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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. TA.....did you complete background checks on all of those worms.......best german accent" were their papers in order". Were those the worms specifically raised as safe for human consumption? Was your hill on the approved play area list and was the grass type being used the designated type........the blue long bladed hybirian soft edged grass. And the water misting the herd......was it softened and safe for drinking, and the hose was it the one safe for drinking????? Lord knows one of the little rug rats just might drink from it....... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  2. Kudu Please site the source for your statement about hispanics
  3. I have to laugh. Lower left hand corner is a play to pay for merit badge college...... Traditional?????
  4. Our council runs two merit badge boot camps....one during spring break and the second between christmas and new years..... They offer an Eagle Package.....If you attend both you will have all of the merit badges needed for Eagle, That is how it was sold at round table. So Twocubs......why would the parents be drooling???? The parents need told to back off......It is the boys journey is not the parents....... I hope my son becomes an Eagle, I can encourage him, make sure he has the tools, but ultimately it is his choice. If the topic of the boot camp comes up, I will ask him why he wants to go......If it is merely for rank I will tell him no.....but if it is because his friends are going and it sounds fun, In my eyes that is the right reasons. I don't want his Scouting career to be about earning his Eagle, but about the joy of a new skill, adventure and friendship. I couldn't be happier with the results to this point.
  5. I meant to say that the boy scouts of america is embroided instead of silk screened which is coming off the sons.......His currently says Boy out of America
  6. WOW our summer camp is $200 all inclusive, no extra craft fees or material fees. except for rifle and shotgun. there was an early bird of $180 for pre May1 payment(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  7. got back from the evening walk and pondered the trail to eagle..... In reality all resident camps that hold merit badge classes are trail to eagle, when you get down to it. So what irritates me????? I guess it is the intentional marketing of the camp as path to Eagle is my beef. A short cut and sold as such. I have seen it in my house, My scout at 12 years old, picking up the phone to call a merit badge councilor and make an appointment, then going and meeting him. He was scared to death, you know the second one was easier. To me the Journey is more important that the goal.......The journey is where the adventure is had and the skills learned. Someone on this forum said that the eagle percentages have not changed all that much over the years. Does this mean that without all these trail to eagle camps would the numbers be lower, much lower?????
  8. I am pleased with the shirt....sewing patches to night.....I am curious if it will keep me cooler. I like the button hole to keep the do dads on the buttons. I like that the cigarette pocket is gone. The Flag is patch again and the BSA over the pocket is stitched instead of embroidered. I will let you know how it wears....going to summer camp next week. As pointed out, who cares if we see some bra straps. just so long as they don't mind seeing my hairy back.
  9. Some how I already knew......... I suppose you support merit badge universities too. NJ.....you camps cost just shy of twice ours.....at those costs we couldn't go, period.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  10. Don't like them....don't have a need for them......Good luck going. Just giving the over achieving parents what they want an............Eagle.......Journey be damned. If the boys advance only at camp then what and the heck does the troop do the rest of the year. Google trail to eagle camp.......It is amazingly common. I will advice my boys against attending a camp like this......(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. my wife and I both have the crew shirt and don't have a problem. I am going up tomorrow and check it out for myself.... I am excited to have a shirt that just might breath a bit. Well I am going to buy it if they have it in my size........I will have a report after summer camp next week.
  12. Scoutfish and others...... Hey I troll, freely admit it. I will ask an harsh, inflammatory question I have an interest in seeing where the discussion goes. My intention is not harm or chaos, but adult discussion and education, my T21 thread is an example, I was and currently very ticked off at the camp counselors our SM about what happened, We agree to disagree and he feels I am adding to the requirement, if they get signed off on a bowline, well I expect you to be able to tie it. Maple, nothing personal, None of us know you from Adam, your post is way out of character from any teenager I have ever dealt with. I will err on the side of calling you a Troll, an adult looking to stir the pot and not participate in the thread.
  13. Well, I am not part of "YOU". I have not participated in either threads, Just spectate as it were.
  14. I find it interesting..... How members rip the poor kid with a missing patch an new one calling him a troll. Then welcome with wide open arms another person who I believe it a troll in the Maplescout person.....I am not sure of his age, but as moose pointed out he is very well spoken for a 16 year old. why is this??? Maple is well spoken????? His "infraction" is more significant than a mere patch. Not hatin just sayin
  15. BSA is doing what the government is doing, regulating for stupidity. What we do is much more dangerous than if the boys were left at home playing video games. Stosh...... I ask myself whether it is worth it or not on a fairly regular basis. I am active in the outdoors with my family on my off weekend. It is infinitely easier to do it with your family.
  16. TAHAWK There have been a number of scouts injured "playing" with alcohol. One died in 2008. There was a group of scouts injured when a cat can stove was knocked over while lit.....but I cannot find the supporting link. The BSA is forced to legislate what many would consider common sense. Just curious, was your stove made by a legitimate, insured manufacture. Most of the stove guys on the internet are not. I am going to bet the next G2SS will need to include what a manufacture is.
  17. As a parent you can elect to not have your scout attend these merit badge universities or workshops. As a SM or ASM you can guide your scouts away from them. I agree that these short change our scouts and they come away with out any long term knowledge or skills. I also don't like or agree with merit badges at troop meetings.
  18. Eagle Last year we lost a couple of boys to a karate class that met on the same night we did, why?????? I ran into one of the moms a couple of weeks a go and she laughed at me..... At Karate, she drops her son off and walks next door to the starbucks and relaxes for an hour. At cub scouts she is expected to stay and help.......easy choice for a mom who is tired from working all day.
  19. Eamon I feel your pain and understand.....True boy led troops can be a real difficult thing to see especially if they don't have experienced PL or SPL in place. I have observed a number of PLC's.....and stood there biting my tongue. But you know when they have success it is very rewarding.
  20. moose and I cross posted She has probably knows me better than I do.......... What she says if what I believe and it is accurate.
  21. thank you for your service. The original post came accrossed as a new CC looking for an award.
  22. Awe...... 2nd post in a forum about serving youth asking or complaining that the CC doesn't have a knot specifically for them. ?????????
  23. Why summertime activities are generally a waste of time.. Now keep in mind that we are a Pack of 40 families Creeking With the Naturalist at a Major Park....We had 2 families attend. Minor League ball game we had 3 families attend Fishing Derby with prizes and BBQ......Zero Attend This is despite 10-20 signing up for each event.......and zero cost involved. We still have a couple more events to go.
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