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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So this kid is going to run off the rest of the den. Require a parent to sit with him thru the meeting and assist....No exceptions. Parent will either do it or he will quit problem solved. Having 9 year old boys signing contracts is ridiculous they can't even remember the home address and phone number......The will forget about it a couple of minutes after they do it.
  2. I call BS We had venturing youth at the course but they served on staff as NYLT interns or something of that sort......They did not participate.
  3. Gee let me see.... Brand new leader Stands his/her scout up and awards a pin to his/her scout for something the other guys had no chance to earn. How could that possibly hurt or offend anyone???? Kinda smacks a of Dad finding his scout a buddy to go off and earn the National Outdoor Achievement award on their own......Patrol or Troop program be damned
  4. Nice rant but what's your point.... Pervs will be pervs all we can do is follow YP guidelines and train our boys recognize it and report it. I can control and report what I see......I will make sure my little slice of pie runs as it should.
  5. So you know the youth I serve better than I do????? Were you at the unload where they said that camping stinks???? Were you at the CO at the scheduled meeting times to have 2 boys show up and them tell you the girls are done camping..... I don't think so..
  6. I would go buy him the pin and give it too him. Not award it at the pack meeting....Since your new it may rub some folks the wrong way.
  7. hmmmm, Seems like a lot of money for just going fishing.
  8. Little slow here... This is about cub scout recruiting flyers that are provided free of charge from the council to the unit......The hub bub is that the council is putting a low ball price on them... Well folks, WE have always done our own flyers, WE have control as to what dollar amount is put on them, WE put them in our schools and WE do the boy talks. So don't rely on Council to do it......You know your program and fees better than they do....You can be completely honest and upfront with the parents....
  9. Kinda spendy....39.95 for only 100 gallons of product
  10. Posted an incomplete thought. If you want more den chiefs simply go to another troop and ask for some...... No big deal....
  11. There is no rule at the National level that says one den chief per pack. But I would not tell the SPL or SM how to run his troop either. I am concerned by your posting "One local pack has several of our boys who have reached first class and would like to serve as Den Chiefs to gain credit towards Star." Why is this any of your concern? They will get elected or appointed a position when they are ready. I would hope that the SM or SPL would have a reason such as maturity or other obligation. But I won't let a lad be den chief till at least 14, having served as APL or PL first..... It is a no responsibility, position of responsibility......how are they to show leadership when the den leader runs the meeting and all they are there to do it hand out papers or help cut stuff out.
  12. So exactly what were you smoking or drinking last night TS? Units have a cost of doing business.....They can't prevent us from collecting money to run our units...... Now granted there are units with $10 of thousands of dollars in the bank......But I suspect they are few and far between.
  13. Pretty easy with an active program.....He will camp every weekend in October between OA, the troop and his Patrol camp out. June he camped 11 nights with resident camp, jambo troop and the troop, July he had 14 nights 10 at jambo troop and patrol, August 4 nights......September only 3. All under the Auspices of scouting.... So he camped 42 nights from June thru september of this year..... Thru October he will have 50 days. A group within the troop is talking about going backpacking for 4 nights over Thanksgiving.
  14. The reality is only once have we extended our Units June 1st advancement for a lad.....guess what he didn't earn it anyhow
  15. Maybe the Current SM is gatekeeper????? How do ya know? This was just prior to my becoming SM....... Our current SM told the lad thats great and he would need to hold a POR with our troop before he would sign it off.
  16. Except when.....or if..... He advances when he advances.......Bottom line for me is He cannot work on two ranks at the same time..... So Honestly who cares if he advances June 1 or September 1st
  17. Heck even Zimmerman went and visited the Manufacture of the gun he used to kill Trayvon... http://news.yahoo.com/lawyer-george-zimmerman-should-not-be-visiting-gun-factories-174609071.html
  18. An example I have seen first hand. A lad comes to your troop and wants to transfer......Seems like a nice enough boy. So you call his current SM for the story. The story is that while he held a POR, he did not complete the job responsibilities to his Satisfaction..... So the lad shows up next week with a completed app that was handed back to him and a suggestion that he should work it out with his old troop..... The lad did not.....He simply shopped around till he found a troop that would take him and his weak excuse as to why he wants to transfer.
  19. If a SM tries to do quality control......the boy will simply move to another troop with lower standards
  20. Protects you from a bunch of things potentially. By taking the proper training, district will back you when someone gets injured and goes after everyone involved including the leaders. Let alone the fact the training helps provides an amount of consistency across units and leaders. This is the same reason that I insist that all my parents and leaders take in person YPT so that when I tell their darling son to not go into the woods by himself they understand why, and why when I tell them that they are not to enter the restrooms with the boys they understand. I am in a way protecting them as well from keeping them out of potentially sticky situations. You are under the illusion that District is this all powerful thing.......District is nothing, it is simply a management group. Council is where the power lies.... If you think that if you get called in to be deposed on something that the Council attorney is looking out for anything other than the Councils best interest I think your mistaken. If hanging you out to dry is what it takes to get the Council off the hook that is exactly what will happen. I have had some incidents on campouts from broken collar bone, untied shoe laces, to some bee sting reactions......Most of the parents see it as stuff happens.
  21. Awe that hurts coming from the IH of a parlor troop Only when I think something of the award. KDD......The Outdoor Achievement award means something....... So why didn't you email national and ask???? It takes much more than showing up for an adult planned and lead thing.... I have a couple of lads that earned the initial patch and the Camping Rocker and one gold and two silver devices each......They are not my scout either.....He needs to earn either First Aid or pioneering merit badge to finish. then he will have one gold and three to five silver devices depending on how long it takes him to Lets talk about the JTE.... So for earning the JTE on any level you get to buy everyone in the unit a patch for a couple of bucks a piece..... Then your DE's bonus is tied too it.......No reason to fill it out, your DE will do it and make your unit gold......
  22. Thats right....We have a quality Webelo program....we take the Webelos to summer camp, troop host them on two camp outs and they by May of their first year they have completed all the requirements for the AOL
  23. I don't see where it says the perp was 16 at the time of the rapes....
  24. Ya there is some sort of a weird time out thing that happens especailly if you type a long response log out and back in then paste the response where it goes.
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