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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Ahhh, woodbadgers awarding each other again. it is all about the boys right???
  2. The requirement to join is 11 or completed the 5th grade. Most webelos 2 boys will be 11 by march or april in the 5th grade anyhow. Let them crossover with the others and be guests of the the troop till May when they change grades if they are not 11. OR if the boy wants he can work on his AOL till he completes 5th grade. I have seen it both ways, boys who wouldn't crossover till aging out with the pack and boys crossing over the second they could You guys are making this too black and white. Like the Packs who push the super achiever award, ridiculous. Cub scouting bear and wolf years are nearly identical especially if they earn the whittle chip as a wolf resulting in much repetition and the loss of interest.
  3. So why exactly would you lose the 5th graders????? I sell them the camping. we den camp twice, camp with the troop twice and go to webelos weekend. So 5 campouts before Cross over in March. So what if they don't get their arrow of Light.
  4. If a family cannot afford the Pack fee and refuse to fund raise we give them the boot. DEAD BEATS and they are teaching boys to live on the generosity of others. We use scout accounts the way it works is 100% of the fund raising goes into that account. So every single penny that scout raises is available directly to him. We also have a yearly program amount, it is adjusted in May for the coming year. Recharter and the program fee come out of the accounts November 1st. Insufficient funds in the account the parents are asked for it, on two occasions. 1st meeting in November and 2nd Meeting in November. December 1st they receive a notice that their scout is not current with his financial obligations to the Pack and may not attend Meetings as of January 1. In three years we have issued about 10 letters and most have paid or made arrangements. While I see scouting as important, Money is an important lesson too. I have mentioned it before, earlier in my scouting career. I handed a stay at home mom a campership form to fill out while he was sitting in her brand new ford excursion, while she talked on her new cell phone and freshly manicured nails or fake nails. We have a parent this year that all of her kids go to the most exclusive private school in town on scholarship, she asked us for help even before she signed up. Our response was NO, a scout pays his own way.
  5. Well I learned a bunch from this thread thanks for all the help
  6. Our boys cross over in 9 months anyhow. We attend summer camp and webelo woods. It is easy to do. So a 1st year webelos is gonna get treated the same irregardless of 4th or 5th grade status.
  7. Well, I am planning for the long term. So what Christmas party activities have you done in the past???? Last year we wrapped the Den leader, that was fun to watch. Then the usually punch and candy cane sorta thing. Looking for better Cub Masters, what have you done for the Den Leaders during Christmas to show your appreciation to them?
  8. We are in the exact same situation as an inner city Pack. This year we laid down the law. Last night was the Parents meeting......We told them here is the expectation you are on the hook for 90 bucks and here is what we provide for your $90. They made funny faces, there were some gasps and even one bolted for the door. I yelled wait there is hope. Over the summer I secured store front sales opportunities in rich suburbs. we are a Pack of 40 boys and with what is arranged I have 200 2 hour slots for selling in front of stores....in a nutshell each boy will have 10 hours of store front sales opportunity. They are expected to also sell door to door. I got a phone call from the council kernel asking why our order was double last years....... Our budget with recharter is $127. In worse case there are some council programs, but I try to steer our boys away from them.......A scout earns his own way.......I have seen some really tough situations and they boys earn their way.
  9. I forgot the nearly mandatory computer for ticket writing. Yes is was borderline tragic because there was no cell phone signal. I am thinking this particular course could have used a huge dose of testosterone.
  10. Just fill out the fundraiser application and turn it in. So with the popcorn falling in those United way dates how do we sell popcorn?????? Our Council will not approve an application for fundraiser unless you sell popcorn. then again, we have units run fish frys and spagetti dinners and do not sell popcorn. They do not bother to file the "required" fundraising paper work. Just sayin
  11. In our district the retention rate varys from 15%-100% with the average being in the 70%. Program Program and Program is the main reason for leaving. We are an inner city area and have to contend with a fairly transient population. Oh well. Our neighboring Pack has a retention rate of 15%. Their program is terrible. We have received some of the refugees but I am afraid they have jaded most against the program. Far as the economy excuse goes, maybe, it has been an excuse used by too many to get out of scouting. We have a motto, that money should not stand in the way of scouting.
