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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. well the red ryder style bb guns do not have rifled bores. hense the loss of accuracy. They also use the super cheap BB's, what is the difference in the bb's you asked. The cheap Daisy or just cheap bb's in general have a flat spot on them, not all of them, but more than half. this puts a nasty hook on it. Crossman copperheads are pretty good To help our boys I bring a better grade of BB's to council events. They always shoot very well.
  2. District has zero to say about tour permits. It is a council thing.
  3. Family camps at council resident camps are great for tigers. Took my son and daughter to one. We had a blast. only complaint is the cost goes up
  4. You don't need baloo trained to hold webelos Den camp outs. Baloo only is required for a tour permit to hold a Pack Family camp out. Webelos outdoor leadership WOW or Outdoor webelo leadership skills OWL is not required for webelo den camping. it is suggested not required "To provide leadership for this event, Webelos den leaders should complete the course, Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders, No. 13-33640." Yep 8 pins in two years is pretty thin. we did 5 in a week at resident camp. Sounds like a bad apple den leader. I would approach the Troop and ask if your son or a couple of boys from the den could attend an outing. it maybe irrelevant cause he will age out before he can earn the
  5. So a registered Cub Scout when to summer camp as a registered boy scout??????? Dad you need to find a ball bat and swing it real hard into your nether regions. You deserve it....Wake up, geezzzzz What in the world are you doing? Summer activities, there is webelos resident camps. A scout is trustworthy.....his arrow of light quest is OVER. It ended when you signed him up for Boy Scouts. If you continue to pursue it you are violating the oath and law he will be taking for the next 6 or so years. If you get it for him, YOU know and understand it is a lie and you violated the Requirements to get it. You are also dishonoring every scout who has earned the award by following the requirements.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. Quality of the leadership is an issue in Girls Scouts as well. But our venture crew is full of young ladies who brothers are scouters and want some boy scouting for themselves.
  7. In her pack the Webelos program is 2 years. So what? Just one parent is worried he is doing the bare minimum???? If you do a two year webelos program you need to stretch the program to fill two years. Explain to me why he should modify his program for one scout??????? so why are you punishing this leader because you chose to hold him out of school a year. It is still early in the year, ask for him to tag along with the weeb 2's to get his visits done.
  8. having watched a couple thousand swimming tests. Strong manner is obvious to me. You can tell with in a few strokes whether a young man is gonna do it or not. Now occasional you get a surprise.
  9. Great spin off I thought I was a scout and had some really great memories. While I was raised in a two parent household my father chose work and fraternal organizations over his family so he was not much of an influence in my life. Baby boomer Father. My scout master was my real father. My son saw the scouting pictures in my scrape books and we talked about it before he was a tiger. We talked about the outings, jambo, philmont and camping. So when he brought the flyer home from school he was really excited. the rest is history. I became involved to fill a void in leadership. The rest is history. My son has since moved on to boy scouts. I am still acting as CM and Web den leader. It is his scouting adventure now......not mine.
  10. clem the boys that failed ended up dog paddling the last lap. Strong manner means strong manner not dog paddling or treading water to rest.....remember most 10 year olds don't have 6 swimming strokes. They have one or two. My son failed the first two years at camp....the second year it was the in a strong manner that got him. to me it isn't ambiguous at all. Strong manner is pretty apparent. the kid who is all out of breath at the end of it after dog paddling the last 10 yards is not a strong manner. It falls to the physically fit thing. The swim test helps our boys be safe in our pools. This is not something that should be short cutted to make the scout feel better. So clem, would it make you feel better if the tester passed your son and then him drowning in a circumstance where, had he actually had the ability he could have saved himself. This is one of the err on the side of caution.
