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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I still don't understand why you are making an exception for this ONE scout??????? sounds like you are letting personal feelings get in the way of what is correct. How can you or anyone not the den leader sign off on his advancement/?????
  2. Our group is very active year round, so every boy wants to join the Troop as soon as possible. We family camp twice a year, the webs camp twice with the troop, we go to resident camp.......so they are ready to be boy scouts. If the Web I's have completed all of the AOL requirements by crossover time and want to go to the troop I will let them go whether they are 10 or 10 years 11 months. I will not risk losing them out of boredom. We have had parents elect to hold their boys in Webs a second year.......A choice every parent and scout need to make.
  3. Just returning the favor I guess. The LDS groups in our area will not allow non-LDS members to be leaders. It is their right after all. I too wonder why this is news.
  4. I would step out of the middle of the situation...... How can you sign off on his advancement since you are not his den leader???????
  5. That is one of the problems. We schedule the work day for the troop gear.......guess what My son and I are the only ones who showed up. We cleaned out the Patrol boxes and inventoried them, washed the gear and restocked them. We cleaned the tents on Sunday. Getting tired of maintaining tents to only have them returned trashed. One of the ASM's is a real horses A#% his sons are a the biggest abusers of the equipment. He told me that his boys aren't going to waste a Saturday maintaining Equipment. Schedule all I want they will not attend. They even walked out of a troop meeting when we tried to do the maintenance during a meeting. Then the rest of the troop adopted " a if he isn't gonna do it, then I am not either".
  6. Trainer lady why are you preventing the boys from joining boy scouts. The joining requirements say at least 10 years old and having earned the arrow of light. There is nothing about 4th grade graduation in the boy scout joining requirements. "Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old." http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/joining.aspx Cross those boys over. My son crossed over at 10 and 4 months. he had 13 activity pins. As a matter of fact we don't have a webelos 2 den, why???? because they all cross over as webelos 1's. I will say that bickering over outdoor activities with the troop is simple minded. The boy is there or he is not or if the troop didn't show up then it doesn't count. Sounds like you need to work on you level of involvement with the troop. Besides who says you cannot contact another troop for an outing????? Sounds like the SM is taking you guys for granted.
  7. super fun for the guy with the GPS, really boring for everyone else. Been their done that. I take families out by request only.
  8. Our Troop has provided tents for the scouts to use since it came to being 50 years ago. We have really struggled over the last year with maintaining our tents from boys taking them home to dry them and not doing it to broken zippers, bent poles vandalism.......on and on. We currently are battling the smell from the break down of the water proofing. Smells like vomit, we are going to need to replace $3k worth of tents. So what do you do??????? We are considering getting out of the tent business.
  9. I am sure someone has figured out what the absolute youngest age a scout could get an eagle. 12 year old eagle??????? Not sure it is possible at least following the advancement rules, even if the boy crossed over with his AOL at 10 years old. Eagle in 2 years???????
  10. We have a troop in our council that has a troop trailer that says something along the lines Troop 123 were eagles soar....It goes on to list the count and then the names, by year. They have 10 or so a year, I am not sure of the membership so I cannot give you a percent of troop. Does that qualify as an Eagle mill??? It seems like a danger sign to me..... Realistically most parents could careless if their Scout can tie a knot, do a presentation or actually lead. They care about that extra line on the college resume, Period. We have a scout who is going to Eagle period, mom said so because all of his cousins have done it, the funny part is he will not camp. They will visit camp for the day but will not spend the night. The two of them make my skin crawl when ever I have to deal with them. Little spoiled rich boy and his helicopter mom.
  11. You are also missing the firestorm that accompanying the transfer. You simply cannot ignore the real problem.....the parents. Just blindly looking at the scout is impossible. I am comfortable with refusing this young man knowing, at least one side, of the history. So what is the cost program, aggravation and lost families, to the troop, one boy just isn't worth it. I know others will see it differently, but running the troop is tough enough with out parents being jerks.
  12. My bad on the link. You are correct in that All BSA meeting are open to everyone. But Den Leaders don't have any influence and should not have voting rights at the committee level. The CM is Program and should represent their views to the committee. The committee should be stable with experienced leaders guiding the Pack, Packs get in trouble when they have inexperienced leadership and no mentoring. Taking the kids swimming is a great idea, they just need to rent a pool that provides life guards is all. no big deal.
