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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Had my coffee I just read in these forums too many time regarding the antics of well meaning adults. Had a mom go an buy a dog sled for her webelo group to pull an event. We have groups that buy they boys leaving cubs entire backpack setups. I read at all the trinkets leaders give the boys for just attending. Whose paying for them? had a den leader give her boys customized water bottles for christmas a couple of years ago. red... I was not trying to be mean or insult you.....sometimes I just state the facts and it comes across harsh. I could a left the two year comment off. But We bridge cross or graduate our webelos to the troop in roughly nine months.
  2. Why do they need a gift?????? This sets them up for a disappointment when they reach boy scouts. Sure it makes you the leader feel good about it. The boys enjoy getting stuff, but why? Yes there is no such thing as Webelos I or Webelos II program. it is merely webelos.....and IMHO two years in webelos is one too many.
  3. Interesting points and discussion. Should it be measured? How is it measured? Is a scouter qualified to measure it? remove Duty to god from the oath and remove Reverent from the scout law? Interesting and valid questions But isn't that why so many churches charter BSA units.
  4. I am not a SM and don't have any ponies in the race. This is just purely a conversation for me.....I enjoy debate. I agree that a SMC is participation only. BOR are almost like that. He maybe having a crisis in faith. He maybe just being obstinate. Duty to God or reverence for god....I am guessing Stating I don't believe in God or there is no god violates that. So do you ask the scout if he considers himself an atheist? If he ask what that is, read him the definition from the dictionary and base your decision on that?????? I don't know just asking. My opinion, duty to god is more than just going to church. We all know some church going folks who could live in the building and they would still not behave as church going folks should.
  5. How about fixing domestic terrorism? Inner city gangs?? I can't go to the grocery store after dark unarmed. Thugs? Drug dealers and their supporting organizations. If we spent the money at home that was spent in our over seas wars, I believe most of our problems would be better, not gone.
  6. Calico...... so you believe that because his parents make him go to church he full fills the requirement???? Despite his stating he does not believe in god. Isn't that a cub scout way of advancement????? Participation equals completion.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  7. We graduate boys to the troop at least twice a year. at the blue and gold and in the fall. Once they earn the Arrow of Light we send them to the troop. Which means we cross boys over somewhere between 10 1/2 and 11. most boys are webelos with us for about 9 or 10 months. No boredom in our group.
  8. If you want to thump the rule book yes you could toss him out based on that statement. Most understand the young man may not fully understand what he is saying and the consequences. just some interesting reading http://www.bsalegal.org/duty-to-god-cases-224.asp
  9. Scoutnut We have a troop in our district that does exactly that......parents transport their scout to and from events and campopouts, no exceptions. Troop leadership does not provide transportation period. No idea on the background and the whys....that is the way they operate. There are scouts I will not transport because of the damage they caused to my or other scouter vehicles.
  10. It bothers me to see my fellow americans celebrating the death of one man. In the grand scheme of things it won't change the "War" at all. I understand what he did and what he symbolizes. But it just doesn't feel right to celebrate any ones death. In a couple of discussions this morning at work, more than one person has wondered how long we had him captive and how much information we got from him before we killed him. We will never know the truth of what happened. So now that he is gone??? North Korea next????
  11. Good luck in the coming fight. I would pull his parents to the side and have a private discussion with them. Get some feed back from them, I am going to guess they don't have any idea of his beliefs. I would not award any rank advancement to the young man based on his violating the scout law every time he took it.
  12. I have to apply for a permit in our city to sell popcorn door to door. then make copies for every scout to carry when selling. City law We have to have an EIN number to get the non for profit door to door permit from the City. If we hold a fundraising dinner, it has to be prepared in a certified/commercial kitchen by a certified cook/chef. City law if I drive the church bus that holds 15 people I have to have a Commercial drivers license. State law It is a confusing maze for sure.
  13. Guess you have never been named in a lawsuit......Everyone gets named and people who were your friends will turn on you to protect their butts.
