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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. If your intending on sleeping under the tarp at any point I would never cook under it. Critter issues.
  2. Well it seems you have it all figured out. For one guy to check all of the boys off on their requirements in a couple of meeting nights is impossible with out help. I don't care, just guessing you just took the sheet and check them off and then posted to this forum the question as an after thought. just sayin
  3. We don't use any poles and 4 stakes we make at the site. Little rope and a couple of trees are good. What is your reason for using a tarp??? cooking or sleeping under???? Is your expectation to backpack with it or car camp, makes a big difference.
  4. More paper eagles..... No way an 11 year old should be first class. I doubt he has the skills. Remember first class is the point in which he is expected to be able to take care of himself on outings or events. My son has been in the troop for 18 months now and is working on first class. there is a troop in a neighboring district whose claim to fame is getting boys to Eagle the second they complete their POR's. I heard a story of a 13 year old eagle...I do not know if it is fact. I would bet that 13 year old eagle lacks the skills and qualities we expect in an eagle. To address your questions, yes it is too fast. Did you test your scouts and see if they actually had the skills or did you just take the camps word?????
  5. SS.... Your special needs scouts can have as long as they need to earn eagle. All you need to do is keep filing for the extensions. We have a MRDD gentleman in our district who earned his at 28 years old. Special needs means so many things to so many people. I met a special need boy who I couldn't see a thing wrong with him, behavior or otherwise and the otherside of the spectrum We have a young man with palsey who has a significant handicap communicates via an application on an ipad....before he had a handheld txt to speech converter. I was hoping you were not just going to jam them thru and I am glad,
  6. I am going to guess SS is going to run merit badge classes during her troop meetings. She is wondering how quickly she can blow thru them and get HER first eagle. It is about the journey and those you meet along the way and not the destination.
  7. Clem I respectfully disagree. The BSA swimmer test is good for a year, while listed as a requirement I view it more as a safety precaution. Most boys do this a summer camp each year, I have taken and passed guessing 20 or so BSA swimmer tests, well I failed the first one. Hiking, camping and backpacking have roughly the same basic first aid knowledge requirements.....Most second class scouts can complete these requirements blindfolded. Just saying. Far as your athletics requirements I would ask your MBC. If you have different MBC for each you could double dip, let your councilor guide you. There is no BSA guide saying yes or no to double dipping. A story about an Eagle project, neighboring troop is at a catholic school. The students are required to have x number of volunteer hours every academic year. One young man counted his eagle project for three different things, School, Eagle and Ranger award. While it is not written anywhere it is not in the spirit or intention of the awards.
  8. Clem you cannot say that, are you a merit badge councilor? I am going to tell you that your are flat wrong. Double dipping is a bad thing and repetition never hurt anyone. If your scout comes to me and says "Mr B. I did this requirement already for camping, I just need you to sign it off." My response is going to be "Well if you all ready did the "X requirement" then demonstrating or discussing it won't be a problem." Do the skill, show proficiency you get it signed off. Boy scouting actually requires you to demonstrate the skill instead of doing your best like cubs. Double dipping is how we end up with so many paper eagle scouts. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  9. Eng isn't a leader anyhow....he is an unhappy spouse and step father to a very active mother son combo.
  10. Wow the leadership knew and did nothing.. I would approach the CC and CO and have the entire leadership removed...... There is no excuse for not dealing with it, as the impression I am getting from your post that it has been going on for a while now. Sure it isn't fun, pleasant or even nice......YOU did not create the situation but it seem you have been the sole responsible adult in your troop. Wow Pack....That is a bunch of money, but it is irrelevant when getting help for your kids. I hope at some point in the future he says thank you.
  11. Mary Jane on a campout????? I am thinking mom and dad need a kick in the pants......I caught my son or daughter using there would be heck to pay.......doing it too much?????? I wonder if mom and dads enjoy MJ occasionally????? I see the admittance from mom as a cry for help....... I like the suggestion of asking them to seek counseling..... What do you do with this boy? Sit down with mom and dad.....Ultimatum to entire family. Zero weed at scouts. What do you tell the other boys? Bob is making bad choices currently, MJ is his choice and look at what it is doing to him, and I am proud of you for not partaking and I am disappointed you did not report the incident to troop leadership to be dealt with when it happened.. Do you feel you have an obligation to disclose this matter to some/all parents? No, if they ask, I would like to tell them it is dealt with if it has been.......Honesty What do you tell parents who question you directly, about why a known drug dealer is being allowed to tent with their sons? At the time you didn't know right?????? Honesty again.....I didn't know till after the fact and it has been dealt with, and Bob will be tenting with Dad from now on. Supposing you have a CO that isn't comatose, what (if anything) do you tell the CO? I would tell the CO in a letter signed by the CC and SM......That way when they hear rumors they will know the facts of what the troop leadership know. Should this boy continue to be welcome in your troop? Why or why not? One more chance, if he brings MJ to scouting events he is out, I am going to guess he will chose MJ, if he is comfortable enough to pack for an outing, his parents are ridiculously weak and clueless. I am thinking his tenting partner would be dad for further notice. I have no illusion that my scouts smoke on occasion, I have yet to hear or see any at scout events......Heck we have parents that smoke and we struggle with alcohol at family camp.
