A series of questions, But a bit of background first. My son is a tiger in a very small pack, 15 boys total. The tigers make up half of that number. To put it mildly I was very dissatisfied with the program and leadership and as a result became involve. I help lead the tigers, but my title is assistant cub master, I am not sure why I was appointed that. I have attended all of the position specific training at the district level, attended the last Council Scout university, as well as, Baloo training.
I am on the Pack Committee but have some questions about how it should function. The last meeting I had proposed some meeting topics, field trips and had completed the research to answer any questions that could arise, along with tentative itinerary's for the field trips. I prepared packets with the information including the plan for the meeting prior to the trip. The Cub Master and I had corresponded by email about my work and he seemed enthusiastic about it.
The meeting came 5 committee members showed up. Each time I went to propose and idea one committee member said "I am not going to do that." With that the museum trip died, the earth day participation died, the fishing derby died. It was never voted on or any thing. Interestingly the Emails to the Cub Master have gone unanswered, and when I ask to speak with him after the meeting he disappears before I am done with the boys. I am not sure what I did wrong, if anything. I thought that I was thoroughly prepared.
So is it time to move on?