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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Moosetracker you are incorrect. She said "I will find another troop" Not he or my son. Another type A Cub Scout Parent who doesn't get Boy Scouting
  2. The $19 switchbacks are the old color. I have a few pair of them and they are great, I like the zippers on the bottom of the cuff so you can remove the pant leg with out taking your boot off. I like the Supplex nylon It drys faster and wicks moisture better when your outdoors. the new canvas pant has some sort a two piece waist band and I find that it rubs my sides and I get hot spots where the fabric, elastic over laps So if having the old color isn't a big deal to you, save yourself $30 bucks.
  3. I have never seen this policy first hand Nor have I experienced Religious prejudice, We have all the colors of the rainbow in our Pack and just about every flavor of religion. Never had a problem with anyone or anything in this vein, Dietary requirements too. In the inner city we all have to get along
  4. So how is the Rank advancement getting recorded if he is not old enough to actually be a member. Not a big deal in my book. I would have younger son not to a third year. Just make sure dad has him earn the AOL and he can cross over with bigger brother at 10.
  5. Just leave the Troop. You will never respect their rules and it will bother your. To answer your question It is rare for a Cub Crossover Parent to be much more than a CM, ACM or DL. I am surprised that you and your son were not recruited by a number of troops. If I was aware of an experienced highly trained and motivated scouter with a son crossing over I would recruit them heavily, phone calls and visits to the house. The fact you did not note whether you were recruited by any Troops or not raises some questions?????????? I would imagine most District level staff are too busy to camp with their sons. Eagle COR, BOR and other district stuff interfere. In our district most of the District staff no longer have boys active in scouting. I would hope being on Roundtable staff you would have talked to the SM a couple of times before you actually joined the Troop. I would have hoped you would have talked about the program before you joined. The SM should have offered you the ASM job if it was needed. I am going to bet you showed up with both scout and volunteer applications already filled out. Remember you are new, It is bad manners to come into someone house, Troop or Pack and make a bunch of demands right off the bat. Bad manners.
  6. Irsap, so your question is if Dads were not permitted to camp with the boys or stay in the same motel? The training Part is completely irrelevant. I would ask why. I don't need to camp with my son while he is camping with the troop. We have enough Father son time and a huge amount of time in the outdoors together. 11 weekends a year and a week at summer camp won't make a huge impact on our relationship or bonding. Just as I said before it is our son's scouting experience. When he crosses over it is my intention to stay with the Pack and out of the way. I will let the SM run the program and help when I am asked.
  7. Simple fix. Take your son and join a different troop. Either the church has had a problem in the past or they are very Traditional in every sense of the word. I am going to bet they will not change the policy. I would find out the history. Another thing to consider, This is your son's scouting experience, Back off let him go camping with the troop, MOM does not to need to be with him all the time. This is not about you. A troop can have more than one ASM, Right??????? So why are you upset about them getting an additional ASM, many hands make a light load. Recommended or not there are a million other troops out there. Find another one.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. If your close to Ohio let me know. I can hook you up with a free battery setup for your cpap machine. All you need is the cigarette lighter plug to plug from your cpap machine. I have a source of free batteries, now they are used but will last monthly camping for over three years. Just PM me if you would like to partake.
  9. Wow this topic died pretty quick. I was hoping for some more information and innovative ideas.
  10. Not gonna do it. Posted a long list of positions and stuff and Deleted it. I have been an adult volunteer for 8 year with 10 as a youth member(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. I wear an eagle, AOL and youth religous, I could also wear tiger den leader, cub den leader, webelos den leader and Cub Master, but I chose not too. I have them in my patch box.
  12. Just curious, Brent how many knots and silver critters do you have on your shirt????
  13. hmmmm, not sure. http://www.scoutcampthemovie.com/
  14. Brent I owe you an apology. I am sorry that my reference to strutting peacocks insulted you. But if the shoe........well lets not go there. The ribbons on Baden Powell's chest are military in origin, not scouting as I am told. The source was reliable but I have been wrong before. Ya know this is a really stupid discussion in an age when scouting is trying to remain relevant to our youth. Brent if a shirt full of ribbons and medals makes you feel fantastic and successful, have at it my friend. I measure my scouthood, fatherhood,manhood and success by a different standard.
