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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Glad your enjoying my concern...... We live fairly close to the jambo site.....I added that to my camp review that my scouts were penalized by the camps poor planning..... learned a lesson that I will make sure not to plan to attend any camps during the next one.
  2. I agree with 2cubs...you obviously have never done it before..... you have the guys buddy up before you leave. Your right about bed times......many parents of these boys have no clue it isn't ok for them to say up till 2 am........So the week before webelo resident camp I begin sending out daily reminders to the parents to begin getting their boys in bed by 11pm and up by 7 am.
  3. It is a her and unless she owns 10 acres it is weak....So why bother pitching a tent....why not just sleep in the video game room. My unit is low income....There are plenty of free and cheap camping options......I bet if she posts her location I can find a dozen within an hour drive. I would never take a scout unit to a public campground, especially cub aged boys......This is one of our public image problems.
  4. Having taken my webelos to Summer camp while the jamboree was in session, I will say that the Jamboree had a HUGE negative impact on the local program. The camp we attended said they lost 70% of their staff to the Jamboree as either participants or staff. As a result several of the Stations were self serve with a 13 year old CIT acting as the Camp rep. I have read on several other blogs about units that did not go to summer camp this year because the Adult troop leadership were too heavily involved in the Jamboree. What was your experience and any thoughts on getting it resolved????
  5. my scout said he took one shower the entire time he was there......Honestly he didn't smell Like I thought he would after 5 days without a shower...... He used the rain defense as well
  6. our new roundtable commish did a nice job how about Tent and gear maintenance......he had a guy from a local canvas place come in and talk about zippers and tent repair....he showed a video on how he replaces zippers..... We had the local RC club come in and do a talk and demo... We did a dutch oven cook off night.... Best trip night.....with contact info for the venues. hidden treasures....local gems that few folks know about. They did a child abuse one.......didn't care for it....a rich white woman telling us that kids can't be left home alone till they are 15....really in my hood, they are left home alone as early as 6.... Didn't like the ADD one....Blow hard physician that sees the pill as the answer.
  7. Scout said the lunch stank big time....Meat crackers, trail mix and dehydrated pineapples for lunch. Breakfast was Ok....nothing more... Dinners were really good.......he had plenty to eat. he is sitting on the couch beside me...so it is first hand info.
  8. They need a lecture on selfless service and leading by example. In my book they are punks..... Sure the day of service was added.....But the thought that they are above doing service is against what they shrived to earn.... I can't imagine saying no....... The SM viewed it as a black eye for the troop....These were the same fellows who complete the SM's NYLT course and then did not volunteer for leadership positions in the Jambo Troop. Seeing a trend here. The Selfish Eagle.
  9. I am guessing that it was being a good new neighbor thing........ Cause honestly......the boys bus in.....have fun bus out......The local community would only see buses and diesel fumes....... So who benefits locally, the local mcdonalds, the port a john guy......The few guys employed mowing grass and maintaining the grounds.... Most of the climbing guys and skill specialist won't be locals. But paid staff from elsewhere. How soon before they resent our presence????? Bunch of rich boys coming in and taking advantage of the local geographic features then leaving....... So is the day of mandatory service going to be required for the summer high adventure program????? I went to philmont and did trail construction as a youth.....but it wasn't a full day and it benefited the base.....
  10. My daughter will join an all girl crew in one of the better parts of town. We have met with the advisors and the unit......She has gone and attended an event with them for the day......She likes the current members and they seem to like her....... She is chomping at the bit. on another year....She is dying to attend the jambo next time.
  11. wow that speaks volumes I mostly want to get her registered as a Venturer so that she can get the scout discount for the Horse Trek
  12. Your seeing more an more men take on their wives names as well.. Of course I have yet to meet one of these fellows who I would say is the man.....most are mousey whimps.
  13. Wow that's incredibly weak...Why not actually go to a camp???? or call big brother troop to host you????
  14. We practice a clean camp. No food in tents and all food secure except during meal time. All trash is secure Every scout camp is loaded with all sorts of mini bears....coons skunks, possums wood rats, mice..... Ya we have visitors, but they just move on because there is nothing to eat. I don't feel the need to make a mountain out of a mole hill. I speak plainly to my scouts.... it is 10pm camp rules say it is quiet hour....get in your tents. They whine a bit, but hey head in.....on occasion there is a card game magic or poker or rummy in the tents.....Bonding......Brotherhood.....It is good...... '
  15. Cardio Cardio Cardio The SM and ASM returning said the hiking was no joke so be warned.
  16. So is this a move by the BSA to bring the far right back into the organization...... I simply don't see how this fits into the Patrol method and boy led model?????????????????????
  17. But to your point why does it need to be an official position..... The patch says coordinator not councilor or mentor.
  18. This is the first one at the newest high adventure base Lots of first. But seriously it is the first one at the Summit scout reservation. They offered lots of new activities like whitewater rafting, and mountain boarding.... It is situated on the new river gorge and my sons picture look fantastic. Think Xgames sort of stuff going on BMX track, Skateboard park, mountain bike course and trails. It is a huge effort to make scouting relevant to the xbox generation. I attended AP Hill as a youth....It was not much different than my summer camp at home. Sons biggest complaint was the lines to do everything but his curriculum day. Missed out on the zip lines because of lines, didn't get the magic ticket for the big one. As of arrival last night he was not sure he would go to another one.
  19. We were going to do that for our metro areas 4th of july festival....... made a few calls and we needed a vendor permit for the vent which was $500 and then none of the boys under 16 could sell it. Oh btw does anyone in your group hold a saniserv certification. Our town does not distingish selling bottles factory sealed water verse making phili steaks on a cart.....
  20. Just back from round two of summer camp. Webelos food was good.... My biggest beef isn't with the summer camp, But what the Jamboree does to the local programs. They strip way to many enthusiastic local volunteers way for the event. The CD and PD kept apologizing......Two of the stations had a CIT and a run it yourself program. So the cost to my boys was a very mediocre program...... So the big bad jamboree has a negative impact on the local program......
  21. Some camps actually hold the boys to the standards..... One fellow at round table was bragging his son, 12 year old, earned swimming and lifesaving at his first summer camp....I asked where, he told me......then began to brag the camp up. I told him not interested, because I have never met a 12 year old who was big and strong enough to earn lifesaving legitimately. My 14 year old got a partial in swimming.....because of weather conditions.......called every merit badge councilor listed for swimming on the councils website to complete it.....guess what none of them do it anymore.
  22. I never lie to my scouts......Just tell them it is 10pm or 11pm and it is quiet hours at camp. If you run a camp right they will be exhausted and ready for bed.
  23. No where does it say a parent is required.....Another made up rule. Each boy must have an adult who is responsible for them......That is what is written. I take large groups of webelos, 10-15 to summer resident camp every year with the DL, myself and SPL......Never once has the camp batted an eye about it. I would take smaller tents and back the boys sleep in pairs...... Because 5 boys in a single tent you will never get any sleep.
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