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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. General an entire troop from a single CO doesn't attend.... Each council gets a number of ad hoc troops that it can take. The boys apply and generally it is first come first serve. The boys need to be 13 by the end of 13 if I remember right.
  2. You are incorrect on eradication......You just need to pay the exterminator. Heat....locally they will pull a big furnace up to the house and raise internal temp to the kill temp.....or they bring in a guy with a nitrogen tank and he sprays the base boards and the flash freeze kills them.....most of the local companys use trained dogs to locate the pests and take care of them. My gear from the last outing has not been brought into the house. My cloths were taken to a laundry mate and dried on high heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Because of the youth I serve....Over the past couple of year I have had to deal with boy who brought bed bugs to meetings and outings. Well when we notified the family of the scouts from prior incidents, they are embarrassed and have to the person said they were aware and that they were in the process of treating their home. Currently we have a scout who has an on going issue, leadership speculates at least since may. The parents are aware and either chose to do nothing about it or are unable. The last outing the bugs transferred to another scout and to the van.....After spending hours cleaning the van and heating it.....I am satisfied that they are dead.... We notified everyone on our return, most weren't happy about it. So prevention....... My initial reaction is to suspend the lad till his family gets its act together.....But then I don't like punishing the the boy for a failure on his parents part. There seems to be no policy I can find....the local schools make the kids bring freshly laundered cloths to school in a sealed bag and the children change into them at school. The local Y camp now cooks everything coming into camp to prevent them from spreading. What are your thoughts first as a parent and second as a leader?
  4. So you ship 10% of the boys off property everyday....So in theory decrease the lines by 10%..... hmmmm. Well it didn't work.
  5. That is not what was initially sold. Only last fall did it come out that not everyone was going to be able to do the big zip.....And this spring it we heard that only a few golden tickets would be given to each unit. When the troop returned I asked the SM who used the troops allotment.......I already knew it was his son and his best friend.
  6. I never said my son complained about adults cutting line. So what your saying is that the boys weren't turned away from zip lining???? NONE of my son's patrol got to use the zip lines. Call my son a liar I am good with it. according to him he stood in line for hours to be turned away when the venue closed in the evening....
  7. call an attorney???? I would call a family meeting and give everyone 2 minutes to speak their mind....Then vote. If you write checks for the isa money, don't write them to the parents but to the unit they are going too....
  8. I am not a swimming MBC and he needs to do this on his own.....Calling the MBC from the neighboring council was his idea.....I will drive him the hour and a half or more to the meeting when he finds one...... Worst case it waits till next summer camp. My name does not appear anywhere in his scout book, having signed off on anything, Not a single merit badge. He will get it on his own, with dad just acting as a supportive parent.
  9. Well KDD you think I am an idiot.....XXXXXXXXXXX..... At least my son is part of an active patrol of friends and they actually enjoy each other and do things in and out of scouting together. I will never have to PICK a buddy for him to complete and activity with so it is UNDER THE AUSPICES. None of their scouting achievements will be from any rule mincing or pencil whipping. Yep, scout son and his buddys play black ops in the man cave.... Just cause it is their thing doesn't mean I gotta like it.
  10. did ya happen to notice the section that you are quoting from is a Uniform Tips section. While you rich folks can shell out $50 buck for a boy to have scout pants, some of my parents can't or simply won't. So are you going to tell the scout who is in blue jeans and his scout shirt his is out of uniform.....Not me.....I am glad he is enjoying scouting and thinks it is worth his time and effort.
  11. So what happens if you have a boy show up to your unit meeting having already joined your unit.....Isn't that great. You don't have any of his information....You don't know if he actually paid. So what if the adult, lets just say, isn't of the moral quality that you expect from your unit adults.....
  12. KDD getting the merit badge is fine..... Please read what the program is about.....One is association with adults you don't know. Again there was a fellow on here about a year ago....Who did exactly what you describe....Video taped his son in his pool at home passing the BSA swimming test.... There is no way of knowing if the lad did it legitimately...If you can afford a pool you can certainly buy editing software to change the video to show what ever you want.... So explain to me why he can't do it at summer camp in the pool with the rest of the guys or in front of his PL, SPL or Scout Master. While a scout is trustworthy, many parents are not and very simply a bad influence on their own scouts. KDD you can't honestly take a scouts work.... It seems the current generation can lie and spin tails easy as telling the truth, my scout included. I don't know what is wrong with them. Scout is calling MBC in an neighboring council to see if we can get it finished. Again Selfishness of the Unit only MBC's. impacts the boys programs. So please read the program literature, Especially if your going to become a MBC, and understand the program before you just start spouting solutions and rules that in my opinion shortcut the intent of the program.
  13. Can you afford the insurance policy for a 48 passenger bus.........not to mention the maintenance and DOT inspections. Then think about an accident and medical bills for your personally owned Bus. the level of personal liability is more than what I can stomach or afford.
  14. KDD your gonna have to show me exactly where it says in official literature full uniform or no uniform.......Another made up rule. Uniforms are not required for scouting......They do a really nice dance on the official BSA page of trying to make it read like they are but never coming out and saying....Uniforms arerequired. So if you have scouts that cannot afford a uniform....Call your District Executive.....There are moneys specifically donated by folks for uniforming those less fortunate.... Generally means a shirt...So don't expect a full uniform.
  15. the Internet......Youtube, minecraft, call of duty, facebook Millenial Parents.
  16. Thousands of folks were sold a bill of goods that the BSA had no possible way to deliver. If they were truly that short of staff....They should have spent some money on local folks and brought in some staff to get the blasted think to run right. So explain to be again how you plan to send 3,000 guys thru the shooting sports venue when you have absolutely no idea how many folks are going to staff it???? Sure you can say I need 200 volunteers to do it, then what hope they sign up???? That is a complete crock of Shhhhhhhhhh. They should have confirmed staffing levels before they say we can host 30,000 scouts. If you have staff for 20,000 then that is the limit...... So about the zip lines......Absolutely every promotional video shown had the zip lines featured........NONE of my sons patrol got to experience it.....Not a one. Don't you think that should have been one of the things they had completely staffed so it would run at full capacity.
  17. I think for amount of venturers present they were overly represented in all public aspects of the event..... I wonder if this the beginning of coed scouting.
  18. My scout musta been in the line with your scout....He made the effort an entire afternoon and was turned away.... He didn't mention adults cutting line.
  19. Now honestly, do you want something like the Beer and Weed fest that is the Jamboree in the Hills at the summit.... Or how about the Easy Rider rodeo....or how about OZ fest or how about the rainbow people gathering. I have no issue with GSUSA renting it, or how about the Royal Rangers or Awana
  20. So what volunteer for the national Jamboree at the expense of the local Program?????? Hell no. I can volunteer at day camp....It cost me fuel back and forth and they feed me lunch...... Jambo takes 5 days or so and cost $800....... YO national...Want more volunteers.....Charge me for my food, my shirts and call it even.....So 5 days of food and 5 shirts shouldn't cost more than $200.
  21. Scout son had $200 and spent $30 all on pizza as noted......He complained about the walk to the barrels but could make it to summit center no problem for pizza...... Yet the line at the trading post was too long. I bet the line for pizza was that long too.
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