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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Oh I enjoy CC's venting. She is going to be an entertaining addition to the scouter.com bunch. I was very entertained by her chip on her shoulder and sense of superiority. I eagerly await the answer to Eagle92's questions
  2. Who says scouting isn't for the rich.....especially when run by a dictator!
  3. Unless your troop is wealth.....they are a money pit. A cool money pit, but a money pit none the less. I looked at some old threads about using 16 passenger vans or diesel suburbans......WOW I could afford neither.
  4. I am guessing the twilight camps are very close to home???? I wonder if this might be an option for us next summer....... With only a handful of scouts sign ins and such should not be a problem.
  5. Youth Lead???? I wonder what the boys want??????
  6. Oh I can see the letter attached to this application....... Dear National Eagle board. I would like to apologize for my tardiness in submitting my Eagle application. As a teenager, I lost interest in scouting and chasing tail, band, student life and sports were more important than scouting. All though 30 years have past since the application was due date I believe I still deserve my eagle because I am a bear den leader. BTW, I am not afscouter on scouter.com who spun a false tail about another deserving adult to justify my desire. I did not admit that girls, student council, band, sports and cars were more important to me than scouting. Yours In Scouting afscouter LOL Have I mentioned adults are the problem with scouting lately.
  7. Nice sleuthing scout nut. afscout.....All I got to say is WOW
  8. There are Coffee single serving things that are like tea bags....Fantastic. Yes nothing like a nice cup of coffee in the morning. The Boys I serve cannot afford expensive store bought dehydrated meals......so I bought dehydrators off craigs list for $20. We have purchased and dehydrated gallons of spagetti sauce, looks like fruit leather when it is done, hamburger, carrots, peppers, apple sauce....we make our own fruit leather and trail bread. I am sure if the boys had the money......they would eat hawk mountain or mountain house.
  9. Eamon honestly, you understand that 90% of the problems in scouting are caused by the adults. Some are well meaning leaders, others are helicopter parents, other look for the glory of eagle mills. There is no way i would trust a fellow who says he is proficient in 100 merit badges. The fellow who say submits hiking, camping and backpacking....then in a year submits swimming and lifesaving then in another year submits all the citizenships........maybe that way. but not in one swoop.
  10. Wow, Really. Eagle meant nothing to him for 30 years and now it is ok for him to receive it. Ahhhhh, NO. IMO it is not ok for him to receive his eagle at 43 years old......IT IS BOY SCOUTS NOT MAN SCOUTS. I will also continue with some of the finest most deserving scouters I know never earned their Eagle. He is no different from them. Ya know they regret, it every single one of them. But they didn't fulfill the requirements.....the fumes claimed most of them. I seriously can't believe you think or believe it is right to do such a thing. The fellow in Oaks story left scouting to join WWII so there is nothing in common with this fellow. The fellow in the second article had all of the ORIGINAL FORMS all signed off. As an Eagle scout who followed the Rules and completed my Eagle by by 18th birthday you are slapping me in the face and the 3 million of my brother Eagles. I will say what you are doing is a selfish act. Award him his den leader knots, he just won't have the red white and blue one.
  11. Had a young man in the same situation two years ago..... Took him to webelos resident camp.... Swim test time, he said he did not feel like swimming. BB shooting time didn't want to do that either. Name the activity he didn't feel like it. refused to waiter during his turn. Well first pack meeting rolled around, no pins, zero. his mom was furious with me. she spent $150 for nothing.....I did not sign off on the pins because he refused to participate. Well he quit very shortly after that....well stopped coming. Not trying to ignite the great crossover debate again.....but I believe WE should get the boys into the Troop as soon as they earn the required pins and attend the required activities.
  12. Reading Calico's post.....onion bagel and peanut butter????? Got me thinking....I wonder what other menu choices for my weekend backpacking trips are available. Friday we usually eat before we go so it is just gorp or a snack before bed. Saturday Breakfast cereal and bananas lunch hudson bay bread peanut butter or spam, cheese tortilla sandwich apples Supper Hot dinner..... Could be loaded mashed potatos which cheese, chives, bacon bits or ranch dressing mix Ramen with chicken or spam added or Trail marzeti or spagetti.... little debbie star crunch for desert. Sunday breakfast Tortillas and cheese or cheesy bacon grits or oatmeal with lots of sugar and raisins. Requirements......Minimum equipment, Minimum clean up. So what does your menu look like??????
  13. CA.....there are a huge number of websites dedicated to making your dehydrated food at home. I make a mean trail marzeti and it is made in nothing more than a zip loc bag. No need to spend big $$$ on mountain house or any other high dollar trail food companies. Cheap trail eats is as close as your grocery store or garden.
