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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. All the den leaders were the moms and the dads were ACM's. Well they all crossed over, moved or quite.......Just kinda happened. I don't think it is as big a deal as everyone makes it. I have as much fun as the boys.
  2. That was my biggest complaint with our DE doing the boy talks. He was selling BB guns, archery and camping.......Wait, most if not all of the Packs in our district DO NOT CAMP, Twice a year shooting BB guns at District or council events........Your lying to the boys. The boys show up to the pack meetings expecting to be camping and trained in the outdoors.
  3. With an injury, this should have been reported to the DE and see what kinda paperwork needs completed for council. From what I gather it is different council to council. The boy needs suspended immediately. A scout hits another scout in the testicles and the boy who did the hitting is upset by the experience????? No Gold award for you. He and his parent need to man up......Take responsibility. Until they pay for the medical care they would not be welcome back and I would make sure that the other crews in the area are aware of what happened so they didn't try to change crews just to get the award. The boy can't keep his hands off the ladies too ehhhhhh. The boy needs suspended or just flat kicked out. He respects no one. I searched nationals site for forms but I cannot find them can someone provide a link.......(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  4. A consultant for a Backpacking trip??????? I musta missed something. Start with an overnight with 1 or 2 miles in and back, probably could do it real easy at a scout camp. Then 5 miles in and back, single night again. Then 10 miles in multi night. Pretty simple.
  5. I think they had a bad batch. Because my son blew the crotch out. Took them back and got a replacement pair that have held up well I liked the older version better they had a zipper on the cuff that would allow you to take off and replace the pant leg with out taking your boots off.
  6. Whether we good old boys like it or not Social networking is here to stay until it evolves into something more. I have struggled with this issue. Initially I had one facebook account, then Cub parents started to invite me to be their friend. Well some of the parent and friends didn't like each other all that much and fights ensued on my wall. No thanks. Interestingly enough some of the things I enjoy in life just don't get along. Sport bikes, guns, hunting and life long companions don't get along with urban sensibilities of a young single vegetarian mom. While some have made comprises in their lives to participate in scouting I will not. I will never change who I am or what I believe, but in order to control the drama I have two facebook pages. One is title something along the lines of Scouter BOB and the other my real name. One is exclusively scouting and scouters. the other is Family and friends. It is none of the Cub family's business if I had a good time at the OBX or Disney or whether I am a member of the Gun lovers facebook page. they don't need to know if my friend bob got his.......tattooed again, or if my mom has breast cancer. It simply isn't any of their business. I am heavily committed to scouting, it is one aspect of my life.
  7. Eamon your lucky......I pick up my kids on occasion from school, the Middle school is near the elementary and it is frightening that some of the boys have more makeup on than the girls. Died hair and skirts and legging, not kilts.
  8. The scout is Gay, Knew he was, Waited till after his BOR or ceremony to come out of closet. He was living a lie, a sad statement of putting an award that high. It is sad he felt compelled to earn an award from an organization who does not support his beliefs. He is perpetuating the issue not helping. A moral contradiction. I would never support an organization or person I did not believe in or support. Including Scouting. I don't care one bit if he is gay or not. I just cannot believe he would sacrifice his beliefs to earn something as trivial as an Eagle.
  9. In the grand scheme of things WHO CARES????? He has betrayed who he really is as a person to earning award. He did not live by the law and oath he took on a weekly basis. Let him enjoy his 15 minutes and publicity stunt and watch him fade away our of the public eye.