  15. Beavah great post. I agree. But the Male ego is a fragile thing, What would those peacocks at round table do? They couldn't strut around with their wood badge beads and chest full of knots, checking out the competition as it were. I have a formal uniform, all the knots, patches and do dads. all measured out per the inspection sheet. My normal meeting uniforms are clean except for troop number, council strip and position patch.
  16. Inverters????? Wasting your Battery. Before I start, I have no business association with any of these companys I have a 12 volt DC cpap machine Goodknight G420 It is very small and light. I have back packed Shenandoah national park with it. 1st you cannot use a humidifier 2nd dump the inverter it is wasting your battery 3rd get a dc powered machine for camping. Buy a used one, no prescription required. http://www.secondwindcpap.com/ Here is the Statistics for my set up the machine takes .4-.6 amps to run depending on the breathing cycle. Sooo, 8 hours sleep X .5 amps means I need a battery that will provide 12volts 4 amp hours per night. I have an assortment of 12 volt 7 amp our batterys I take two for a weekend trip they weigh about 7 lbs for the pair. A deep cycle marine battery is 100-150 amp hours so I could theoretically go for 25-35 days on a marine battery. To top off the setup I have added some brunton solar panels. http://www.brunton.com/product.php?id=409 I have the 6 watt version. REI had them on close out last fall for $50. During the summer we have 16 hours of day light and I am positive it will not fully recharge the batteries. But it will buy me more time in the back country. I have pictures of the setup if your interested. I have been on cpap for 14 years and have extensive experience and I am willing to help if you are interested.
  17. Gotta agree sounds like a lock in I think we are going to see more and more camporee's not allowing fires. We cannot transport firewood because of the emerald ash borer. $1500 fine if your caught. FYI....I have designed a power system for my cpap machine so I don't need ac power. What does it cost per scout???
  18. I don't think it would impact our program. We would loose one young man from our troop, that is all he is about, getting his eagle, he will only show or participate if he believes it is a requirement or will help him get his eagle. But I can see the eagle mills disappearing. I agree that there would need to be some sort of a carrot, whether competitions or something else.
  19. Please, Most if not all tiger do not have the ability to complete Pin requirements. My example, It is five of the following. 1. Explain the parts of a BB gun and demonstrate how to properly load the gun. 2. Demonstrate the shooting positions. 3. Develop proficient shooting techniques by practicing for three hours. 4. Learn the correct scoring techniques for target BB gun shooting. 5. Make a poster that emphasizes the proper range commands. 6. Draw to scale or set up a BB gun shooting range. 7. Show improvement in your shooting ability with an increase in scoring points. 8. Help make a type of target for the camp BB gun shooting range. 9. Show how to put away and properly store BB gun shooting equipment after use. 10. Explain how to use the safety mechanism on a BB gun. 11. Tell five facts about the history of BB guns. Most tigers I enjoy are not mature or focused enough to to them or this 1. Make a chart and record at least five hours of hiking. 2. Help plan a den, pack, or family hike. 3. Earn Cub Scoutings Leave No Trace Awareness Award. 4. Earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award. 5. Learn seven trail signs and tell your den leader or adult partner what they are. 6. Be able to identify five different trees and five different birds on your hike. (These can be of the same species if multiple species are hard to find.) 7. Using pictures or photographs, identify three poisonous plants. (Examples are poison ivy, poison sumac, and poison oak; oleander, poinsettia, etc.). Watch for these plants while on a hike. 8. Take two different hikes for different purposes, for example, a nature hike, neighborhood hike, historical hike, city hike, stop-look-and-listen hike, and so on. 9. Explain to your den leader or adult partner what a compass is and show how to use one on a hike. 10. Explain to your den leader or adult partner what a global positioning system is and demonstrate how to use one on a hike. 11. With visuals such as pictures or maps, report about one of your hikes to your den. Tell about how you prepared for your hike, who went with you, and what you saw.