  14. The only dirty dish you should have is a spoon. You simply lick it off and wash it, with a little soap and water. The bowl is to hold the hot bag of food, I think he was refering to storing the entire food system in a gallon storage bag. Remember this is not patrol cooking this is two or three people per stove system. When we go as a family we take two stoves. Just makes the process faster. edit.....after rereading the op i have no clue what he is doing or why. Simply we boil our water, but bag containing dinner in a bowl to protect our hands from boiling water while it cooks, rehydrates. boil water, dump in plastic bag containing dinner, seal bag, wait, eat. pretty simple. When your done, compress and seal bag, put in your trash bag, trash bag in your food bag, lick spoon, wash spoon, your done. Pretty simple(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. Oak tree....that interior light is a simple thing. We added a small 12 volt battery, camcorder size, and a solar panel to charge it. and it is done. Took about half an hour to install it. Been working for a couple of years now. With inexpensive LED solar systems available now it is a no brainer. An interior lighting system in a must.
  16. I agree and wish we could move our Troop from a trailer troop to a Backpack troop. It would make life much easier and possibly less expensive.
  17. Ramen is nice...we get dehydrated vegies and add them. Any of the korr side dishes work. I will say I get tired of noodles for dinner. We do a loaded mashed potato that is good. We have fried up spam and made spam and cheese on tortias a time or two. I make a batch of hudson bay bread and peanut butter for breakfast. very nice and holds up well in the backpack. Usually cheese and summer sausage and crackers for lunch.
  18. If they have 20 pins why haven't they crossed over?????? Get those boys into boy scouts. If they can do the skill and won't.....No sign off in my book. Why would the scout need a life jacket???? If he is physically normal he needs to do it. If it is lack of swimming knowledge then get him some lessons and then sign off. If he has a PHYSICAL handicap then, I would rather see a shorter distance instead of a life jacket....but that is just me. so instead of a full lap of the pool maybe just down or half way. The skill is swimming after all. Keep in mind that next summer when they go to camp, they will not be allowed a lifejacket to pass the swimming test.
  19. Dirt bagging in the backpacking world means doing it on the cheap.
  20. thx for the link....lots of fun looking thru their offerings......I enjoyed looking at the variety of condiments offered. Nice selection of hot sauces...... But in our troop we will buy the big box and break it down....less expensive and lot less waste. All those little bags, boxes and bottles makes for lots of trash. With that said I really like the single serving spam packets and the envelopes of chicken or tuna. Fantastic. Also being the dirt bag I am.....Not sure I could bring myself to spend .18 for a pack of ketchup and mustard when you can get it from any fast food restaurant for free. The local truck stop has hot sauce in individual packets.... Actually in looking and thinking about it.....it might be a great idea for a christmas gift for the boys in the troop.......They are hot fanatics....we hauled 22 bottles of hot sauce to the dining hall for every meal..... The SPL had the case handcuffed to his wrist the first day.....it was funny. The other troops were wondering what was going on.
  21. Do what you think is right. ...... What requirements are giving you problems?? If you post specifics we may help you come up with a number of solutions
  22. Holy old thread batman......the thread is 4 years old.....haven't heard from randy in a while. Here is a couple of links http://www.ozarktrailsbsa.org/resources/downloads/files/PF_2011Daycamp.pdf http://www.siouxbsa.org/files/d/usr/432/A%20Guide%20to%20Cub%20Scout%20Camping.pdf
  23. Eamon those are the by gone days of a man's word is his bond. A hand shake was as good as a signature. Today that has evaporated and convoluted to the point even with a signature you still might have to end up in court. Over achieving parents pushing their boys to get their eagle before 15, Treasurers stealing the boys money, Parents and scouters with political agendas. I ask myself if it is really worth the hassle. I prefer cozy.....which is the way our troop runs. We have way to many elderly eagle scouts hanging around.....and I can take each one at their word. Real nice. While we don't meet at the pub, the committee meetings are cordial and enjoyable. I returned from a wonderful week at camp....Watched the boys grow and have fun. Had a great time with SM's from other troops. Learned about their programs, activities and outings. Found a couple new to me resources for activities and outings. Made some new adult scouter friends.
  24. If you don't stop it who will????? Never in my dreams would I sign up to be a merit badge counselor for anything that I was not an expert in. Not fair to the boys and extremely selfish on my part.
  25. I would turn him down on everything except for the ones he has vocation, advocation or special training in. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34405.pdf I am going to guess his son is going to earn them all.
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