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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. It says " Leather or canvas, neat and clean". Well I wear running shoes that aren't leather or canvas.....I did have my bsa socks on... Oh well
  2. There is No official uniform called class A or Class B Field uniform is also referred to as Class A uniform shirt and leather shoes. I was doc'd points when our new unit commissioner did his uniform inspection because I had tennis shoes on... Activity uniform is also called class B scout tshirt and tennis shoes. I went rounds with our unit commissioner about this......
  3. Never had a problem with destroying a Field uniform shirt.......The just don't breath at all........So I am simply too warm.
  4. You guys make me feel cheap....Just chuck them in the washing machine........My dryer has a 5 minute buzzer on it....I just make sure I go and pull them when it goes off.
  5. Well, I wear a troop, pack or crew Tshirt underneath the my Field uniform......Today it was 95 and we were participating in an orienteering event. thank goodness for synthetic shirts......I really like the silk weight merino wool.....moisture wicking without the stink.... But they are just so expensive. wore my Field shirt to the event.....took it off left it in the van and did the event it the Troop shirt.
  6. I love it.....got rid of that stupid pocket......has a back vent like the venturing shirts.... anyone know when they are going to be available?????? MUST HAVE ONE BEFORE SUMMER CAMP
  7. While cub scouting is do your best.....webelos I try to transition to actual completing the requirements.......I would modify the requirements as you see fit....In cubbing it isn't like they are actually looking over your shoulder or any thing.....just keep it in the spirit of scouting is all.
  8. You aren't very smart if you know your going to butt heads with the CM and take the job anyhow........... the CM takes care of Program the CC takes care of administration and finances. I don't want my CC putting on a song and dance at the Pack meeting, I don't need him making program decisions. I do need him to manage fundraising, recharter, committee. If your going to step on his toes and bully him or her don't take the job.
  9. Generally we cross all the first year webelos over........... So most of our first year Webelos get an AOL and a career arrow. The second year webelos program is just more of the same.
  10. WOW Typical weekend cost of $50. I guess it is about demographics......We typically are in the $10-15 range, We do have two outings that are $50....Tubing at a ski resort and kayaking. The cost does scare away some parents.....and boys miss out. I serve low middle class or working poor families. We have a Troop in a neighboring district that has dues of $200 per month. They have a big bus, troop trailer, lots of high adventure.....This typically includes a high adventure base a summer, they rotate all three..... They have a waiting list to join.......I find it interesting......... Why don't we offer the big expensive trips, because I believe we will lose scouts. How long is a boy going to hang around if his Patrol is going camping or on adventures and he cannot afford it.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. So why don't troops recruit webelos 1's??? IMO the Troops should begin recruiting from wolf on......Our SPL is the king of all scouts in the eyes of the Cubs. The little guys hang around him like groupies......he plays the part well.....last time they hiked with us he showed up in his uniform, BSA ball hat spiffy sun glasses...He played kickball with the cubs during lunch...... That single day did more for our recruiting than any boy talk in the world. Every cub that day left with a new big brother. Completely accidental but worked beautifully. Smiling retelling it.
  12. We have a couple of leaders cpr trained....We have a number of police and firefighter leaders. Does your Pack own an AED????? Does your CO? Who maintains that Pads and batterys???? Heck most Packs and troops have a tough time maintaining a decent first aid kit..... I think it is always a great thing to have more trained leaders....
  13. 1. Does your Troop actively recruit 2nd year Webelos Cub Scouts? Yes, Multiple packs 2. If it does what methods are used and what is the approximate success percentage per method? Lots of direct contact, several recruiting campouts. Main feeder pack, webelos participate in the opening and closings. 3. On average how many Cub Packs does your Troop recruit? we recruit from 3 packs and get 10-15 new scouts a year. IMO it is very important for the boys and parents not be lead to believe this is the end of anything.... Many of our parents were surprised that they needed to fill out a new application when transferring to the troop. the troop needs to have an exciting program......give the potential scouts a calendar...
  14. wood your reading way to much into it. you go to the website get the coordinates upload the cache info into your gps and go. Pretty simple. then go and find the caches..... most are real easy. lately there is a trend for extreme caches....the ones that are hung in the tops of trees or hiding in the city sewers. I still contend that geocaching lends itself well to a group of two or three. but larger than that it is too many people.
  15. Dang SP!!!!!!!!!! just about choked on my beverage. Good thing the BSA still views youth as Asexual.
  16. laughing here........ Commissioners must not be registered simultaneously as unit leaders. Taken from http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Commissioners.aspx Our UC is a SM for a neighboring Troop, who guess what, meets on the same night as we do......result he has never been to our meeting. Our previous one thought he was some sort of a dictator, whom was promptly asked to leave our CO and never return. Uniform inspection?????? and who are you again. too many of my boys don't have shirts.
  17. Scoutfish.....after about 6 months of that......you would come home to find your wife gone. Known a couple of gun ho scouters who chose scouting over their families. Come home from a scouting weekend and all the furniture is gone or locks changed and their cloths on the front porch. Just sayin....
  18. Have I mentioned recently that I hate adult awards........ This sort of non-sense is the result. We have an adult that wants to walk around looking like Patton with 4 years of cub scouting........ HEY wait a minute.......Someone should tell him about the James West knot....least council will benefit
  19. We recruited three scouts off of this tool last fall, not a hit since.
  20. Scoutlass...I disagree with you about Cub Scouter knot..... Read the requirements. It is not meant for den leaders. This award is intended for Committee members or ACM's.
  21. Never heard of it so I went and just viewed the skit........ Yep, If I was the young man, I would not want tagged with that nick name for a summer for sure. T3 you are doing the correct thing.
  22. I use a program called Add blocker it is an add on for firefox. it blocks all of them. no problem.
  23. We don't know the specifics....so it impossible to render decent advice. It is entirely possible that the campout is not Webelo friendly, again we don't know. Things you can do as a concerned parent, make a few phone calls yourself. Most councils have websites that list units and addresses with contact phone numbers. Call the troop yourself and ask to attend the event, I am not sure if I would ask the entire den, but I would pass the info along to any other interested dads. I am guessing the troop that contacted you is not one that the WDL is a part of, leading to the NO.
  24. guys guys guys Relax about the road....he posted that there is a sound barrier. which is a 30 foot tall wall of cast concrete in my neck of the woods.......so the boys will be safe from traffic.
  25. Just because you delegate doesn't mean you don't keep an eye on things, especially with a new volunteer. Help them over come any obstacles....perceived or real.
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