  11. You should never take a parents word or scouts word on the swimming test. The boys life may depend on his ability to swim. Had a group of 14 Webelos at summer camp. All but two said they could pass the swimming test easily. Time for the test.......4 boys passed it. It is a lot more physically demanding than just merely swimmming a single lap for a swim team. We did have several swim team members who did not pass. Remember the wording in the test says "in a strong manner. " Most boys cannot perform at that level at 9 or 10 years old. they will in a couple of years, when they start putting on some muscle. If they have to earn the aquanaut rent a pool and pay life guards to man it... or go to a public pool with lifeguards and do the swim. I am not willing to accept the personal liability for life guarding, I have taken safe swim defense and it is not a life guarding course. Those who are advising you it is ok are not correctly informed. It is my experience that parents will more than a little bit, over state their sons ability.
  12. Daughter hates girls scouts, all they do is sell cookies and make a craft every meeting. Not very meaning full. She simply cannot wait to be of age to enter Venturing. So how can GS do a better job when the girls are itching to join venturing.
  13. Now the test out has gone to multiple days with interim patrol meetings?????? sounds like a regular old IOLS course. Just sayin that's all.
  14. could you post a link to IOLS requirements.....my curiosity is running working. I spoke with our scout master about letting the patrols hike on their own. he looked at me sideways like I was crazy. interesting to say the least.
  15. Most of my experience has been with the households with multiple Moms. No it doesn't get weird. They attend the the functions as a family unit. It is really a non issue. Camping is no problem because the tenting is same sex. right?!? In my opinion non-married heterosexual couples are a bigger pain to deal with. they are not to share a tent right??????? Explain that and get a couple who have been living together for 8 years to understand. Our CC refused to camp with us because of it, he was living with a gal and expected to share a tent with her.
  16. Nobody checks anything here. No biggy If they are crossing over why are you just now recognizing them????? I try to recognize my volunteers annually.
  17. I just can't get past the demonstrate portion of what you are doing????? Is it the staff demonstrating or the participants? This is a test out there should be zero demonstration because in my opinion either you have the skills or you need to learn them, there is no gray area here. So what happens if they say test out of 50% of the activities, do they still need to take the entire course? Is there a retest date for the failed parts? It is too political and convoluted in my opinion. The demo's make it a course instead of a test. Who is gonna tell a fellow that has spent an entire Saturday testing that he has failed and will need to take IOLS on another couple of Saturdays.
  18. Most Scouting organizations I have been involved with are more the don't ask don't tell variety. An that is fine. Don't wave your lifestyle choice in my face and I won't wave mine.
  19. Like it or not it is the way most of our boys spend some if not all of their recreation time. There is more to the BL than just play. I agree that it is walking a fine line and not that different than banning books Beside a parent can do any or all of the belt loops on their own. Relax, most of the boys won't earn it any how. Ever since the initial rush, no one has earned it in our Pack
  20. I still say it is a simple thing to do. Knot station, tie the required knots get the signature Lashing station, lash something useful from provided material, get the signature Present yourself prepared for a camping trip. explain your gear get the signature Pitch a tent, get a signature. Leave no trace, explain the basic principles and how you use them on an outing. on and on Pretty simple. You cannot do that with the PM. just that simple.
  21. It is a test out Why would you demonstrate anything? I would go in with the expectation of showing what I know nothing more. Does IOLS requirements state very clearly anything about the patrol method??? Asking anyone to do the patrol stuff in a couple of hours is silly. Get the requirements, create your sign off list and set up stations. have the participants run thru the stations collecting signatures as they go. pretty simple.
  22. I don't think even not camping in the cabins is the answer. What if you share a tent with another scout whose gear is infested???? Now the likely hood of getting them is substantially less. It is a problem that crosses socioeconomic boundaries. My sister who travels a lot has brought them home a couple of times in luggage. At least they don't carry disease.
  23. As kudu said, a wonder why they leave. shakes head.
  24. So, the info is very inconsistant. I am going to construct a metal cabinet with solar powered heaters and fans to raise the internal temperature to 150 for an hour. When camping in a cabin, I will not use my good sleeping bags, but the really cheap wally world one or just use sheets. depending on the time of year. This is only for cabins.
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