  12. With out the confidential information.....YOU have no idea about the issues with this young man outside of scouting.... Hyperactive and problems with respect.....sounds like every single kid in my troop. You cannot ACT on the information....A little more vigilance or maybe give the young man a helping hand. The OP mentioned he didn't advance very fast, maybe he doesn't have a parent or guardian who cares about him or advocates for him. Most boys with out parents in scouting flounder around for a year or so. Maybe the OP or an ASM should take the young man under his wing and help him out, guide him a bit. This Scout could be any Scout in any of our Troops with out the Confidential information.
  13. The problem with the initial post is she stated that the info was confidential. the boy has "No Terrible issues in the troop". So what basis are you going to approach the young man and toss him out. With the way the courts guard youth records, unless the youth or guardian tells you how would you know???? As a leader all can do is be a little more vigilant with the scout.
  14. Ya know Fish......At the cub level I don't really worry about it.....lets face it, it is a rare occasion that a 6 year old has a rap sheet, if they have a rap sheet, the neglecting parent isn't about to enroll them in scouting. From my experience it is rare that a boy has any legal problems before 10 or 11. We have a number of foster and adopted kids, most of them are really great kids. Boy scouts on the other hand, we seem to get some pretty tough customers. 11 or 12 young men seem to get into trouble.... We are a very ethnic diverse group, Hispanic, Laotian, African American, Caucasian, and a variety of mixes. Most suburban white troops don't like or trust us, we are from "the Bad area". we have heard the whispers in the dining hall, trading post and around camp. But our guys have fun Remember the goodie two shoes is just one mistake away from being a labeled a bad kid.
  15. hadulo....My troop for the Bicentennial made a revolutionary war cannon, we made minuteman costumes and even had tri-cornered hats......we pulled it in parades and even fired it...... The absolute coolest shooting camp out ever.....we shot pop cans full of cement at a plywood target a crossed a lake. It was outstanding. forbidden now....I wonder if my troop as a youth was responsible for the line in the g2ss.
  16. Your gonna laugh at this.....Our DE filled out the form and had our CC sign it without my knowledge.......Just found that out at the last round table. My beef with our DE is honestly. If he would have called me and said.....Hey Base, would you mind filling out your Journey form for me......My evaluations are based on that and it would really help me out. No problem, I would do it.
  17. Our cub roundtable is done from the roundtable commisioners book and is pretty terrible. I would love to attend a roundtable that is based on actual local cub issues. The topics you picked are relevant and always of interest.... You could add a session on ADD/ADHD. I think most of the scouters would be interested in that. I go to an ajoining district roundtable too.....they brought in a drug prevention expert who gave us a fantastic drug interdiction/prevention presentation. I learned a some things from that. Time well spent on both subjects
  18. I was SPL when I earned mine. Just sayin Seattle the boy never really cared about his Eagle. Excuses there are a million of them. I am going to bet I am not the only one on this board that completed his eagle while SPL
  19. Now there is three minutes I won't get back. You have issues my friend........I cannot imagine the amount of time it took to research and craft that last post. I am guessing an hour or maybe three. You did not search the archives for knowledge, but for daggers....... Attacking one of the most respected and even tempered members of this forum. I value Beavah's opinions and views, sure there are not perfect but I find them to be an excellent guide. Just makes a fellow shake his head.
  20. I would not suggest subjecting the boys to Adult scouting stories. The PLC can decide not to hold it again.....Who can blame them????? I am suggesting that the event evolve, into a troop committee or leadership event. If the PLC would like to join and participate than fine, but don't make it required. Not sure what part of the country your in.....but in march sitting around the campfire is great fun.....especially with old friends. Nice pot of coffee, a basket of cookies and a couple of hours with good friends......Sounds like a great evening.
  21. Oh CC don't kid yourself.......Just because you believe your superior......well. I was not giving you a compliment.....merely stating you had a chip on your shoulder and a better than thou attitude. I believe your posts are going to be very entertaining to read, short on substance and high on attitude. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  22. Wow....we usually have a couple of hundred bucks..... $26,000 sound excessive to me...... I guess your luck in that respect........Do you want a sister Troop in the inner city, we are struggling to raise funds to replace some tenting.
  23. If you don't enjoy it don't go......I enjoy hearing stories and retelling mine......Sounds like a nice night.....of course we just enjoy doing it around the campfire on outings.......but some of our older adult members cannot phyically do it any more.
  24. why not just create a facebook group? We are playing with it now. Has calendar photo gallery and docs.....We currently use google calendar and google sites. Most of our families are on facebook any how.
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