  13. National has little to say about uniform bottoms. As pointed out earlier, boys were jeans and soccer shorts with their shirts. Kilts are no different in my opinion. I wear the kilt because it is comfortable and nothing more. That Cub Scout tartan looks suspiciously like the weebs neckerchief.
  14. I am guessing that would violate youth protection.
  15. I call BS on him going to council about skipping a Rank. The man is a blow hard who let his position go to his head. The CM really doesn't have anything to say about the CC it is up to the COR and IH to remove him. He sounds like a jerk, living vicariously thru his son. I bet if you pushed his son a bit, I bet he doesn't have the skills. Besides, who is actually suffering from this folly, his son.
  16. sue.....kinda defeats the freedom of a kilt doesn't it. then why not just wear shorts. My son wants one but the good ones are too expensive for a boy. My kilt has a modesty system. If your worried about the guy behind you on the stairs or hill looking up your kilt you have never wore one. they are longer than that.
  17. So if it is by the book Then why was a den leader at the committee meeting??????? http://old.scouting.org/cubscouts/resources/13-240.pdf One per person in scouting right??????? cough cough
  18. His scouts name is on the official camp registration roster, dated the day after he said he was good for it.
  19. Pulled both boys and now they are members of another Pack, had a chat with the their new CM at round table and told him to make sure he got his money up front for camp. Left it at that, nothing gained by trashing him. I ran into the dad at the gas station a couple of weeks ago, he acted like he didn't know me. Ridiculous. He completely ignored me and jumped in his car quick and left, not sure if he even pumped the gas he paid for. Lesson learned for sure.
  20. A prime example why charity DOES NOT Work. Two boys on council scholarships, Saw them school night, Filled out application and Financial aid form. They got their shirt and book in the mail. Haven't seen or heard from them since. The the council wasted $100 on these two deadbeat scouts. For me to endorse any financial aid at all, It would need to be a long time Active Pack member whose family is in financial trouble. Never ever will I submit a financial aid application to council for a new scout.
  21. Time to find a new Committee chair I would get a cup of coffee with him and your COR and explain to him that simply ain't how it works. Because jr is going to be a webelo at 8 and can't cross over till after 10 years old. Boy is gonna get bored and quit
  22. I have been known to wear a utilikilt in olive green at resident camp with the Boy Scouts, to much controversy with the Cub parents. Comfortable and functional. Yes it is fun to talk about too. I wore it to roundtable one night and the old codgers had a fit. I asked what the difference between it and jeans was. too close to looking like an official uniform is what they said. It is comfortable and functional, I will continue to wear one.
  23. I am not winning, I am whining and complaining. I understand the application for another Job and giving them the right to check my back ground My beef is having to carry around my YP card and having to submit it for everything I do. I does not make it easier for everyone especially me. Oh and they will not accept it electronically either. For your information Gary The Council Registrar is a paid position BY ME and should make my life easier instead of being LAZY. Back to my original post........ All of the BSA databases should be connected, when she puts in my information, bingo. This is a very simple procedure, sure it will require some planning and some money. So when Mary Jane registrar puts my name in the BSA database in a new position the fields should automatically populate with my address and Training info and anything else that is important. Relational databases aren't that big a deal people. National needs to at least move the database into the 2000's yes I said 2000 not the 21st century. This eighties style database is ridiculous.
  24. Yes I took YPT on myscouting YEs my bsa ID is in the myscouting. Yes I am tired of being asked for it I volunteered at an eager beaver camp work day. I didn't have my YPT card with me so guess what.........I was forced to take it again. Guess what it was a hand written card and will not be valid according to our District Exec. What a cluster
  25. So how many times am I going to be required to resubmit my YPT certificate. Well, I recently became a den leader in a second pack needed to submit it as I got a letter from council. Cub master position had to submited it, Committee member of a new crew had to submit it, ASM with the troop had to submit it. This a huge waste of paper and time. So is council or national ever going to get their stuff together. Come on BSA get your information act together, Fire the stodgy worthless old programmers you currently employ and hire some new young guns. THE STATUS QUO MUST GO Just getting tired of resubmitting the same old stuff.
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