  20. Easy way to think about it the Belt loop is for Tigers and wolves, the pin is for Bears and Webelos.
  21. Thinking about my last post, I am not happy or proud about it. Too much anger. Take the adults out of scouting it would be fantastic, myself included. Scouting is pure to me and the egos and dysfunction of our district, well make me mad beyond my ability to deal with it. This isn't how scouting is supposed to be......and I cannot do anything to change it for the better. Scouting is about watching young men grow, share their successes and failures. Show them new experiences and skills. In some cases teach them respect, for themselves and others. Give them an Adult they connect with and Trust, we deal with a lot of Foster boys who are abused, neglected and have trust issues. I enjoy the friendships, both youth and adult, that have developed over the years of common experiences and goals. Call it a Good old Boys Network or Club. So be it, would not trade it for anything in the world.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  22. Not cryin a river, I could absolutely give a ......... about awards Just stating an observation. We don't have a district pinewood derby, District Cub Day Camp, District Webelos Woods, District Coordinated Scout recruitment night, District Camp outs or camporees, District Cub or Scout leader training. We do have a round table that is pathetic, Basically popcorn info and FOS presentation. They did a antidrug presentation last year, and one guy showed a power point of his philmont trip. They do hand out the calendar of council events. I do enjoy the cookies and coffee. But every year we product 5 or so District Merit award winners and Two silver beavers. The District commissioners continue to award one another year after year. AND FOR WHAT? Most, if not all completely undeserved based on the status and performance of the district. So you stand back and ask "Basementdweller, why don't you step up and help make it better?" Well, I tried and was called a troublemaker for trying to host the first district Pinewood Derby in memory. We were going to charge $1 entry and invite the top 5 cars from each Pack. We were going to run a snack bar and try to use it as a fundraiser for the Pack. It never took place for a couple of reasons including the District Committee making sure everyone in the District knew it wasn't an OFFICIAL District event and not sanctioned. What exactly does that mean anyhow? Tried to organize a Webelos Woods event for the district and tried to recruit volunteers from the district Troops. None responded, I even tried direct visits to the troops. Our Troop was going to help but we are only 4 adults and two boys over 14. Excuses???? I second guess myself for not pushing it harder. So our Pack and Troop participates in other districts events and training.
  23. Sound like a couple of bad eggs, sent them packing, it will save a lot of heart ache and hassle. Wearing a patch for a position you currently do not hold is ridiculous. I imagine that political games are being played behind scenes and the current Cub Master is probably in trouble. This is a job for your COR and CC to deal with.
  24. Been in scouting for a number of years and I have never seen a Unit Commissioner do anything other than add a line to his/her Scouting resume. I do not need a Commissioner to do anything for me. If I have a problem I will call the DE or DC my self. Outsiders don't need to get involved with internal Pack or Troop End fighting or Politics. I don't need a UC to quote BSA guidelines. So what else are they supposed to do??
  25. So now awards equal GOBN?????? I can see it happening. FOS=Silver Beaver???? Awards, WHO CARES???? Not the reason I am involved, my fun-o-meter is not related to the bobbles on my shirt. Most, if not all of the Silver Beavers I seen awarded where NOT deserved. Same goes for the district award of Merit. Those are Symbols of the GOBN. Been to a District Award Dinner??? It is about the District Commissioners Awarding each other. They look completely stupid at best, our district is in shambles. I have said it before, I don't need a silly knot or medal to enjoy myself. I enjoy each scout and adult for what he brings to the relationship. When it stops being enjoyable I will quit. I may view receiving one of these awards as my being a failure. I will base my success on one of my scouts introducing me to his scout son at some point in the future.
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