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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I got an Alumni mag a week or so ago. It said they would be on the site in the near future. The article said the requirements would be tough?????????
  2. Thats great some one resurrected a nearly 5 year old thread.
  3. We have a lot of eagle scouts ya knot head. I am betting you didn't read my last post. Most of the registered male scouters I deal with are eagle scouts. Now, exactly why should I appreciate and eagle scout???? (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  4. In our troop, 100% of the registered adult leadership are eagles. 12 of us In our Pack all registered male leaders except for 1 are eagles that is 5 of us The Crew 100% of male adult leaders are Eagles. 6 of us. Dime a dozen. Moosetracks well said, My son is on his own scouting adventure right now, I hope he makes eagle but that is just me being selfish.....More importantly I hope he is having fun and I am positive he is.
  5. My point is, your pointing out that you are an eagle. So what????? Most of the adult scouters I run into are as well. BTW I am an eagle and lifelong outdoors man as well, so what and who cares. I value the Eagle less now than when I was a youth, I have seen how poorly Some adult scouters administer, push and bend the rules to get their Boys the eagle, some at 13 and 14 years old. We have SM, CC signing off all their scouts requirements, sign off on every one of their merit badges. We have Eagle Projects that are double dipped and used for credit for multiple things. on and on. I have been lied to by eagle scouts I have been cheated by eagle scouts Heck one even stuck me for both his scouts summer camp fees. Eagle scouts are just people after all. I digress, just been around too long and seen too much.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. thx moose I am done fighting the district about this......Like I said, we go out of district to get our cub events..... I told the Pack committee I would stay for the next 5 years as CM to provide some stability to the program. I am tired of the politics. My son is no longer a cub, so personally it is kind of irrelevant any more. I fought them my sons entire cub scouting career. Well, wolf on anyhow. I have to ask myself Why does it matter? and why are you making a big deal about it??? I will spend most of my vacation at scout camps this summer, day camp, webelos resident, Resident camp with the troop and then with the Crew.
  7. Zero none of those cub activities. No district pinewood, No district halloween activity No district Day camp No district cub activities. I am not allowed to get anything organized or get a committee together because there is a cub activity committee.
  8. drnbear did you actually read scout nuts post a quote from his unedited post. "BSA National rules do NOT require adults trained in either BALOO, or Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders, in order to be able to take a Webelos den on a den camp out. An individual council might have stricter rules, and require one, or both, but National does not. " BTW Eagles are a dime a dozen and the quality of them varies significantly as well. How many adults do you know that claim to be an eagle and you discover latter they are not.
  9. interesting.....All of our meeting roundtable, committee meetings, training are all done in uniforms. Wife wears her crew uniform to the Pack and troop committee meeting.
  10. Ah yes more bad or incorrect info from new members. Scoutnut delivered the correct facts. I would read what the resident camp you are attending specifically requires. Some require a responsible adult for each participate not to exceed two youth per adult. Others have different policies, so see what the event you are attending requires. I will continue the thought with, it really depends on the Webelos den and the specific scout. Last year the den was fantastic, responsible and mature we had a great time with 3 adults and 10 boys at resident camp. A few issues but that is to be expected, no marshmellow fever and everyone had a great time. This year the boys are horribly in mature and on the outing with the boy scouts were more than just a small handful. So this year I am requiring parents to attend, I am not going to try to manage that or subject my assistants to that. Blue Jacket.....It is vitally important that webelos age boys are the responsibility of an adult who is not the outing leader. And One trained leader is all you need following the rules. Webelos is not a family activity and if you make it such, you are losing the transition intent of the den(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. We have the second largest somali community in the country or so we are told.....They simply do not participate in anything outside their ethnic community. They have their own youth soccer leagues, their own markets culture centers. To be real honest they could care less about anyone else except their own nationality.
  12. And there ya have it, the reality of what is actually required. terry 21 weekends is a big commitment. Thank you(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  13. No cub programing in our District is because of the old WOODBADGE guard. First I was told I need to go to national camp school. I did. Then it was woodbadge. I did that too. I still was told no. At this point I don't care......we just go out of district to cub events. Scouting is a business after all.
  14. Not meaning anything slanderous about a third year webelos.....Just he could end up as a third year webelo. I looked up the record and the youth was 11 years 8 months when we rechartered. The young man had been held back a grade. It was all kind of a shock, He was bigger than the other boys, but got along with them just fine, a head scratcher when it happened.
