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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. clears throat..... From a Boy Scout Leader perspective.... this is gotta be the absolute dumbest position ever..... So it gets mentioned to the PLC once or twice a year?????? Or presented to the troop twice a year...... Now from a cub perspective.....this would be perfect for the type A parent making sure that their cute little cub earns every little thing.....
  2. Son built a bike trail..... Interestingly the senior scouts 6 eagles from his troop said they paid $1400 and were not going to waste a day doing service.......
  3. Interesting they let those folks do the zip line and my scout wasn't able to participate because of line length and schedule...
  4. I call BS they seat 125,000 at the college football stadium in less than 1.5 hours. Then they clear it in less than an hour
  5. Talk about blocking out memorys.....Number 2 is the one that misled me when I was Program Director for our cub day camp........I am still out nearly a grand on that deal. Fronted the money turned in the expense report and it was lost.
  6. This is the feedback from scout son. haven't spoken voice, he txt's and sends pictures......... Heck he had to wait an hour on his bus for his day of service. The only place he didn't comment on the wait was white water rafting and the cloud. He gave up on the trading posts, I suggested that maybe we can get some stuff on clearance in a couple of months. He is really disappointed that the zip lines are so long......I suggested leaving camp extra early to get a better spot and shorter wait.
  7. YOU as a unit peon...... Are supposed to raise money for him so he gets his bonus based on hitting his Friends of Scouting goals. YOU are supposed to take time off work and go to your schools and do your boy talks, YOU are supposed to recruit more boys and retain them. YOU are supposed to sell popcorn or participate in council and district fundraisers. YOU are supposed to fill out your Journey to Excellence form and turn it in with your charter. DE and SE bonus's are based on these..... My DE, has never done anything for me other than show up to collect apps and fees at sign up night. I hear that some Councils provide yard signs, flyers and the DE's do the boy talks. I have asked for flyers for sign up nights, no I have asked for help with membership fees, no I have asked for Uniforming, no Honestly, I could never do the job of a DE....To many conflicting goals......Increase membership, increase FOS and donation revenue.....Help units put on programs........
  8. Explain to me again why the scouts need to sit in the Arena for 1.5 hours before the show starts??????
  9. he wasn't old enough anyhow....It was thirteen by the end of 2013 and first class. As IH you shouldn't monkey with the program calendar on any level.....That is the Job of the den leaders, Cub Program chair and PLC or SM.
  10. So been a year another DE.....A complete new guy.... First DE great guy long timer. Second DE was the SE's all star......Guess he didn't realize that one of our districts SM's owned the golf course he was using when he was supposed to be working. Third DE, never got a chance to meet this one. Fourth DE, Numbers guy, this is the guy that called me when I was CM and told me I had to make up our Packs FOS short fall.....He got promoted. Fifth.....Brand New DE......made it less than a year, no idea of his destination. I did meet him a couple of times......Seemed nice enough. oh well Sixth......Brand New DE....Not met him yet, just received an email saying five was going away welcoming number 6. Lets see that is 2 SE's, 4 DC's, 6 DE's......shakin my head. Just entertained by it not much more.....
  11. my guys love it we play regularly.....maybe a bit too much.
  12. Supposed too. what we see is the girls like the idea of outdoor adventure......But don't like sweating, being wet, too hot or too cold..... We get one outing from a new crew and then the girls leave followed shortly by the boys.
  13. The course spl droned on and on......I would zone out, next thing I know the announcement song was going......
  14. I have seen a bunch of boys who can't/won't swim for a million reasons. When a lad has the desire he will do it regardless of his physical condition.... I will be surprised if we ever hear from steve again. He was looking for a single answer. a single post for a very specific answer. He had his answer 2 days ago.
  15. A time or two thru the recharter it isn't that big a deal. Missing apps and stuff like that are issues with horrible council service centers.....Absolutely take it up with your DE and SE. Our council only requires tour permits if we leave the council boundaries or for high adventure.
  16. Really, the long enduring venturing programs in our area are very much adult led. The boys from the troop really have no interest in leading and the gals coming in have no experience.. I have watched our crew start and stop a number of times over the last couple of years. Just sayin.....
