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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Sorry your disappointed.... When we have 6 eagles in a jambo troop that refuse to do community service whose failing is that??? Those are the ones I know of. When we have Eagle scouts teaching at a Webelos event incorrect first aid techniques whose failing is that?????? I instruct my guys by the scout book Or the Eagle who could not build a fire in the fire place in the big lodge at a council event???? Watched him for an hour before I stepped in.....Sorry the hall was freezing... I would like to think that your right skeptic, Just as one scout troops bad behavior at a camp ground erases the hundred troops who were good outdoor community members at the same location....... Ya I am disappointed in what I am seeing.....In the current batch of scoutings Youth and adults. How many boys and adult quit as soon as the eagle is awarded??? All but a handful from what I see.
  2. Pack....no whimpering or whining going on here.... So how many times at roundtable....... A new male face shows up.....and one of the first few questions ends up being are you an eagle scout????? no wonder they don't come back. Or at a woodbadge or volunteer ceremony they ask the Eagle scouts to stand........ Does that diminish the contributions of the other adult volunteers??? I think it does Heck we even had a fellow here a couple of years ago asking about getting his eagle awarded as an adult because he was to busy in high school to finish it. How many troop trailers or scoutmaster brag at the number of Eagle scouts they turn out a year???? So we are turning out 50,000 eagle scouts a year......Where are they going?????? why are they leaving????? What percentage have their own sons join scouting?????
  3. It is a balance. Enough adults to put on a program. But not so many they start directing the program... It is my belief they don't was to join because they fear they would be expected to camp and participate.... I engage or buy into the program is what I am looking for........their particpation is option
  4. I think ADC is confusing what family camping is there is a couple of different kinds.... You are correct the Pack camping is Family camping, but let me add, NOT all family camping is Pack camping Simply a group of scout families camping together.........they can drink and smoke and howl at the moon....Not at a scout camp That same group is either at a Pack campout or scout event.....The same behavior isn't acceptable.
  5. My council's policy is exactly the same a sashas
  6. That's right, basement. I don't remember the exact situations now, but there was only one or maybe two times.... and they conflicted with something big..... so no, I'm not going to have my son & I miss out on a major pack event to do something that should be offered much more often than it is. I'm not talking about a den meeting, I'm talking about a camp or a trip or something. Honestly, there should be no reason for me to even have to miss a den meeting for training. I thin it's mainly my district, but to a lessor extend the neighboring districts too..... but these things should be offered much more often..... and yes, they need to be offered over the summer when the students can actually attend. Let's turn this around.....Are you implying that if you were a trainer, you wouldn't miss out on going to jamboree to teach a class for the many Cub leaders that need to take a class over the summer?.... but if our Pack planned a trip to say, sleep on an aircraft carrier, that I should miss that trip and make my son miss out, so that I could attend Baloo? I was a one of a 20 member training staff for one of the councils 4 IOLS training courses....Two are in the fall, one winter and one in the spring.
  7. And that's why registration fees keep climbing. We all are getting more pathetically dependent on pros for everything. Way to go entitlement generation!Millennials.......really don't like them......ME ME ME ME ME ME ME The cub parents on facebook complain about the condition of the roads or the increase in paramedic response times and then complain about taxes.......
  8. Protects you from what exactly???? the BSA insurance is only secondary insurance.......... So after the injured persons insurance is done it might pick up the copays....
  9. KDD you really are a horses _-_. I never complained about the IOLS......My statement was it was a really long course...... We struggle with getting new ASM's to attend.....My belief the length is responsible for the difficulty recruiting Direct contact adult leadership with the troop.
  10. So are you running an outdoor rec club or a scout troop????? I get the biggest kick out of the parents complaining they are not allowed to go on scout outings an the Scouting Facebook page.......... If the boys want a family campout they will schedule one..... My guys camp to get away from the nonsense at home.
  11. Those are not official sources... Please site links on official BSA websites
  12. This is about a pin and patch that I have never seen on a uniform.... Ya buy them and then pick them up off the floor after the pack meeting when they were handed out. So KDD your talking about the summer between first year of webelos and the second year????? FYI there is no such thing as a Webelo I or a Webelo II
  13. There was a thread on the subject a couple of years ago. Some troops gift complete camping setups every year.....others like yours and mine troop t-shirts and books and epaulets....others nothing..... The funny thing is that troop that gifted backpacks no longer exists....adult issues
  14. my favorite all time neckerchief slide was one I made as a youth......Take a walnut...cut the ends off, knock the meat out of the middle and varnish or poly.... unique really cool
  15. hmmmmm, Soooo, coughs How many parents do you have on an outing?????
  16. Agreed....Especially with all of the family reunions and birthday partys going on..... But if there is interest??????????
  17. It is a very long course......Especially for the staff....We are required to camp Friday thru Sunday on three consecutive weekends and a single saturday..... Participants are only there three saturdays and a complete weekend..... But still 4 weeks.
  18. In a thread a couple of years ago someone, from a troop that didn't have a feeder pack, Said that all webelos should visit a bunch of different troops.... As SM I know how much effort we put in to hosting the webelos on weekend camp outs.....doing the first aid demonstration for them..... To have them poached at the last minute by a troop that gave them a backpack, mess kit and sleeping bag..... lost an entire den that year.....
  19. So you and I view eagle mills as bad. maybe that is exactly what someone wants???? Boy led might be a bad thing for some parents..... The program runs the entire spectrum from troops that are ultra boy led thru Cub Scout Troops........ I know that we have lost boys to the boy led chaos that some meetings can be..... They go up the street to the adult led troop and find what they are looking for. You could create a if your looking for a boy led troop here is what your looking for.....Advancement oriented, here is what you look for......High adventure.......Adult led....
  20. I say a local park with a shelter house would be fine.....If there is a demand for the course find a way to put it on. I have seen wide inconsistency's in training programs...Including the IOLS course I staffed...
  21. Now I understand your issue with physical distance If you have very high adult numbers coming then you need to space your patrols a hundred yards apart from the adults.......
  22. Nope I think you got it K. I hold SMC's in the back of the fellowship hall in plain view of the troop......There may or may not be adults in the room.....I never hold an SMC a crossed a table just two folding chairs in the back of the room, close enough we can hear each other.
  23. Awe come on don't let him off the hook that easy. So you think the DE's are rabid during the FOS campaign now..... Add a training team of professionals.....how much is that gonna cost a year???? $250,000????? So how much needs to be charged pay for it????? Your 50 dollar IOLS course now costs $200????? Oh there are huge benefits to a Professional training team.... No more Boy scout leaders making the new cub leaders feeling inferior... No more testosterone laden leaders droning on about their scouting exploits when we are supposed to be learning about LNT or backpacking stoves. Consistency of the training provided Removal of IOLS course rivalry's Quality presentations and equipment Quality training materials More frequent course offerings Volunteers can concentrate on their units... ​ With my woodbadge experience I would have taken a professional training staff. no mom son fighting..... No more grab ass at troop meetings at Gilwell for hours.
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