  14. Just curious scoutfish......have you asked your insurance agent about transporting scouts in your personal vehicle. I was told don't. Just imagine 8 scouts in your personal minivan......get broad sided. How much car insurance do you have......I got a million. I wonder if that is enough. Just spent a couple days last week being deposed by an attorney, work related. That was a bunch of fun. Spending a day with an attorney giving single word answers, sitting poker faced. Yep lots of fun. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. Son has two scout pals now playing 360 right now on the floor in front of me. I don't think they will sleep tonight. With all the pizza and mountain dew. no sleep for sure. You will always have parents and boys complain if they are not invited to your party. Son had a blow out party at one of the local mini golf/gym/arcade/kart tracks. Had some scout parents complain......So my response was, Sorry, we missed your sons party, oh that's right we were not invited. We camp with several scout families who are also family friends outside of scouting. We make sure we don't discuss our campouts or plans at scouts.......Made that mistake once......had a mom try to dump son on us for the weekend.
  16. Gonna disagree scoutfish I would not just have a random parent pick this boy up. I would make sure they have taken youth protection. Having a family friend taking a scout is one thing, jamist doesn't know this kid from adam, nor is the family known. Just sayin, I would probably pick him up the first couple of times.......
  17. I respectfully disagree on keeping the webelos 20 months. They will burn out and leave just that simple.....they are ready for the troop by 1l, well most of them. Besides, I have never met a webelos who mentions the super achiever award, it is usually over bearing parents. Keep the den meetings fun. Most of my first year webelos bridge.... It is simple if they go to resident camp and a webelos advancement weekend the can earn their AOL by april easy. Make sure they camp with the troop and are active with the troop......Make sure they hike with the troop...... I view my primary job as to easing the boys into the troop. We have a very close relationship with the troop.....Only lost had one decide not transition....it was mom's choice not his.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. this is a typical situation for us. We have parents with palsey and we do most everything for the scout. I sew patches, we have a uniform closet. we have parents pick them up and drop them off. We have a library of used scout books. Camping isn't that big a deal. Just assign him to an adult......If all of the leaders are looking out for him. He won't be a burden. Just tent him with another scout. Piece of cake.
  19. I am not offended by tats. I have seen some tats that are not appropriate. Several naked women, swear words, violence, satan, cruel acts, adult jokes. I have also asked offenders to keep them covered. I have also asked several dads to not wear pentagrams or inappropriate tshirts to events. Far as crack offenders go....I am an offender....suspenders, belts and such....the scout pants just fit so poorly just can't keep them up. momofcubs.......The issue is with cub scouting for the most part....our troop has never family camped. I have never shared a tent with a female other than my wife, mom and daughter. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. Camp with the troop once or twice per year. Take them to a webelos advancement weekend and resident camp.
  21. ann...... Slow down a bit. I don't think they are intentionally throwing you to the wolves. I can see two basic decisions to be made here. Stay or leave Leave is easy find another pack and enjoy cub scouting. Stay.....recruit help. Easier said than done. It will be a struggle but rewarding too
  22. I ride the motorcycle most of the time......rain, even got caught in the snow once. it gets 70 miles to the gallon. Truck gets 15.......and 12 commuting in traffic. Both vehicles are paid for.... house is paid for...... True enough.....I have not gotten a raise in two years.....tough times. With inflation, I make less.
  23. Talking about Eamons post. 1 tv in the house. I do enjoy a nice bourbon on occasion Don't smoke Don't eat out 1 10 year old minivan 1 18 pick up truck 1 6 year old motorcycle I do have broadband internet and cable tv, but none of the premium stuff. I do have a smart phone, yes an indulgence. But my cost of living is really reasonable.
  24. sorry to hear that..... luck enough to live very much with in my means. small house, one tv, don't eat out kinds of choices. So I have a lot of wiggle room in the old family budget. The funny thing was I ate a lot of ramen, beans and rice when we first got married and we still do. Couldn't tell you last time I had a steak. Guess you get used to livin a certain kind of way and it kinda sticks.
  25. Eagle.....now honestly because of gas??????? Right now we are only a dollar higher than last year.....just saying that if your truck got 10 miles to the gallon....that round trip would only cost you $20 more than last year.
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