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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. 441 you forgot to cite the website that came from.. Google makes everyone look smart
  2. The troop reap what it sows.... The troop needs to host the Webelos on several camp outs a year. We host a webelo camp out in the spring and fall. Our SPL goes to Webelos resident camp with the den..... his job is to be the rock star. Sunglasses ball hat on backwards strutting around.....the cubs loved him for it..... he was the star of the camp..... we had other dens hanging with ours....to play with him.... he ran games during slow periods. He was big brother. Our troop helps with the spring family camp as well. We meet at the same time and place as the pack....no den chiefs......
  3. It is the truth....Sorry you don't like it. How many SM's do you know who were not boy scouts???? I know a couple....One is a great guy and excellent outdoors man.....The other two not so much and could use the AOS course.... Search the Archive I have a thread about it.
  4. All courses are not created equal. Not all tickets are created equal.... Since you quoted me.......you don't know me from adam......I know for a fact that my ticket was the toughest in my patrol, as a matter of fact the SPL's son was in the course and a staff member came to our campsite and dictated his ticket to him. If you dig deep enough you can find where I posted it. It was crappy stuff like lose weight or date night with the wife or stupid crap like that.
  5. That brings back some memories.....go setup in a garage or old store......blown breakers and jolt cola...
  6. So your recreational family camping on council property and you step in a gopher hole????? Whose insurance is gonna pay for the er visit???? If your thinking BSA I doubt it. Just as a group of families from the same den camp out at a state park they are not covered by BSA insurance.... If my understanding of the insurance is correct......It is secondary insurance only. Your personal health....accident and automotive are the primary insurances. I hope this entire discussion isn't about insurance. The right thing to do is follow the rules....have a baloo trained person....and not worry about it.
  7. His mind is made up...... He his going to do his chess thing regardless if he is following procedure or not.... We have clearly shown while his intentions are good, he is now aware how the merit badge program is supposed to run.......And still chooses to ignore it and do it his way. I stand by my thick skull comment.
  8. More wrong advice from someone in KDD's district. The point of my question. Is how does council know and do they even care. By rule dens below webelo do not camp independent of the pack. So what's the difference you ask.... I am going to say something as simple as the way it is put on your calendar Pack and the way you register your campsite.
  9. big difference having a committee meeting at a bar with no youth in attendance.... Pack leader taking his shirt off and going next door to the bar with youth around and in the car for the ride home.
  10. Just thrown something out for digestion. So you schedule a Pack campout with no Baloo trained person in attendance....Your in council so you don't need to get a tour plan. The Campmaster at check in will not look for the training card.... It is a scheduled pack event.....Insurance is good to go. hmmmm, Sounds all legit to me...No baloo trained person....no way for council or the powers figure it out.......
  11. That doesn't seem right.... Baloo and owl covers different things.......and IOLS has nothing to do with pack camping
  12. I think he is looking for a ceremony........ His question was not how you earn it......But how you award it. Not sure why it needs a ceremony, not much too it. SPL is the mc at the COH.....I would suggest an explanation for the good of the troop then award the card and a hand shake
  13. hmmmm, so your last outing kudu. How much did it cost? Where did the money come from? So did the parents approve??? Who signed the permission slips? Bottom line we take are allowed to spend time with the boys once a week and on weekends because the parents allow it. Honestly most of the parents I deal with can't pass the background check........
  14. There is no talking to some of the parents......It was completely overwhelming.......No possible way to address the parents hanging in the back......Little more than shaking hands and handing out meeting flyers and answering boys questions. I had a clipboard for folks to put down their name and number.....no luck.....a few wrote down names but it is completely illegible. The most interest I have had at a middle school recruiting night ever......results weren't as good as it could have been..... I did get an invite back to curriculum night, choir and band night.....and the bash nights......Which are for the honor roll students every grading period...... I intend to be at all of them.
  15. That is how we backpacked....for years.....
  16. Yes, if you offer backpacking, climbing, scuba, canoe trips, shotgun, on a regular basis, word will get around, and high adventure parents, district/community/friends of friends will volunteer for those trips. These are adults who want NO part of typical BSA monthly campouts. As for regular recruiting: Consider a Facebook, YouTube, and Web presence: We get a slow but steady stream of Scouts who transfer to us from standard Troops. I plan to add Google+ soon. Also, we make sure that Scouts earning the 1st Class "tell a friend or lapsed Scout about Scouting" requirement, to bring their friend to a cool campout (they do NOT have to register). Figure another 10% per year there. And, of course, anyone with access to a public or private school can bring in an extra twelve (12) to twenty registered Scouts per year using my 6th Grade Recruiting Presentation: http://inquiry.net/adult/recruiting.htm Yours at 300 feet, Kudu http://kudu.net I know your legendary presentation..... We don't have that level of access to the schools.....
  17. Since I received a personal message titled behavior . I guess I am the bad guy....... for the record I tried to receive my warning PM but it says I am not authorized to view it
  18. like the leatherman....who doesn't need another knife
  19. If I get 8 of the webs I will be happy. Hense my fall recruiting. I hope those old jambo tents get here before next months outing. Less than $10 gets them thru the end of the year and we are just starting the largest fundraiser for the year so the lads can pay their own way Disappointed we only recruited 6
  20. Naw if you want something to really awe them at the next campout this is it http://www.wearyourbeer.com/thirst-beer-drinking-novelty-hard-p-22621.html?gclid=CPCgj8PMnbkCFfA7MgodhRIALg
  21. Well got another half a dozen signed and paid apps tonight..... Middle school had their open house night last thursday night.....Took my laptop and videos of the boys in action......Story board with more pictures and the SPL. Talked to about 30 very excited boys who stood watched the video and shot questions at the SPL and I faster than their brains could complete the thoughts...... ​4 were cubs not from our Pack and had quit 2 were never in cubs. I could see the parents in the background cringing. Any thoughts on getting the parents engaged????? I tried the it's cheaper than football angle, I have tried the life skills and responsibility, I have tried the better quality of friends... Thought we had the troop completely filled out.....Rats.....only got 6..... The PLC is deciding what to do with the new scouts...... But the good news is we are looking at 14 webelos crossing into the troop in february.....which will completely close the troop. As I am limiting it to four patrols and leadership team. I am excited to see we are close to achieving one of my goals for the troop......
  22. you could get him some beers in the bar at the Eagles, If your feeling spendy you could get him something from the top shelf...... When I retired as cubmaster they got me a book of scoutmaster minutes, a nice backpack/book bag from the scout shop. Does he/she have any hobbys your aware of????
  23. I met with one off our Contigent Troop ASM over the weekend..... He brought up the BBQ that was supposed to follow the hike to the garden.....Or the mountain......He mentioned that it didn't happen. The other thing he mentioned he was glad that after the third day that they went with a truck and got their subcamps food...so the walk went from a 45 minute walk one way to 20 minute one way. So the boys could sleep in till 5:30 instead of getting up at 4:30 to get breakfast and lunch.
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