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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Just got an email back from National Advancement team regarding this award......It seems that since it is not advancement related that the Guide to Advancement does not apply...... So KDD's exactly as written does not apply. He forwarded my inquiry to the appropriate team for a response. I will post it when I receive it.
  2. And so it starts..... Scout son is on Bus heading to the Summit as I write this.....
  3. You answered your own question....simply go with no scent or unscented....... It just has to smell different to interest a bear doesn't matter if is strawberry scented or irish spring...... If your backpacking who cares what you smell like other than getting the grubby animal smell off or at least knocked down.
  4. the medical examiner called zimmermans wounds insignificant http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-george-zimmerman-medical-examiner-20130702,0,1358679.story
  5. You didn't say anything racist... But white folks all think that Zimmerman should have walked Black folk think he should have been convicted.
  6. Shakin my head.... Your unbelievable..... You going to your sons first job interview too.
  7. hehehe point 7 is in response to my post on bryan on scouting about a boy who earned a 8 merit badges in a single day, 6 hours, at a merit badge clinic with no prereq....... The entire point 7 is exactly what I did with my wayward scout.......While he swears up and down he didn't help himself to the merit badge cards.....He didn't know the projects, instructor....had another lad attend the same day and eagerly showed me his projects he actually earned two.....other lad not so much...... Lad has no interest in actually earning them....So until he decides he didn't earn them he will continue to fail scout spirit.
  8. Ok KDD and BLW we are going to look at the requirement Camping. A Boy Scout or Varsity Scout may earn the National Outdoor Badge for Camping upon successfully completing the following requirements: Earn the First Class rank. Earn the Camping merit badge. Earn two of the following three merit badges: Cooking, First Aid, Pioneering. Complete 25 days and nights of campingâ€â€including six consecutive days (five nights) of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of Americaâ€â€including nights camped as part of requirements 1 through 3 above. A gold device may be earned for each additional 25 nights of camping. A silver device is earned for each additional 100 nights of camping. The Scout may wear any combination of devices totaling his current number of nights camping. So item 4 says 25 nights under the auspices........The following line says for each additional 25 nights..... I don't think that they should have to rewrite under auspices again in the following sentence.........
  9. the problem with your argument KDD..... This is an award and has nothing to do with advancement.
  10. All I see are excuses........ You bunch of lazy scouters, fix your fricken programs............Guide your scouts, PLC and committe so your guys can earn it legitimately..... My boys will earn it under the Auspices.....Regardless how KDD is going to lawyer it so his scout can earn it, He will always know that at least One scouter in the country knows his boy did not earn it legitimately....
  11. I would expect a response like that from joebob. again racial lines. My scout son has been brought home twice by the police, both times for sitting on the wall during day light hours outside the quickie mart drinking a slushie once when he was ten and again a thirteen......Keep in mind I live 6 doors from it and can see him from my front door......The store owner knows him and both times has come down and intervened with LE.......The LEO roust the neighbor kids when they are bored....a week ago they issued citations to every kid with out a bicycle helmet...... Zimmerman will lose the civil trial......Yes his life is over..... We have a block watch....I walk the neighborhood every evening for exercise, Never have I thought about going on patrol in my car or armed for that matter. Bottom line for me had he not exited the vehicle Trayvon would still be alive. I don't think so Joebob, i would have listened to the dispatcher and not exited my vehicle and waited on LEO to arrive....Of course in the hood and every dirt bag has a family and friends that will extract vengeance. One of the reasons no one speaks up.... Oh trayvon was no angel.
  12. Year after year new leaders will continue to post questions like this. I was the king of chasing scouts.....Wasting days if not weeks of effort chasing boys and families who either weren't into scouting or just don't/didn't care. Like dean....the boys quit or don't show for the extra help......
  13. the simplest thing to do is correct the "We don't need those skills" I would scrap the Boy planned program and put them in situations where they need scout/wood craft. So how does your program look???? Is it very repetitious year to year and the same locations???? I would start by breaking the mold.....
  14. Recent changes.....the Original memo was dated 2002. Bottom line here........I am just a volunteer trying to put on an affordable program for my boys......First, When we instituted the ISA account it was unknown to us that it was not appropriate or against tax law. Just trying to do the right thing for the boys.... If national would provide rules regarding it...or provide a Troop, Pack and crew financial model...We would adopt it.
  15. No justice no peace. Interesting... It is pretty divided along racial lines..... Black Zimmerman should have been found guilty. White Zimmerman was justified. Both of them were wrong......and trayvon is dead..... Stand your ground laws gives punks the reason to pull their guns and shoot folks because they feel threatened,.
  16. That is why you let the older guys pick some older guy only activities..... I know you will get some knuckleheads on here that will say that it ok to take a new 11 year old crossover backpacking ten miles.......But you are just asking to lose the boy... I witness a lad at a district level event ....just joined the troop in feb.....in april they take him on a 20 mile backpacking trip.....First the pack didn't fit right and second his walmart gear was way too heavy for him to carry. He was in tears at the end and told mom and scoutleader he was done...and from the yelling the rest of his friends were too...... I am not looking forward to this years crop of Webelos, they are complete animals....I see challenges a head.
  17. why doesn't it flow like that???? I have one scout that just finished pioneering at summer camp and will receive the initial award and the camping rocker in a couple of weeks.....He has no clue he earned it...... As SM I just keep track of who shows up for what.......For patrol outings I rely on the PL for the info..... It is no big deal.... If your program is active enough it camping and high adventure will just happen, Aquatics, well the mile swim is going to take some pushing, hiking with a bit of guiding will happen, riding is an issue.
  18. So exactly how is he going to look out of place with olive shorts that look like BSA shorts, his synthetic shirt that looks like the BSA version and white socks??????
  19. The uniform is only required for arrival, departure and the arena shows..... Beyond that they are in class b's.........So your arguement is invalid
  20. I wish I have multiple packs feeding our troop......then hitting my max troop size would be easy.
  21. I gots to know Alex how many years have you been involved in scouting as an adult????
  22. So did a troop leader shoot the bear or the Camp Director?????
  23. Aren't the opening and closing day show tickets More expensive????? 5,000 tickets, isn't that only 500 per day?????
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