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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Do you have a youth chaplain??????? Have him renew your vows around the campfire.
  2. just beating you up eagle.......wasn't my idea, someone in the past did it. Makes it easy to haul the darn thing around. Stores easy too. We use the can for trash for the weekend too. Multipurpose. Just make sure that ya rinse and dry
  3. hey, watch that wheeled garbage can remark. I have one of those we use. But we also store the big top in it, everything except the long horizontal poles fit.
  4. I think we are talking skills not gear. Lets face it.....there is some skill involved in selecting a site and getting your tent setup. Things that you and I take for granted such as check the trees for dead branches, look for roots, rocks and low spots, tuck your ground cloth in. As pointed out, Lanterns, stoves, dutch ovens are not as intuitive as maybe they once were.
  5. Ann had a great idea about a Baloo skills Check list. So what skills are essential for a fun successful campout at the cub level? Under gear Stoves..... Selection, assembly, Fueling , lighting and storage Lanterns Selection Fueling lighting and storage Tents Selection, assembly, site selection, storage, Kitchen Gear Dish washing Food Selection and prep
  6. evmori.....My Fricken CC and his girl friend Shared a tent and had the audacity to throw their empty wine bottles in the trash sunday morning last year. The COR asked for his resignation the following monday. It was the culture of the Organization, the previous CM and committee would drink and play cards on the camp outs. CM is gone two years now, CC one year, it is getting better.
  7. Last camp out we had 115 people on the Roster I turned into the campmaster. Baloo does not train you to manage that.
  8. To me a Saturday morning is a couple of hours. My course was an entire saturday. We had a bunch of war stories and quibbling about nonsense. How are you going to teach someone who has never been camping to lead a group of people a weekend camping trip in that short a period?? You can't. Ann, I am a life long outdoorsman, inside and outside of scouting. In remembering further...... I could have done with out the foil dinner lunch. I could have done with out the first aid lecture. I could have done with out the who can sleep with who lecture. A Pack with out experienced outdoor leadership going camping is a recipe for disaster. As your troop for help, If they are not willing to help, find a troop that is.
  9. I can't tell you how many mom's who have done exactly that......So I am stuck figuring out how to set up a tent after dark in the rain with no instructions. They borrowed it and there are no stakes or it is missing a fly or poles or it is moldy to the point it shouldn't be slept in. My point is.....if you honestly don't have the basic skill set. a couple hour course isn't going to do it. You shouldn't be leading a group on a camp out. I would have a troop or someone who knows what they are doing come along and teach you.
  10. Lighting a lantern????? I don't even know what to say. Then we get into the realm of how to set up a tent, light a stove, apply a band aid, how to pick a spot to set up a tent. The list could go on for ever.
  11. Again, I would give him some time, Speak with his parents, Give him his scout patch and then see what develops. At first class if he still says there is no god. I would let the BOR know to ask about his religious beliefs, let them handle it.
  12. Interesting perspectives here. Most if not all of my parents drink, They just forget about the no alcohol rule. No biggy. Just make sure it is a none issue. When you say adult volunteers.....Do you mean they are registered with the BSA and hold a membership and position with the troop OR are they simply Dad's helping out. If it is merely a dad volunteering, no big deal just add that to your list of "Please don't do this". See if they comply.
  13. Just say the disaster was in Paris, london, berlin, Telaviv or Cairo......The girls were at a School in the United states and US citizens....... Would you be singing a different tune? I enjoy a good discussion
  14. We use google docs and their spreadsheet. Free and can be shared.
  15. Suggestions from this board More information on how to conduct a Boy Scout Campfire List appropriate Activities List of appropriate Group/camp games How your councils current tour permit process works. Provide the councils approved campsites. List of District and council family camping opportunitys.
  16. I deal with this on a regular basis. I do cooler inspections and ask the parents to return the offending beverage to their car. Volunteers are hard to come by. I would just make sure they don't go to town any more on camp outs.
  17. So Gary......they were backpacking.....so the adults need to carry the stoves and fuel. Naw that isn't right, I have more 100,000 mile's on my knees than they do. If I cannot trust them to haul a stove and fuel I don't need to be responsible for him on an outing.
  18. Ok.......... Joebob.....I was just curious what you do with in scouting......I was not threatening you or anything so childish. I guess torture is completely acceptable. EV....from our perspective we are not terrorist.....from their perspective we are.
  19. The entire patrol.....because I am going to be some of them stood around and watched him do it.
  20. I think a camp out for the troop with no fuelled devices and a presentation to the troop on Safe use and storage of fuelled devices would be appropriate from the offending scout would be good. using these devices is a privilege, not a right. It takes what would take hours over a campfire and compresses it to less than an hour. Cooking and heating water to clean.
  21. Joebob......what is your position in scouting?????? just curious more than anything. ... The United States is committed to the world-wide elimination of torture and we are leading this fight by example. I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture and in undertaking to prevent other cruel and unusual punishment. I call on all nations to speak out against torture in all its forms and to make ending torture an essential part of their diplomacy... George W. Bush, "Statement in Support of Victims of Torture". White House Press Release. 23 June 2003.
  22. Every time someone mentions training to new members, immediately everyone says take wood badge. It that good advice? You all know how I feel about it, no need to rehash it. Looking for an adult discussion W
  23. Wood badge????? Don't get me started. I would concentrate on learning who the troop operates. Then in a year or so attend woodbadge for kicks. I would not go into the wood badge experience with the expectation of learning anything that will help you learn about how a troop should operate. Our local councils Enhanced IOLS training did a far superior job of teaching "Scouting Organization and operation" than Wood badge. If you really want an education, find a troop who you view as successful, volunteer as an ASM or just attend their meetings and outings......see if the SM would be interested in mentoring you.
  24. Astronomy with the local club Disc golf with local club Creek survey with local soil and water conservation office Rain gutter regatta Minor League Baseball game Resident and Day Camp Migratory bird survey with the Audubon.
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