shirt. Because the uniform isn't actually a requirement to be a member.
  13. The GSUSA model is flawed..... I have ran into more than a few single rank troop.....Plus the the GSUSA encourages limiting troops to a single school, ethnic group, neighborhood........ So why aren't the GS limiting fun activities yet????? Probably because some bone head volunteer has screwed up and got them sued yet.... Did I tell you about the Cub dad playing woodsman that drove his 3/4 ax into the ground cutting the camps water line??????? Summer camp is a great comparison......Webelos and cubs are limited to a 4 day camp....the Girl scouts go for 6....Why the difference? The girls sleep in air conditioned cabins complete with bathrooms and showers.....They have a huge air conditioned main building were most of the activities occur. I find it interesting that the Cub leaders don't think it is too long and the Boy Scout leaders do.....
  14. I understand from our Troops SM that more than one parent that was interested in visiting was really upset that they could not visit with their scout in their troop site.....or walk with them to his activities........ Not exactly sure why I would visit......
  15. Bugling????? Coffee?????get what at woodbadge, paper pushing?????empowerment?????camp as an adult????? Seriously for $300 bucks those are reasons???? Its my eagle????really.... Keep my pack trainer off my back..... You know what I think of the AHa moments in woodbadge.....for folks have never experienced adversity or had to accomplish anything in their lives. Facebook folks. I am gonna say half of those responses border on tragic. The list is embarrassing. You come away from the BSA's premier leadership course and all you can say is the bugling and coffee were good?????
  16. I am not making his life difficult.... But scout son is going with what he has....... Sorry his socks are white instead of green........and he doesn't have 30 scout t shirts to chose from.
  17. Hmmmmm, I guess the though is if you can afford $1k plus for the trip another $400 for uniforming isn't that much extra..... My understanding too is that the Campership money was pretty tough to come by ..... Don't want no rif raf trashing up the jamboree.
  18. And who is doing it for his son????? I set it up once in TWH calendar take attendance and everyone their gets credit...... a no brainer.
  19. Man I hate family camping........... Parents think it is social time......I finally got them to stop bringing alcohol to camp....then they sit around the campfire while the boys are vandalizing the camp...... The siblings girls being all catty with each other and all the drama..... Parents up till 2 am playing cards and being loud the same crew failing to get up and perform their breakfast duties.......Then one den leader decides it is ok for the boys to make their own pancakes.........They made a mess to the point I ended up loading the stove and fly into the truck to run to the car wash..... The last time they will use troop gear for a camp out. Then the fishing, Old SM and I spend 4 hours baiting hooks and untangling lines while the parents lounge around the campfire or run to town for starbucks, It is a 40 minute drive one way. I was embarrassed to be associated with the Pack.
  20. I understand we need to get the boys started in scouting in 1st grade........We have to compete with soccer and baseball.........First grade year sets the pattern for elementary school years...... TOO MUCH REPETITION BETWEEN THE WOLF AND BEAR YEARS......THE WEBELOS IS TOO MUCH LIKE SCHOOL WORK. Traveler pin, what the heck, fitness again what the heck they were bored out of their minds.......
  21. It is too long.....Move the tiger stuff to the wolf year.....eliminate the duplication between wolf and bear years... Webelos high adventure......Ages and Stages my friend..... NO.
  22. Troop webhost records miles hiked, nights camped, service hours.....and I recently started tracking hours of water activity......But I use event notes for that....It all comes out on the scout history report.
  23. So the BSA currently serves 2.7 million youth ....taken from the 2011 BSA annual report. Yet we have the highest number of Eagles per year.......
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