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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Wow, we honestly don't have a chance do we.
  2. so ev.....doesn't that make us the terrorist???
  3. we had a similar discussion about caning. Say your son is caught doing something questionable.....would you want him subjected to this kind of questioning????? If your answer is yes then ok. If your answer is no, you need to look at the double standard you are living with. I am not ok with torture as a form of interrogation. Run the scout law.....see how the belief that torture if it is ok.....or is the scout law something that you endure while in uniform.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  4. Wow lots of replies already..... Getting trained is smart. Intro to outdoor leadership is a must. Do you attend roundtable....you should now. But the success of your Webelos den, there is no such thing as web 1 or 2, and their transitions. For a successful year....start visiting the troop now. If you meet at the same time and location, join the troop for the opening. Get those kids out with the troop. I crossed all but one boy over, nearly doubling the size of the troop. Opps, missed the line about being SM....If I was you I would volunteer to be an ASM this year. Important things for you this year are going to be inventory of the troop gear. How does the troop operate? Adult or youth lead? Finances, budget and calendar for this year? Traditions of the troop. I would get active with the troop. It takes more than a year to make a good SM. Now is the time to start.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. I got a laugh out of the tv news lead off story. "Boy Scout Saves Cell Mates Life". "Boy Scout caught and convicted of stealing beef jerky saves cell mates life. Cell mate was trying to swallow a balloon filled with drugs when it became lodged in his throat. Shop lifter scout knew what to do and performed the Heimlich maneuver and saved jail drug dealers life." now that is funny. If he is in jail....no need to worry about BOR.....He will have to ask his parole officer about leaving town for a camp out. I am gonna bet national would love that.
  6. Got a couple of fellows I work with commute 120 miles round trip a day to work, gee they are singing the blues now. As OGE pointed out. We the people make our choices. If I was commuting that distance, I would either find work closer to home or move closer to work. I own a truck but ride a motorcycle most of the year. I wonder what the return on the investment for the oil companies is???? I hear everyone complaining about record earning or profit......but what was the initial investment and what is the percentage return on that investment???????? Not defending them just asking questions. You understand that We the people DO NOT HAVE TO BUY GAS. just that simple. Americans just can't seem to figure that out. Vote with your wallet stupid.
  7. Qwar...The right is expected, the wrong is not. Do you think the court will let him go because he saved a life????? If he saved a life we will be rewarded enough, especially in scouting. I am not talking years in the past. I agree that EBOR it doesn't need addressed, unless it was very recent. But Scout is convicted last week of shoplifting, next BOR it is addressed.
  8. So lets just say a scout is convicted of shoplifting from the local wallyworld. Do you hold up advancement?
  9. Current SM speaks with the parent who is expected to deal with it. We have a young man who is a killer of all things small. As a result, the young men who used to enjoy rolling over a rotten log and seeing what was home are no longer permitted to do it. the killer killed a number of turtles, frogs and salamanders on an outing. SM spoke with parents who did nothing but laughed about it....he does it at home too. We had a young man swearing, mom force him to write letters of apology to the troop. Punishment is interesting. Son and daughters soccer team make them run laps and do sit ups and push ups. For something as silly as missing a pass or not moving fast enough. could you imagine scouting doing that.....Swearing gets you 10 laps around the CO????
  10. A den of 1????? Really???? I think it is a bad idea.......we don't have enough details to make a proper decision.
  11. The Council is one of the largest councils in the nation serving 27,000 youth in 17 counties in central and southern Ohio, and Greenup county in northern Kentucky. To drive to the distict roundtable it takes about 40 minutes. It is more than an hour drive to get all the way a crossed our district. we have 4 countys and 14 school districts. Good new we have a new SE. so hopefully things will change.
  12. For me this thread is an exploration of the boundary for what is acceptable or standard practice. It is evident there really is no standard and as a general rule both the religious and scout spirit aspect are an auto pass. Rarely is a scout rank held up for any reason. Double jeopardy, please. The kid shoplifts and gets caught, No way is he going to get a pass on scout spirit. He can cool his heels a couple of months.....same goes for vandalizing a car....... If simply pass him because he is being punished twice, you are doing him a disservice.