  10. Must chime in My experience has been most single mom's enroll their sons in Cub Scouting to give them a positive male role model. I am part of an inner city scouting unit and Fathers are either not present or Addicted to something. It has been my experience that there is a definite difference between boys who are raised in a single Parent house hold and a two parent house hold with a Positive Male role model. The boys who come from a participating two parent home typically are more mature and better balanced as individuals. Less likely to have anger, trust or violence issues. These are just generalization from my experiences so don't get all defensive. I understand that things are different in more affluent suburbs and cities, MONEY makes a huge difference in peoples lives. Of course I have also seen the parents who are wealth not participate in their children's lives either thru technology or nanny's.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. Sounds like fun. Tour permit and a flying Permit. This sounds like an orientation fly which is Ok in the age specific guidelines http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/ageguides.pdf permit links attached http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss12.aspx The BSA Flying Permit, (see sample in appendix), is required for all BSA flying activities except for commercial flights. The local council reviews and approves the flight permit just as it would a tour permit. The Parent/Guardian Consent Form is also required. Units should attach the signed consent forms to the BSA Flying Permit Application and keep a copy of the signed consent forms in their files. Here is the link to the actual permit application http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/19-672.pdf(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  12. What if the quality of the program is terrible?? The program after 8 years doesn't seem to change that much. I don't see much benefit in attending
  13. Soooo, for your fundraisers you just hand a Scout $100 worth of candy bars to sell with no tracking?????? Of course not. No different in my opinion, I would have the tickets signed for by the parent and at the designated date either the tickets or money are due back. No big deal in my book. Sounds weird to me that they would blind side you with it at Roundtable. I would ask if I sign for the tickets if I could return them if the Pack Committee decided not to participate. Sounds like they are trying to circumvent the politics.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  14. Moose....... I am not sure about your experience or where you live.... Most poor people are poor for a reason, Up bringing, attitude, planning, education. Most cases it is pretty easy to fix the problem. Get an education, if your poor it will be free. With that said, what is the absolute first thing they buy for their Cub scout, in some case before the uniform, A Tent. Got a donated tent from a store, the family rushed outside and set it up for the world to see. While mom and dad were standing around smoking and talking to the other parents not watching their kids. Not sure exactly what happened but I came out just in time to see it pitched into the dumpster. I took it out of the dumpster after they left.....Big hole in the side of the tent looked like a knife cut and most of the poles were bent...... How about the sleeping bags that ended up on Craigslist........ Nope not gonna donate any more.
  15. I don't see it as being different. The Pack leaders screwed up and let the boy join too young or let him advance too fast to stay with the correct grade rank correlation. Lisa as you said Cubbing is flexible, so why make the leader and scout repeat Tigers????? You guys need to make up your mind
  16. $99 isn't cheap. I bought mine from gander mountain, it was on sale for $59 and then I got the extra 10% off with my scout membership card. Camp chef......If I had a complaint about it....it won't handle 22 inch dutch ovens.....not big enought. We use XL pizza pans on top of it for those. Here is the google search page with a bunch for less money. http://www.google.com/products?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&hl=en&q=Dutch+oven+table&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=1cr5S4i7HMOAlAeXwZSrCg&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CDIQrQQwAA Plus Cub parents aren't really excited about cooking on the ground. Oh well.
  17. So explain how this is different than the boy who is in the same den as his brother........ Age appropriate activities is what everyone was quoting. This is absolutely no different in my mind. The boy started cubs early for what ever reason and now will be crossing over into BS early. I will be interested to see if the BS resident camp will let him attend at 9 years old. I just find it interesting
  18. I use a charcoal chimney all the time. Gets us away from using charcoal lighter fluid.
  19. I would donate it to the Pack. Had some bad experiences donating directly to scouts gear getting sold, or scouts not showing up with it to the outing. Or Getting destroyed 5 minutes after it was given to the scout. We had a couple of Webelos, screw up a troop tent on Troop camp out and now the webelos are not permitted to use troop tents.
  20. I have a number of pants and they have held up well I would hope the other scouters in the troop would appreciate that the fact you had actual scout pants irregardless of old vs new color...... Of course there are the self appointed uniform police.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  21. If he was held back that made him a Second or Third Grade Boy Scout???????
  22. Hauling dirt? Ridiculous. It could work, but way too much work. Of course I have done stuff like that too. Setting up 126 Tiki torches for a 15 minute ceremony falls into that category. I found Baloo pretty worthless. One of those things to be dealt with to comply with the rules. We use a dutch oven table, which is all metal and for the really big dutch ovens we use XL pizza pans and bricks under them. Cardboard with foil over it for a fire base would just catch on fire. My Webelos????? Not The Webelos?????(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  23. Remember, how the program is delivered is up to the den leader, with in the guidelines of course. you do not have to adopt it. I picked up the cub program book this morning and see what it says.
  24. Seems like a pretty simple thing to me. Decide which Pack number will used or get a new one. Decide on Leader positions. Decide on which CO. Your DE will cry the blues, but if it makes the program better for the boys who cares what council or district thinks or wants.
  25. I always bring enough extra for the siblings to participate. Cub Scouting is Family Scouting. Recruiting future Venture Crew members maybe.
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