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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. hmmmm So this a patch to be put on a 13 year olds Eagle court of honor uniform just before he quits.
  2. Cub Scouts Assaulted on Canoe Trip; BSA Denies Coverage A recent canoe trip has left several young boys injured and the Boy Scouts of America denying any liability for the incident. According to Cub Scout Den Leader John Smith, his group of 9-year old boys were on a short canoe outing on Big Lake, accompanied by their parents. "Suddenly this guy comes up to us, calling himself Kudu, ranting and raving about the scout charter," said Mr. Smith. "I heard him say, 'You young hoodlums should be back with your den mothers making macaroni art, not out on the water where only red-blooded young men belong! I'll box you about the ears with paddles made in the fashion of those manufactured in 1916!' And he just started wailing on everybody with his paddle." But the young boy's nightmare trip had just begun. "Then another guy paddles up, apparently going by the name 'basementdweller.' Starts calling me a candy… well, he starts calling us a bunch of very non-scout-like names. Says he's going to 'turn us in to national for not following the rules,' whatever that means. Says we're not even supposed to be on the water. Starts tipping the boys out of the boats, saying he's the only one who knows the right way to canoe," Smith said. Unfortunately for these young, innocent boys, their nightmare trip wasn't over. Upon notifying the local scout office of the incident and injuries, Smith was shocked to learn that national BSA was going to disavow itself of any insurance coverage for the incident. "I got a call from some guy named 'Richard' who said that cub scouts aren't allowed to go in canoes. I never heard of such a thing," Smith said. "Apparently it's in something called the 'Gee Too Essess,' which I never got a copy of. Nobody else I know ever heard of it either. It's just heartbreaking." On contacting the BSA's national offices in Texas, a spokesperson refused to comment on the incident and instead referred the Journal to a recent press release on the organization's commitment to youth protection. Blake I have never been under the illusion that my boys and I are anything more than tick marks on someones ledger.... So the Ivory tower losing sleep at night over what the mice are doing......Naw.
  3. Cub Scouts Assaulted on Canoe Trip; BSA Denies Coverage A recent canoe trip has left several young boys injured and the Boy Scouts of America denying any liability for the incident. According to Cub Scout Den Leader John Smith, his group of 9-year old boys were on a short canoe outing on Big Lake, accompanied by their parents. "Suddenly this guy comes up to us, calling himself Kudu, ranting and raving about the scout charter," said Mr. Smith. "I heard him say, 'You young hoodlums should be back with your den mothers making macaroni art, not out on the water where only red-blooded young men belong! I'll box you about the ears with paddles made in the fashion of those manufactured in 1916!' And he just started wailing on everybody with his paddle." But the young boy's nightmare trip had just begun. "Then another guy paddles up, apparently going by the name 'basementdweller.' Starts calling me a candy… well, he starts calling us a bunch of very non-scout-like names. Says he's going to 'turn us in to national for not following the rules,' whatever that means. Says we're not even supposed to be on the water. Starts tipping the boys out of the boats, saying he's the only one who knows the right way to canoe," Smith said. Unfortunately for these young, innocent boys, their nightmare trip wasn't over. Upon notifying the local scout office of the incident and injuries, Smith was shocked to learn that national BSA was going to disavow itself of any insurance coverage for the incident. "I got a call from some guy named 'Richard' who said that cub scouts aren't allowed to go in canoes. I never heard of such a thing," Smith said. "Apparently it's in something called the 'Gee Too Essess,' which I never got a copy of. Nobody else I know ever heard of it either. It's just heartbreaking." On contacting the BSA's national offices in Texas, a spokesperson refused to comment on the incident and instead referred the Journal to a recent press release on the organization's commitment to youth protection. sadly some cub mom or clueless dad will stumble upon these for forums and take your little story as fact.... Just hope your not the one to find out what happens first hand. Of course I don't ever expect Richard to actually give us an answer.
  4. Depends on the lad....Just a with the Gay fellow..... the scout in question would say things for shock value...... Mr B I am gay......Well exactly what is that.....He fumbled with what he thought it might be. But honestly had no clue...... A lad who says I am an atheist and fumbled exactly what it was would get the same treatment.
  5. This really isn't even about honor camping.... This is about boys who can't be away from home over night. A scoutmaster even one who was never a scout should know who in his unit is capable of doing that.
  6. The OA thing is a failure of the Scoutmaster......You have got to know your boys. You know who is ready or not. Who can pitch a tent and follow directions. But I remember Krampus and his parents saying that his opinion that a boys wasn't ready wasn't good enough. There had to be a rule in writing somewhere.....
  7. I am still interested in hearing from Richardb and the repercussions of not following BSA rules.
  8. Why pity them, they are having a fine time in scouting. They are the band of brothers, a true patrol who hang out together inside and outside of scouting..... Ya must have missed old KDD's mincing words about auspice and how many boys does it take to have a patrol outing in posts earlier this summer....... That is sort of where his exactly as written comment comes from...... and the basis for mine. His troop didn't go canoeing because they were worried about beer drinking college kids on the river. Excuses there are a million of them.
