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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Well, The troop committee met in my absence.....They have decided that I can take no action to protect the CO, Troop or other families from the spread. What I can do is, He or his gear will not be transported in my vehicles....... I am guessing the heat in the south slows down their spread.....Lets face it, you can leave your gear in your car or truck and easily reach the kill temperature.
  2. Back from a week in the woods with a crew......Nice group of lads and ladies...... The best thing is you can raise your lad to be completely reliant on you, not able to manage himself......With no or little understanding of social media, or video games.....Video games are the comic books and baseball cards for this generation. I will raise my lad to be independent and self reliant, He will understand social media and the consequences and responsibility involving using it. Heck, I have been gone a week and been home 8 hours and still haven't seen him.......
  3. KDD you have no clue how a troop works does it...... the Patrols would take turns as service and program patrol. The job of cleaning the restrooms would alternate.... But since it is old Texas own personal bus..........I think he probably should clean it himself as he is going to rent it for profit.
  4. We have movie night.....But it is confined to our lockin christmas party and the council work weekend when we are in council camp cabins. Sounds like old Tex...is running a Cub Scout Troop......... So explain to me how you get to boy led with all of the parents and siblings along. How does a lad get his cook for your patrol and buy your food signed off if your buying all the food and doing all of the cooking.
  5. Alex KDD has no clue what he is doing or talking about so take his advice with a grain of salt... Cub Scout dens do not camp on their own.... Here is a link to the G2SS and a chart I had never seen before.....Den Camping is only permitted at the webelo level. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss03.aspx
  6. Well your gonnabe disappointed with the clone...... more than a little dim witted scrawny white guy.....with a variety of health and mental issues. Just sayin
  7. Hey got a signal....family camping means mom and dad will bring booze.....beer or wine coolers...... generally cub scout rules don't apply. You cannot camp as a family at a boy scout camp unless it is with your pack or troop. Our unit has struggled with drinking and drug use by parents at the pack camp outs......then unwed parents and mommas boyfriend and the drama that follows...... I hate cub family camping
  8. I am on a backpacking trip right now....Just got a data connection.....I will collect a fellow and send it to you when I have him captured....
  9. That reminds me we are about due for a sewing night instruction......I did it a year ago...Need to schedule a refresher course. Conduct uniform inspections......For every lad that has a uniform that is perfect they get an ice cream sandwich, for the patrol with the highest score they get a pizza party in front of the other patrol in patrol corners....... I give a couple of week notice.... Peer pressure is a good thing.....Last time I noticed the patrol leaders doing inspections during patrol corners....Everybody wants the pizza...... In the case of all perfects....I don't mind buying the troop the Ginormica Pizza from the local establishment....9 square feet of pizza.
  10. I don't accept merit badge. com work sheets for anything......I view them as a study guide nothing more.....Lad hands me one...I will put it in my binder and then we will begin to discuss or work thru the requirements.
  11. I work in a hospital so do you prefer formalin or alcohol. I doubt getting a sample will be a problem.
  12. The people who matter most don't care if you got 24 square knots on your shirt or an eagle pin on your hat. You know who they are right?????? So go a head and get over the knot envy and uniform nazi stuff and get to the good stuff.
  13. Posted prematurely...might I ask your interest????? I can send one.....just need to wait for another one to fall off him. Kinda award asking a family to root around their house looking for the Godzilla of bed bugs
  14. Heheh. tell ya what.....next meeting I will ask the SPL to keep an eye on the fellow..... The one we pulled off the other scout was as big as my pinky nail
  15. So are you scout master????? Why are you planning the menu?
  16. You didn't actually say theater did you?????
  17. They are in the collars of his shirt, brim of his hat, Locally social services does not consider it a neglect or abuse issue, I already looked into it to cover my butt, and I called council to make sure I wasn't being negligent by not reporting suspected abuse......Cause sorry in my book it is abuse.
  18. I have no problem paying for my meals........Which at about 3 bucks a piece for 10 days is what 90 bucks.....I don't mind paying for my t shirts.....another 90 bucks..... So why am I paying an extra $500?????
  19. Your scout can say no to the Day of Service....Like the six eagle scouts in my sons troop did. The food delivery system stank.......The boys in the troop had to get up at 4:30 to get in line for the breakfast food an unacceptable distance from camp.... My son showed me pictures of where they had to go and said it was a 45 minute walk one way.
  20. Follow YPT.....Don't meet with mom or Dad and scout, if you do. Try to get the lad to buddy up with a friend. Mom or Dad don't sit at the table or space you are working on the merit badge at.....On more than one occasion I have had mom try to complete merit badge while scout son sat quietly beside her. I like to use the meeting room at the public library, it is free, it has windows and a door, mom can sit outside and watch what is going on but not be tempted to help. Plus it keeps everyone out of your home. Make sure you make the reservation and tell the librarian what is going on, the first time I did it they were concerned that I was meeting with a lad one on one in room....I introduced scout and parent and all was well. The boy makes the call an appointment with you....Not mom or dad. Do not accept partials your not comfortable with.....You can find out pretty easily if a lad actually did the work by just holding a casual conversation with him, before he begins his work with you. Try to avoid doing group merit badges at troop meetings, Participation does not equal completion in Boy Scouting. Make sure your name is on the list at district and you see scouts from all troops......I am taking a couple of scouts and driving nearly 2 hours to see a merit badge councilor in a neighboring council because none of the swimming merit badge councilors on the council website will see anyone outside their home unit. If a scout shows up with a letter from his scoutmaster saying he has completed a requirement with the troop such as nights camping, follow it up with a phone call, had a dad try to pull that stunt..... I keep a spread sheet of who I met with when and where....I write a brief impression and then attach the scanned merit badge card.... Don't be disappointed when you don't get a million calls. In my 5 years I have only counciled 10 boys or so and only about 4 partials...
  21. Trying to talk the Leadership to going to the Dolly Sods for a long weekend trip.
  22. I don't believe the Economy BS any more....People complain about it....But generally they are the ones with the 4 smartphones, three SUV's and a Flat panel tv in every room, high speed internet and 800 channels of HD cable. It is about about priorities. Energy prices are up....My electric is up by a third from last year....My gas bill has nearly doubled. My families grocery bill has gone up by about $50 a month, of course son is eating everything that isn't nailed down currently. So how many years have we heard oh its the economy.....Way too many. Excuses and priorities. Scouting just isn't a priority for many folks any more. I am off for my third week of summer camp end of the week, Second adult on crew backpacking trip....should be fun.....Much cheaper than resident camp.
  23. Yes it is in the tips section here is the cut and past from your link "Here are some tips for wearing the uniform: DO keep the uniform clean and in good repair. The official uniform is a sturdy, machine-washable garment that will last for years with proper care. DO be sure to wear the complete uniform. A Cub Scout wearing a uniform with parts missing is not in uniform. DO NOT wear non-BSA badges, awards, or insignia on the Cub Scout uniform or make any alterations to the uniform or insignia. DO NOT mix uniform parts with non-uniform clothing, such as wearing a uniform cap with other clothing or wearing the uniform shirt with blue jeans. The uniform should be treated as a unitâ€â€worn in its entirety, or not at all."
  24. The problem with your suggestion is that someone has to take his infested gear home and then deal with it between outings..... Are you going to the laundry mat and deal with his gear for a couple of hours before you go home after an outing????? Then what are you going to do with the infested clothing he changed out of????? Then how do you transport him?????? They are in the hair like lice.......
  25. like you tex...I wouldn't mind volunteering, But $800 is way too much. I never understood why they needed to make a profit off of the the staff...... So how much did it cost to staff at ap hill????
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