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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. They are a Troop that is Chartered to a Catholic church.....The CO tells them they are to do it and make it a part of the program, then you do it or leave based on personal objections. There is nothing Evil, illegal or unethical about requiring it.
  2. Giving a thermometer to a scout and then telling him to cook to a temperature?????? Why not teach him to cook correctly and safely at camp with out all the extra gear????? At the top of everest isn't the boiling point like 150 degrees or something silly like that????
  3. for personal use ok.... For troop use it is a dicey proposition in my book.......too much can go wrong with a very young cook.
  4. Not exactly sure where it is exactly on fairground rd on the island.....But looking at the google earth.....it is in the middle of some really big homes and right on the edge of town.
  5. They revoked all the memberships of the adults involved......Wasn't that nice of them. So I wonder if that 3.5 mill is going to upgrade the SE's office and secretary....The real hot ones are more expensive. $3.5 mill sounds pretty cheap....I have no idea what the property on Nantucket Island goes for but in a resort type area....... Just like they sold my boyhood council camp to the brother of one of they guys on the board. In the end nobody really cares about the boys..... I sit back and watch the district and council fleece local businesses in the name of the boys, we go to the same old run down camp, with the same beat up facilities, They brag about the amount of money they raise year after year, I wonder where it all goes, well not really...... Someone seriously needs to look at the BSA's council business model and fix it.
  6. While it is more expensive and arguably lighter than a conventional setup.. It is a comfort thing for me......Air circulation in the summer, and up off the cold ground in winter. Down side is needing trees. I really love my set up.....I have 3 different tarps depending on weather or time of year. 2 different underquilts and 3 top quilts...... Been accumulated over about 5 years or so.
  7. We urban hike a couple of times a year.... One of my favorites is this one http://www.danbeard.org/attachments/article/120/Riverwalk%205%20Mile%20Trailguide.pdf They have a 10 mile version I can't find the link to the map..... Downtown Houston sounds like a great adventure......I would have the PLC provide everyone with maps and then they can record compass headings on the map...... So do you have a really unique place to eat lunch at?????? In cinci when we do that walk we eat at Ziggy deli.
  8. We don't have a van either.....We can borrow the CO's if it isn't being used for other things. So your troop is small less than 10 right??? So how does an entire NSP get elected to the OA, especially with the program you describe???
  9. More basic to the question is...... I am gonna bet a million bucks that the Zip Line company has a person over age 18 doing the hook ups on the tour......So if your worried about it Staff member can count as your second adult. Or a simpler solution is the adults drive the unit to the event and then pull out the camp chairs and hang out in the parking lot.
  10. I think the NOA is a superior award to Eagle in many ways. But Eagle is the recognized Brand. So explain to me fitting in an Order of the Arrow weekend???? Why does this impact the parents???? Takes one to drive them to camp and another to pick them up???? for me it is 3 hours on friday night round trip and 3 hours on sunday round trip. So how many OA members do you have in the unit that are active????? New Scout Patrol could schedule their own Patrol camp out..... I would love to see my guys do it....Extra burden on me, but it is where I want to see the troop program go.
  11. Ask the Parents......Seems pretty obvious to me.....they object then don't use him. Besides merit badges should be conducted outside of Troop meetings in which case the folks with no objections will show up.. With a recruiter, I would be concerned about him developing a call list for recruiting in a couple of years.
  12. Brew.......Sorry your feeling inferior this morning..... In my opinion my troops program stinks......I have a bunch of parents that don't give a shit, My SPL has all to frequent and expensive Dumb A Attacks that cost me $$$$, example it is a bad idea for 18 boys to sit on a couch at the CO.....I get to buy a new couch for the CO. Did I mention Bed bugs, seems we have multiple youth with them now......Nice... The Patrol corners has degraded to 15 minutes of grab ass instead of planning for the next event........ They just can't seem to get the patrol patches finished or schedule their patrol hikes...... Son's patrol was put on notice last night that the man cave was closed until they complete the 6 tasks the patrol was assigned..... On and On..... I have challenges.......None of the is as silly as splitting hairs for advancement.
  13. KDD spent three pages splitting hairs about exactly what under the auspice meant in another thread, so his scout can earn the award......
  14. Indoor plumbing, bunks and electricity......... I gotta go with Pack on this and it is a motel.... NO Camping night for you
  15. I gotta laugh out loud here.... Putting boys who won't camp in the Order of the Arrow........The Honor society for Campers........... That has got to be the absolute dumbest thing I have ever heard.
  16. If they care tell them what it takes..... If they really care then they will change their program to actually meet the requirements. The awards they or you want are not about the bare minimum. So why don't you just forget about them....and give them the program they want and deserve.......
  17. Yep......speaks to the low quality of the program..... The boys don't deserve it.
  18. I am finished buying scouts not my own gear to use......I have bought somewhere between 30-50 sleeping bags for them to use....some of them were given to the boys to keep, which were left in the yard or trashed by sibs or sold on craigslist, I have kept some at home and taken care of them.......the hours of cleaning and drying bags....then the boys who have accidents in them and don't bother to tell ya....... We go thru this year after year.......First the boys don't have a proper winter coat. or hat or gloves. We have some show up to our winter hike in tennis shoes and sweat pants despite weeks of being told not do do that...We had a lad show up of a sledding event in basketball shorts and a sweat shirt. Our local walmart just cleared out all of last years long johns.....a buck a piece.....I posted it to the troop website and sent an email while standing in front of the display......Not a single scout purchased any.....
  19. you need to ask your District Executive or District popcorn kernel for the exact number.
  20. Positive attitude....I am positive your gonna pencil whip and lawyer your scout his way to Eagle. Everytime I see ya post like this I just have to shake my head. Trip was good.... The couples were coupling a little more than I liked......But I was just the second male adult so I knew my place and let the crews AA handle social issues..... PLC puts on the program they want....But an SM can encourage more.....Which I have done, tonight SPL and I are meeting individually with the PL's That's funny.....My PLC decided the January cabin trip was for wimps and they want to camp like real men in tents......Their words not mine.....I just gotta figure out how to do it with out getting one of them killed.....Low income no winter gear to speak of.
  21. COR is the CC...end of story..... He is a decent kid.....But I am not going to face a multi thousand dollar extermination bill because his parents are too lazy or too cheap.
  22. So we are still stuck splitting hairs and words to meet the bare minimum requirements for rank advancement..... How about you don't worry about it and have the PLC plan an active program....More camping than the resident camp and a spring and fall campout.
  23. I can imagine that stuff is a big disappointment. I know even on the cub level the boys are romanced by the idea of getting to shoot bb's and archery at cuboree. They get there, and what do they do..... walk walk walk, wait wait wait, ushered through a bunch of stuff that doesn't overly interest them..... then they get to the range..... stand in line..... wait some more.... listen to some long winded safety briefing.... wait some more.... then after all of that..... they are lucky if the get 4 minutes of shooting with a bunch of broken down arrows that won't even nock in the bow! Talk about a let down! I know I would be bummed if I travelled all that way and didn't even get to do the "big zip line" even once! You gotta score a magic ticket???!!! If that was billed as a highlight every boy there should have gotten at least several turns on that thing or more! you didn't spend thousands of dollars to send your scout to the cuboree.
  24. my scout said he received a link for a survey.....He said he responded honestly......The guy in charge of he food won't be happy...... Interesting that the it attracted half the scouts and 5% of the visitors as predicted.
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