  9. Smart phones are a wonderful thing. Most locations have pretty decent coverage.
  10. You guys are losing sight of what is important here. Is it that silly patch? or the lads experience in scouting? For me it is the boys experience, I would encourage him to work towards it, but if you push advancement too hard you risk losing him. Far as crossing over into the troop. I would absolutely let him cross over with his den. Even if he is a couple of months too young...but I would speak with the Scoutmaster about it. we have had lads who were guest of the troop for a couple of months till they were old enough......And honestly I have turned in apps for boys who were 10.5 no AOL to council and they were not returned. At this point you need to stop thinking like cub leaders and think about creating a band of brothers, a patrol and how that is best served. I believe holding him back will do more harm than good.
  11. Scout son's OA lodge had it's fall ordeal weekend, picked up scout son from it late yesterday afternoon. This was the first ordeal weekend he staffed and he was an assistant supervisor on a work crew. On the return trip he said that by breakfast saturday morning 3 boys were homesick and had to leave, by lunch 2 more left and by dinner 5 left. Really 10 boys out of 60 or so candidates had to leave because they were home sick. Did I miss something? These guys are supposed to be honor campers, the cream of BSA's crop. So explain to me exactly how they got their nights camping in????? or did they????? I don't think the BSA has become prissy, It is society......and the type of boys who are now active in the BSA. a couple of years ago, the first time we took the new crossovers on a camping trip, had a mom and son in tears in the parking lot as we were trying to leave......Scout hid in his tent the second it was up and mom found us Saturday morning and took the boy home.......She even came with mcdonalds for him to eat so he wouldn't be hungry......Well we never saw him again. Seriously homesick overnight??????
  12. Accidents happen. Sounds like your troop lacks training. Discipline for an inappropriate knife size...Seriously?????
  13. I find it really tragic that you are refering to the Scout law and the Guide to safe scouting at the same time.
  14. Baloo and cub training.....Absolutely... How many pack leaders have never camped with a large group and have no clue..... You don't know what ya don't know. Woodbadge is a council fundraiser. How many times has a scout parent told you their boy is a great swimmer only to have them hauled out of the pool during the first lap of the swimming test? at least one per year since I have been a scout leader in my unit. The adults are the same way.....Oh we family camp, how hard can it be to take 40 folks into the woods for a weekend.
  15. So on the unit level....I don't need to be an NRA rangemaster, or a rappell master or dive certified. or whitewater certified. I need YPT, this is scouting, Scoutmaster specific all on line then IOLS. to be a scoutmaster.....Not unreasonable.t Now to put on programs, you need Safe Swim Defense, safety afloat, severe weather all available on line. The toughies are wilderness first aid which is two weekends and cpr...could be two nights. I believe we end a course on Unit behavior in the outdoors or Shared resource stewardship......and an Advanced Outdoor leadership skills. Want to leave the scout camp this course will permit you to take your troop backpacking or on a canoe trek.
  16. No argument the lad sounds deserving. But deserving just isn't enough. For all of the lads who participated in a high speed low drag program and receiving Eagle at 13 or 14. This young man seems completely opposite of that. For that reason I am rooting for him to finish the last set of hurdles.
  17. wak.. When I speak of my community, I speak of those on my side of the beltway..... The folks on the other side of the beltway belong to their own community. They do a great job making sure we are not welcome and do their best to keep us out. From the city ordinance introduced by the CC from one Pack who is also a Village council member to require permits for door to door sales. Inside the beltway, we get along pretty well......Like most poor community's we have a high crime rate and violence. We fight over things like pride and women.....Not to mention gangs which is the biggest competitor to the BSA in my area.
  18. according to national the average is 130 hours for the eagle project. Just saying...
  19. Digital....first you need to get your facts straight...Yes the website I am linking too is bias.....but dates and such don't lie. http://www.bsa-discrimination.org/html/bsa_-_race.html So ED what your saying is that in the 70's when the last councils who practiced racial discrimination and forced to change by national....that was a bad thing???? My guys will love to hear that.....I am pretty sure we lost members out of that as well From my experiences at resident camp, I can see a group of folks who would love this sort of a group...... While they say they will not openly discriminate against youth who are not christian, I doubt they will accolmadate other belief systems.. Of course isn't that why they left. I am glad that the Community I live in is tolerant and supports each other.......We are many religions and colors, So we are not a monochromatic community.... I see another mighty whitey club.
  20. Nice find....... Other than a bein a collector doesn't tell much about him.
  21. It is irrelevant, Because like you I am not permited that kind of access. I would never be permited to hold a recruiting assembly in the middle of the day in a middle school. I am permitted to put up a table at open house, curriculum and dance nights. So while your grand presentation from your website is great and effective, Locally it is no longer permitted.
  22. Depends on the lodge. Many do not do it any more........Why? The time commitment for the ceremony team is too great is what I am told. The ceremony team would be busy 4-5nnights a week doing just AOL ceremonys from January thru April. Remember these are high school students for the most part. I would plan to do it yourself. Plenty of scripts available on line. I would offer a donation and of course to feed them.
  23. Old 92 knows the rules or guidelines. He probably has more total years active in scouting than I do.... He or his troop is cutting the lad a huge break.......Which is ok, But......if he is that busy, not sure how he will ever get a project planned and done.
  24. how sad for your scouts. You do understand that it supposed to be boy led
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