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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So getting training because it is the right thing to do doesn't cut it???
  2. Before you go to the trouble of starting a new unit have a couple of outings....been there done that....our problem has been that the young ladies like the idea not the actual experience. Our crew has folded twice in four years because of it.....the last was because we wouldn't let the couples welllllllll couple....tent together and have a romantic evening by the camp fire.
  3. There will be plenty of time for boy scout advancement.....just let them have fun
  4. We have a winner...all ya gotta do is feed them..... adults forget adventure is at every corner twig and branch with cub age boys..... Ya want a camp out they will never forget.....have them catch a mess of bluegl or crappy and cook them up.......they will never forget it.
  5. Packs locally will not be issues tour permits without a baloo trained person. So what could happen if you don't have one.......nothing.... Your one of those guys that has to have it in writing. So exactly why sis you bother asking
  6. Yes baloo is required.... look at this link under Pack overnight camping. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss03.aspx
  7. I would simply hand him the webelo book with the requirement and let him figure it out... Why would he need guidance beyond that.
  8. We have boys who spend entire summers at the public swimming pool that don't know how to swim....... My point, you have to make a bit of an effort to earn the merit badge... You should feel privileged he thinks enough of you and your expertise to call you.
  9. For me the Heading next door to the Eagles for a beer after the Pack Meeting is this........ It shows bad judgement. After a Pack meeting I will have both of my children with me and two additional youth I transport as well. First I will be drinking in front of children who are not my own in a bar....Then getting into a car and driving them home......Even if I was drinking soda what will the scout parents think of my judgement, I doubt they will ask whats in my glass, is that just a coke or a rum and coke or something else. There is something to be said for the Cubmaster Scoutmaster ideology.....you should present with a higher moral and ethical standard........ Sure my sons patrol has seen me on my deck drinking and smoking cigars with the neighbors, we have a very tight knit community, The son's patrols are very close friends beyond scouting......But they have never seen me in a bar or getting behind the wheel after..... I If you absolutely positively have to go to the Eagles right after the Pack meeting for a beer.....IMO, You should be able to wait till ya get home.......I suggest you go get some help...... Ya the high level council events have drinks served as well.......But there is NO youth present typically and the folks they are samozzing for donations expect wine and such with dinner..... I don't have a problem with it because there is no youth present.
  10. Last freezing rain camp out what a night mare.....I never thought we were going to get all the gear loaded....folding tents sort of into a big pile..then a week worth of drying.
  11. I enjoy a bourbon and cigar on the back porch in the evening on occasion......But never felt the need to rush from a scout meeting to the bar...... I never even considered goin drinkin with the guys from round table. So your comparing changing water to wine.......To ripping off your scout shirt to run into the eagles to get a beer after a pack meeting.
  12. often the folks who are running the event are just like you....And often have less of an understaning of the program than you do.... Just because it is a council or district event doesn't mean mistakes can't be made. Alex.....The Boy Scouts have the same problem....The Scout Master handbook says to award rank advancement ASAP after the Board of Review. My Troop is the only one I am aware of that actually does that......
  13. I have never went directly from a scout event to a bar for any reason. Not exactly sure why that makes me a hypocrite.
  14. I have never run a crossed one, but that was my point, you can eat them like lunch meat if ya want.
  15. Really???? Doesn't belong in scouting????? When they spend 4 weeks at summer camp, you want a decent nights sleep.....I have 4 weeks in my hammock this summer alone.
  16. I would do a bit of quality control. Check and see if they actually learned something..... I would go a head redo it.....I have yet to meet a bear who is upset at spending the den meeting whittling.
  17. Yes my boys are low income. I will raise what ever money is needed to get them to camp.... So how many ankle biters were at day camp????? So what does the council charge for Boy Scout Resident camp???? How is attendance? I think you will be surprised how much money the scout camp takes in...... Why should the camps be subsidized???? I don't believe they should. The people who use them should pay for them. I have asked to see my favorite in council camps books.......Well it was an immediate NO. I was curious how much it actually cost just to run the camp with no programs on it. If there is a big money pit at the camp, fix it..... You can't honestly believe that the scout shops don't make a boat load of money......$40 for a scout shirt ......I bet they pay like $10 for it., Everything in the place is 20% more than the exact same gear at our local outfitter.
  18. Agree with KDD depends on the brother dynamic..... That is not the way it should be.....you should present what is required to the den chief and he should plan how it is accomplished.
  19. Glad everything ended will... What a great campfire story to share for years to come.
  20. I salute you for such a bold choice to wear to an eagle court of honor......I would make sure the Dress isn't too reveling and certainly no more than two fingers in length above the knee. I would stay away from red or black... Seriously your uniform is fine and appropriate. Dang it blake ya beat me too it.
  21. Just an FYI individual scout accounts are a tax no no. May violate your CO tax exempt status
  22. I don't like velcro.... I would wear the cubmaster uniform, because that is a more important role to the life of both units than CC for the troop, and not worry about switching patches for the CC for the troop.
  23. Having been the guy who wasted an incredible amount of time and effort chasing boys who need scouting don't do it. Spend the effort on improving the program those who stayed.
  24. Yes they are all young men.....and young ladies in bikini tops would certainly stop production.
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