  15. I can only speak of what I know, I live in the inner city and there are poor. Around here, the rich folk live out in the country on 5 acre mini farms or ranches.
  16. Sooo you could have a 12+ year old Webelos 3?????? Makes sense. During recharter a couple of years ago, I had a 11+ year old webelos that scoutnet would not let me put keep him in the Pack........ I don't remember his exact age. I will add that my son received his AOL a month early. But one month is much different than 8 that bruce is talking about. I will also add that my son has been active with the troop since he was 4 years old, part of my agreement to become ASM. So my son was not your typical Webelo, he had been an active member with the troop for 6 years before he crossed over. he camped, hiked, fished and did as much as he could with the troop. My daughter is following the same path.....My wife and I are crew advisors and she is 9 years old and is attending outings with the crew. Thx for the correction.
  17. What is the point in all these positions????? NONE OF THEM IMPACT our Packs program. Honestly what and the heck do they do???????? Our district has two boy scout camporees a year.......ZERO cub activities. We do have a monthly round table, but that is it. Explain to me why we need all these people to run it?????????? Our BSA units receive near zero assistance from anyone higher than SM, Advisors, or CM from neighboring units. the DE from time to time. That is it. Of course what are they supposed to be doing?????? Seems like a lot of overhead for what appears to be zero result.
  18. So why don't you wear it to leadership meetings????? It is still a scout function, correct. So the uniform is appropriate and you should encourage your other leaders to wear it as well. I have done some of my best recruiting in stores and gas stations on my way too and from scout events while in uniform. I have probably have gotten interest from 50 boys and parents, either recruiting or directing them to a closer pack. I wear mine 5 days a week......
  19. You are also confusing Two ceremonies. The first is the AOL ceremony and the second is the crossover. If the boy did not complete his AOL then ZERO ceremonys at the Blue and Gold. They did not meet the requirement, but the best part is they still have 3 months to finish before they age out.
  20. What everyone says is true a boy can join Boy scouts with the ARROW of light at 10. Scouter Bruce your son could have completed all but one of the requirements for the AOL he could not have finished it till December with a May birthday. But the AOL cannot be earned in Cub Scouts till 10 1/2. here is the requirement 1. Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade (or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old), and earn the Webelos badge. So unless your 10 year old is already a fifth grader he does not qualify to earn the Arrow of light(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  21. What is a campmaster????? I have never met one of those either. It would be impossible for BSA to meet the demand for this service......Our council is made up of 500 troops covering 1/3rd of our state. On any given weekend say 10% of the units want to partake.....that means we would need 50 experts and 50 locations to do the high adventure. We have BSA people calling themselves experts who clearly are not...... if you want this to happen you need to create a certification school Rappel master Back country White Water Cope and what ever else. There must be a written and practical test.....The participants need to be allowed to fail......participation should not equal auto pass. I have looked at the REI trips and they look fun, but they are really expensive. I am no expert, but I have been around long enough to spot one.
  22. The only unit commissioners I have seen are the ones at roundtable........every single roundtable we waste 15 minutes reintroducing ourselves to the group....... These guys and gals are three row knot kinda guys, with woodbadge beads neckerchief and campaign hats. One of these UC spent 1 minute 15 seconds introducing herself, after the second month I decided to time her the next month. They don't actually attend roundtable for the program, but spend their time disrupting the speakers/presenters. I remember a post about unit commissioners holding uniform inspections, please, some of my boys don't have shirts, simply cannot afford them and the uniform closet is currently empty, and I don't need a STRANGER coming to my units meeting and making my scouts feel bad. I read the job description on the link norules provided. I see what they are supposed to do, but I still don't see how they will help my Pack, troop and Crew. Our organizations are healthy, we have a few areas we could improve upon, but don't see what they can do to help????. My reference to peacocks was not directly to or about unit commissioners(hit close to home?).... How could it be, I have never had one at any unit meetings I have been involved with. I have a couple of den leaders, Associate Advisors and ASM's that are the peacocks I was refering too.
  23. Well, being today I was off work. The Cc and treasurer went to the bank to straighten out the bank accounts. Well we removed about 8 people from the account, old cm, cc and the like. Don't ask me why it was never done. But all that aside the bank wants our win number and a letter of purpose for their records. My thought why reinvent the wheel. Does any one have one they would like to share?
  24. I am the CM, ASM and Crew Advisor. Explain to me why I need a Unit commissioner....... When I want answers I just call or email my DE. What is a Unit Commissioners Job? I don't need another self important peacock strutting around the CO
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