  17. A shame that what once was once a rugged Boy Scout Program has become something less.
  18. The announcement song is used to kill long winded speakers. At my woodbadge course it was sung over and over and over again. Complete with the second verse about the windbag. Of course standing at gilwell for an hour or more was the norm the He we sit song works wonders for that too
  19. What in the world are you talking about??? Did I write a commentary about what I thought about the lad who went to the motel Nope. The boy who is in a struggle with dad and not passing the test????? no.....I have spoken to him about it and how it is only hurting himself. There was a lad who had cerebal palsey who passed the swim test.....I was impressed what is wrong with that
  20. Good and noble????? I am not trying to be good and noble....I am trying to run a program.....I could give a rats behind if they earn it or not. If they earn it, it will because they plan a program that meets the requirements.....Not because dad arranged for son and his best friend to go for long bike rides or hikes or swimming to simply meet the minimum for the award. Straw man, pssssst, how is my example different than KDD arranging for his son and best friend to do stuff on their own with out their patrol and counting it as a Patrol activity. Ya what about the boys..... So old KDD's son and his best friend are going off and their own to earn the award......Sure that's great......But the troop program still sucks. So who is benefiting?????? old KDD gets to puff his chest out and say my son earned the award.....The boy gets to say he earned it......But at what expense???? I bet the troop program suffers. So the old lone scout????? My experience is that most lone scouts are home schooled and their parents view the rest of us at best bad influences or worst as inferior human beings. So camping requirements????? family camping??? I have never seen a lone scout at Summer camp, camporee or a council event. So who knows???????? Maybe that is the answer for KDD.....then he and his scout can count every bike ride for a slurpie and every minute in the bath tub. I am out of patience or understanding with or for him. ....Son is at Jambo...He white water rafted during the event for 4 hours of time on the water, he swam today for another 4 hours, 8 hours of community service for the day of service......8 mile hike to the garden and 9 days of camping.....I think he had 4 hours of mountain biking too and mountain boarding..... All under the Auspices. No splitting hairs inviting best friends or in anyway trying to make myself thing I am doing the right thing, or fuzzy interpretations of the written word. See KDD it isn't all that hard
  21. Scout oath and law..... Your a funny guy. So your post to this point.... I don't trust my son with his scout book. I want my scout to eagle as soon as possible I want my scout to earn the Outdoor achievement award. I want my scout and his best friend to hold Patrol activities. I want my scout to earn service hours for.... I want my scout too.................................. What about the rest of the guys in the troop???? Can they tag along too
  22. you guys are too funny....... Personal experiences with poor swimming.....Lad was in a power struggle with dad and decided he could control his rank advancement by not passing it. Had a lad that refused to put his head under the water and ended up in such a panic during the swim test that he ended up in the nurse office and mom and dad came and got him from camp and they commuted to a motel every night. He dropped from the troop a couple of years ago.... I have seen a guy with palsey pass the swimming test for pete sake.
  23. Naw, he is a character, smokes Anthony and Cleopatra cigars, takes all night to smoke one......no tv sits out there and watches the goings on. Gotta be in his 70's.... I stop and get him a 12 of Schaefers light the way home from work on most fridays......He can talk......as long as you will listen he will talk.......
  24. Your splitting hairs again..... The BSA has no numbers that say you have to have x number or percent of a patrol for an activity......But it does say 'Patrol size depends upon a troop's enrollment and the needs of its members, though an ideal patrol size is eight Scouts. Patrols with fewer than eight Scouts should try to recruit new members to get their patrol size up to the ideal number'" Activity is approved by the SM and does not interfere with the troop schedule. Two boys does not make an outing......if you can't get more invite the other patrol too.......or invite the troop to the swimming lessons. You can do an adhoc patrol, when both patrols have poor attendance. But then your back to troop method. I again point to my sons patrol who are all very close friends and they are together most days during the summer.....Honestly with son at the jambo I miss the energy in the house of the boys coming and going.....So at what point do I begin and end counting scout events....... An average summer day....they meet at someones house and ride their bikes to the pool which is roughly 3 miles from our community......they swim 4 hours and return.......From where you are going I could count that as a patrol bike ride and count the hours for the aquatics segment.....I know my son and his best friend do this most days and generally half or more of the patrol show up eventually. plus their SM approves of it because it is better for them instead of sitting in front of the game console..... Are you sure you were involved in cubs......I am pretty sure either the wolf or bear year you ride bikes and it mentions bike rodeos........safety inspections of the bike followed by a Ride thru a course of cones for time or precision, we did a closest stop to the cone without knocking the egg off......they all failed of course.......we did shortest stop, also....we taught more than a couple to ride during the events. Lawyer away......
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