  12. Not show stoppers, but general dislikes.
  13. When I say recognize, I don't mean thanks for helping out. I mean a minute or two with a gift or gag gift of some sort. I understand and appreciate staff happiness and satisfaction, it was just excessive is all. The stuffed animal thing was too much, the stuffed animal kidnapping and everything that went along with it was distracting and added to the delays at Gilwell.
  14. After a month or so after my last weekend of woodbadge I think that I have the reasons I didn't care for the course. 1. The Stuffed animals, So why does your stave need to weigh 20 pounds with all the stuff on it. Stuffed animals, please, don't like it. 2. What is the purpose of the stave??? In the new course it doesn't serve a purpose other than decoration. then pestering the participants for not carrying them around. Please I am 50 but my legs are good as is my balance and I am not carrying around a 50 pound pack. 3. Staff recognition. I am on staff for another course and we do not do it in front of the participants. They spent an hour and a half congratulating each other. 4. Soliciting donations, I am in scouting and pretty well tapped out enough said. 5. Same material again, covered in the other courses I have attended and staff. I will say that my patrol was great and my troop guide was fantastic as well. I enjoyed pushing his buttons both weekends. My spoof ticket made the course director come for a visit to see if I was serious.
  15. I think the LDS units almost purposefully segregate and alienate themselves. Refusing a hand offered for a greeting. Changing the Schedule roundtable night for the benefit of 4 leaders and impacting 40. Arrogant attitudes and body language. Confrontational interactions. LDS can do what ever they want, It does not change how I provide my program or how I recruit. What happens to the LDS contingent on their own time back at the CO is none of my business or concern. They have different beliefs and slightly different values, GET OVER IT.
  16. To not teach it is naive at best. Reality is, most in the back country do carry a little libation.
  17. I would rather this be a teaching moment for the entire den than just a lecture to one boy and parent
  18. Summer camp registration deadline approaching, CC I forgot his check book so jim and john can go to day camp could you pay it Mr. CM and I will pay you next week, well that was May. first meeting last week and I ask Mr. CC for the money. Guess what, he called our COR and just resigned. So he stuck me for $150. Great, really ticks me off. I am thinking about small calms court, but there is nothing in writing so I am screwed. Just venting, No good deed goes unpunished BTW both his boys had a blast.
  19. Alps pads are fine and they can be had for $30 on steepandcheap.com. They offer one deal at a time but for up to 95% off sometimes it can be worth the wait. I purchased a 4" alps for 80% off from them, the blasted thing weighs 10 pounds.
  20. Our council finances are a closely guarded secret. I will have to take you word when you say LDS donate more money. I don't doubt it, because of the strong individual financial ties to the church. I know that our District LDS organization do not participate in FOS.
  21. I second the attend standard BSA training. Shake hands when offered. I am a person too. When asking for special accommodations think about more than just the LDS crew. Our district moved round table to better accommodate the LDS members and now it interferes with other scouters church functions. How about participating in Friends of Scouting? Our local LDS units don't.
  22. Why would you have a hot spark for $2.99 when a 99 Cent bic lighter will do? My point was that it was nearly the sole method for making fire on the pacific islands for a long time. There are a million ways to make fire, magnesium blocks, steel wool and battery, bow and drill, flint and steel, magnifying glass, fire piston, a number of chemical reactions, matches, lighters. What is more fun, flicking your bic or us a bow and drill or fire piston? I am a gear head and have most methods of making fire in a tote I use for eduction. I have the means to make char cloth. Your point is valid about the whys of char cloth when cotton balls are better tinder. I teach it all, let the learner pick and choose what they remember. go to youtube and search fire piston it will change your mind. Now ask me if I carry it when I backpack. Nope, I care three tiny bic lighters. One in my pocket and the other two in the water proof stove bag. the Webelos in the den fight over who gets to start the fire with magnesium starter. pretty cool.
  23. Oh ill informed, Fire piston was used almost exclusively on the pacific rim and islands. It is simple to use and uses standard old char cloth. No big deal, it is as reliable as flint and steel. It is a fantastic demo for fire starting.
  24. chazz do you doubt he will buy himself a silver beaver??????? Oh it happens. I think the line about unselfish service will kill his vigil chase. Buying a wolf scout a $1k knot is ridiculous. That kid is gonna grow up 10X of screwed up.
  25. Dreaded double post(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
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