  13. Sorry 5 year missed your ealier post. We are not LDS. Our webelos go to Day camp and Resident Camp, so by September they have earned the majority of the pins for the AOL. We camp with the troop twice during the year and attend a webelos woods event in October. So by that time I need to complete Artist, Craftsmen, naturalist and Geologist. We are done........ After the bear year the boys are pretty burned out after repeating the same stuff for the second time. We have a fantastic relationship with the troop, and the SM invites a couple of webelos on every camp out. The boys think it is huge honor.
  14. This is the sort of nonsense that allows a young man get to Eagle BOR and profess he has been an atheist all his life. I am not saying black balling him, but I am not saying rubber stamping him thru either.
  15. Just curious, is rescue the right word?????? I don't think so, they still had hot food for pete sake.
  16. did ya read my post...... I would ask if he doesn't believe in god then what does he believe in. I am gonna bet it is nothing. What happens if he say something like my Ipod or my DS?
  17. gotta chuckle here..... so I asked the son what his good deed was today.....he replied he helped a girl on the bus that dumped her books and lunch on the floor. Scout neighbor came over, asked him same question. He said he mowed his grandma's lawn after school. very nice, and I was surprised they both answered quickly. made me smile
  18. The scout just said he was an atheist. your gonna give him a pass to the next rank?????? atheist    [ey-thee-ist] Show IPA noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/atheist I am not sayin toss him out, you guys are silly with all the hair splitting. I would just have a talk with mom and dad then revisit him at the SMC till his First class SMC, If he still believes there is no god, I would have a final chat with mom and dad, delay his First class. Give it 30 days and revisit it. He would not advance past 1st class professing he does not believe in god. In thinking about it, I may ask him, If you don't believe there is a god then what do you believe in? You guys are being weak not asking the tough questions. I am not saying minister to him, just ask the question to get him thinking.
  19. acco do you honestly believe that??????? This kid doesn't care one bit about eagle, do you think he will stay around and be and JASM????? I doubt it. This is dad's eagle not his this scout. I have a couple of mom's who are going to be a similar problem to the OP's when the current SM retires. My I have a meeting with the CC, COR and current SM in a bit to discuss tightening our advancement up and asking real questions to the scouts in the BOR.
  20. Calico.....I said rubber stamp because that is what it looks like to me. Is the scout here? Again, I am looking at how to prevent the big life and eagle blow ups that seem fairly common. I would like to see it dealt with on a tenderfoot-first class level. Scout spirit.... Would you delay advancement because the scout never shows up to the meeting never wearing his scout shirt........Hiding when it is his turn to clean up the dishes........complains and whines while completing tasks. Does not show up regularly to meetings unless it is his BOR night? or attends and spends the entire meeting texting or playing with his cell phone. Don't know just asking. In my future is a SM position.........(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  21. I guess I am after more person experience..... What warrants holding up or delaying advancement.
  22. Many of you view my opinions and attitudes as harsh. They are a product of my enviorment. There have been a number of threads discussing scout spirit and reverence. Both subjective in evaluation for rank and BOR purposes. I am reading from my fellow scouters that they ignore these when it comes to advancement. So does the kid vandlizing cars get his rank held up? The question I am asking is.........what would make you delay or pause a scouts advancement? Reading about eagle doing drugs on campouts, stealing and the list goes on. I wonder if we are doing our moral duty as leaders letting this go on
  23. If you don't feel comfortable signing it then don't. Let the appeal process work it's magic, I would not resign over this. If I disagree with what is going on, I would not comprise what I feel or believe just to please a dad. I would refuse to sign and provide him documentation on how to appeal. The folks on here are gonna brow beat you into feeling guilty and signing it. I would not cave. Just that simple, sounds like the kid is a punk. Just asking here cross so don't take this personal. This is within the realms of a Scout is Reverent and believing in god. This is within the realms of Scout Spirit. If WE look a little harder at these young men instead of merely rubber stamping them earlier on in their scouting careers we could prevent this sort of thing from happening. I am going to talk with our SM, CC and COR are going to discuss this thread tonight. We have a couple young men who are on track to be in a position just like Cross described. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  24. Yep, tough love is usually the only way. People just don't volunteer. Especially in an established den
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