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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Don't think so... I am not the one micro managing my sons scouting career..... I am not the one lawyering the rules trying to create a high speed low drag scouting career. I believe in completing as written, but also understand there is intent behind them...... I am a believer that every boy scout should know how to find a spot, build a fire, cook over it, clean it up....first aid skills and swim.....
  2. I would never sub a non aquatic activity for this...... he could use ear plugs to keep water out of his ears......
  3. I don't care for the venture focus of this jambo I watched the opening ceremony and just didn't care for it......Just get the sneaking suspicion that this is a prelude to complete gender integration in the program.
  4. my neighbor, joe the retired mail man sits on his front porch with a loaded shotgun every evening when it is warm.... Such is life in the hood.
  5. So new parent is going to send scout off to a campout with some unknown to them adult....... Training, even weak as it is, gives them a small guarantee that their scout will be returned in one piece. tour permits that require Adults to have basic understanding of CPR, water safety and first aid protect everyone. Yes it is a pain, I don't like it either....But is part of being an adult and serving my youth.
  6. Scout son attended the Mining at the Jambo and said it wasn't about mining. I wonder if it is PR for Fracking.........Fracking is great for everyone except the person or community who they are doing it under. Way too many pictures of people lighting a cup of water on fire after pouring it from their taps, wells ruined.
  7. the water consumption portion is out of touch.....Many folks still are on wells and they do not have access to water bills that include volumes.
  8. I don't believe his scout is even a tenderfoot yet.... So while service hours never hurt they won't count toward his rank. 4. While a First Class Scout, take part in service project(s) totaling at least six hours of work. These projects must be approved by your Scoutmaster.
  9. He can wait till the stitches are out..... I don't think it is palsey or anything like that from the original post..... Betting it is another neurotic scout.
  10. Guess you failed to read the rest of the posters??????? More often than not, post like this are attempts to get around requirements for lads that lack the skills. How many threads about double counting service hours??? We are only talking about 12 hours of service total to get to Life scout??????? or the under the auspice thread???? Then we whine because the quality of the boys we are turning out is low....... My suggestions were fair......No where does it say in the requirement that you have to submerge your head..... Bottom line, jump in either as 92 suggests or enter in a manner to keep his head above the water......Swim the distance. In the webelos aquanaut thread, a dad ran is son to the pool every day and they swam till he passed the test......
  11. I don't agree that a Patrol activity is a boy and his pal. If that were the case my troop has patrol activities 7 days a week both patrols. Even if it were 3 boys...... Rare is the event where the entire patrol attends. In my book to be a Patrol event it needs to be about half in attendance. So average patrol of 8....that means about 4 guys. So what ever the patrol size is half the members need to be there........ So your aquatics dilemma.....Find a pool that gives swimming lessons....Take the patrol for for swimming lessons..... Boys that can't ride a bike, suggest a patrol bike rodeo....You have an the scouting umbrella activity. So Patrol hike.............Two deep leadership????? So you load the boys up in the family truckester and head to the trail head.....No one on one.......Boys jump out of the truckster begin hiking.....Good ASM sits down in his camp chair with his cup of coffee and a book or smart phone and netflix app........In a couple of hours the scouts return........
  12. scout son txted that he waited over two hours today for the short zip lines and he isn't going to be able to do the big one....... hmmmmm....
  13. Old KDD will just ignore what was the email from national said,
  14. His sister bought one at the fourth of july festival.....
  15. He is already getting credit for a POR. It wouldn't count for a community service as well.
  16. Simple.......the boy does a crouch jump into the water over his head......with arm spread his head shouldn't go under the water............then he does the rest of the requirement.... or have him enter the deep end via the swimming pool ladder......have him tread water away from the wall for a few seconds then begin the swimming portion. I am going to bet that the lad can't swim and is trying to get around the requirement.
  17. Relax let the boy enjoy his scouting.......Absolutely everything he does in life doesn't have to be counted for something......
  18. read his reply to me....It answers the question.... The rules apply to the devices as well.
  19. So you are hanging around, nothing for the outdoor activity award???? So next year your wolves will use it and the incoming tigers......Then the next year the bears, wolves and new tigers...... Patience.....$50 is worth it.
  20. I highly doubt that Zimmerman shot the Trayvon Martin because he was black. I think folks are forgetting a few things and not thinking analytically. One, as jblake47 and others have tried to point out - jury trials such as these do not have an objective to prove someone innocent. The judges direction to the jury was to determine if George Zimmerman acted in self-defense or in legalese - if the death of Trayvon Martin resulted from the justifiable use of deadly force and that a person is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself. The jury was also instructed to judge Zimmerman by the circumstances by which he was surrounded at the time the force was used, that the danger facing George Zimmerman need not have been actual; however, to justify the use of deadly force, the appearance of danger must have been so real that a reasonably cautious and prudent person under the same circumstances would have believed that the danger could be avoided only through the use of that force. There was conflicting testimony - there was very different testimony by several witnesses stating who was the aggressor. So, for me - concluding that there was reasonable doubt was the correct verdict. That doesn't mean that Zimmerman acted properly. Also, I believe the jury was 100% female, as was the Circuit judge and no one is claiming gender issues? (It was not 100% white as some have claimed. Five where white and one Hispanic.) The fact that Trayvon Martin did not simply go home or that Zimmerman should have stayed in his car or not followed Martin are irrelevant to the case at hand. It did not matter how the confrontation came to be - if Zimmerman was profiling, if Martin was looking for a fight - it only mattered that when Zimmerman fired a bullet through Trayvon's heart, was the appearance of danger so real that a reasonably cautious and prudent person believe that the danger could be avoided only through the use of that force? I do pretty much agree that Zimmerman acted improperly, but not illegally. It would have been better for all concerned, if he had stayed in his vehicle. That said, it's easy to say that in hindsight, and not living in a neighborhood that has been burglarized several times. I live in that neighborhood.... You call the law and try to stay out of it.....Otherwise the gang members will kill you.
  21. I am guessin you have never sat in a waffle house and dennys were the white folks were served long before you........At one waffle house in Cincinnati my friends were served and received their bills before my food came.... I got up and went to walk out and was told if I did they would call the police on me......forget that I sat there for nearly an hour and watch my friends eat.... Judging folks by race happens all the time.....
  22. Martin didn't get shot from walking around. He got shot from trying to beat somebody. If Martin had done what we tell every kindergarden kid to do--keep your hands to yourself, he would be alive, and Zimmerman would have a normal life. Just as in kindergarten if zimmerman had listened to the authority figure, 911 dispatcher, he wouldn't have his life ruined..... If If If.......
  23. Well there are three members of this forum that don't see it that way....
  24. Well feedback from scout son on the jambo to this point......The opening show was ok, but it really was horrible sitting in the sun for 3 hours at it.... The lines for activities are HUGE everywhere he went......There is no shade.... He hasn't decided if he is having fun yet or not.
  25. So here is the response from national...Bill Evans was the fellows name.....A very prompt response, more than a little surprised and pleased. "Bob, some awards intentionally do say under the auspices of the BSA while some do not. Hiking, Aquatics, and Riding say under the auspices. For those, that under the auspices also applies to the devices. "
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