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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I don't promote the awards. the boys earn them and are surprise when they get LNT for doing a project and taking my CM hikes. They are surprised when they get the outdoor activity award for going camping and attending scouts own. Promoting awards creates an environment where they expect awards for everything. How many times Have you heard from a parent....What does he get from this hike, trash pick up, or good deed???? I want to prevent this mentality.
  2. keep him with his pals.....mom is going to be in the room with him, mature or not.
  3. ah horizon......missed your post calling me out, Yes I am an Eagle earned it at 16 in a traditional troop, we were boy led. Jealous, no. I participated in scouting and all that it offers, Philmont, Jambo, walked the battlefield at Gettysburg, hiked the AT trail....Along the way I learned respect for my god, country, I learned the meaning of loyalty and duty. As everyone has mentioned there are all kinds of troops, car camping troops, hiking troops, fishing troops, canoeing troops, Backpacking troops, water troops and even advancement troops. So I guess if scouting is merely a book work for the advancement group, who am I to poo poo their choice, to me it is just a wasted opportunity, but do the boys really know their options?????
  4. Brother, you survived it. I would say, direct the young men to another MBC. I suspect you will not be done with this bunch any time soon. Something really odd with the family....They seem over the top. So what is their angle??? Why are they going to PTC twice???? Something just doesn't add up with them. I know some super scouters how I am sure sleep in scout pajamas and eat on their bsa issue mess kits at home, but nothing like the two you describe.
  5. Trainer......the niche you say needs filled is babysitting. Ah no thanks. My daughter just returned from a week of GS camp. her activity of choice was backpacking. The program was ridiculous, you would think that for a week of backpacking they would actually backpack more than just one night. Well they day hiked a couple of days, practiced setting up tents, never actually slept in one, swam a bit and canoed one day. In my neck of woods GS camp cost twice what a week at BS camp 185 vs 350 and her program was not worth that much more $$$$$$$
  6. Yes, I took the easier road and as dad protected him and make sure he was one of the guys. He and I know when he earned the award and that is all that really matters. Now he is in the troop, I have absolutely nothing to do with his advancement. He is his own man, so to speak, He approaches the spl or sm to have his requirements signed off. No more behind the back whispers and accusations about favoritism or special treatment. Funny thing he is still advancing faster than the other scouts.
  7. ya know Sasha, the other thread is mine. Evidently you have never had to deal with it. When son was a wolf I was PD for the district day camp, and we also attended a cub resident camp. Over the summer he had completed his wolf, just shy of a couple requirements. So october pack meeting he received it, plus WCA and LNT. you should have heard the grumbling and back stabbing going on...... It effected him, when the his den mates started telling him to his face he didn't earn it. You can talk to a 7 year old all you want, but when his friends call him a cheater, it is tough for him to understand. There were tears and hurt feelings. Since that time I have with held his awards until everyone else catches up. they complained that he sold the most popcorn too. We have talked about it and he understands, I think.
  8. As a volunteer I don't have to do anything and can walk away at any point. An example.....Day camp this year, none of the usually volunteers could get off work to help me take the boys. Parents if you want your boy to go to camp here is what I need. I got my volunteers.... Far as choosing who stays home, first come first serve always has worked out. Trainer.....I know a number of adult men that would love to have your husbands job, so count your blessings, they are blessings whether you realize it or not. OGE...brings up a point about Number volunteers. I complain regularly that on the Cub level I never seem to have enough and at the Boy scout level too many. Why is that????
  9. So why are numbers dropping. Failure to deliver the promise of adventure. Lets face it in the 80's when the decline started there were not the huge numbers of water parks, zip lines, skate parks and other local high adventures. Star Wars was as exciting as it got. I know a number of boys who lead virtual lives in the "World of Warcraft" and scouting is their parents way of tempering that life. How many more become their xbox Avatar and their gamers rep is more important that "Demonstrating how to whip and fuse a rope". How many new Eagle scouts cannot build a fire or lash a useful camp item? Just sayin
  10. As a parent we all make choices. I chose to live in a smaller house, drive an old truck, live in a less expensive area of town, not have the latest and greatest cell phone, not have a TV in every room of the house. We have made sacrifices so the kids never come home to an empty house or have to go to a latchkey program. My wife goes to Girlscout camp so you don't have too trainer lady. With Boy Scout camps why is it many troops bring as many adults as youth?? If your troop takes 10 adults for 20 youth shame on you. how are the boys going to have fun with adults chasing them all over camp for the week. I am guessing your troop has added this nutty requirement them selves. So Trainer, how many boys went and how many adults?????? You realize you could have simply said no.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. what does he want to do????? What is his interest? Are the troop and crew Truly separate organizations? Our crew and troop are separate, crew is coed and is all about social and high adventure.
  12. I am driving a group of scouts who are working on rifle shooting to the mbc who is an hour and a half drive from us. The only one list in the council mbc list that would council them all the others would only council their troop members. Selfish selfish selfish is all a gotta say.
  13. Our council owns/has access to several small properties that are called camps, they are rented thru the council office. They are generally fairly remote and too small to host any events. No shelters, No water and pit toilets only. The council may pay property tax on the properties....But 100% of material and maintenance is donated by scout volunteers. Boy scout or Venture camping only We have multiple day camps and resident camps utilizing the main council camps all summer long. Some of these have as few as 30 scouts. We leave our council for summer camp, cost and poor program is the reason. I don't like taking a large camp or reservation and chopping it up into smaller camps. My youth council did that closed and sold two camps, took the larges then divided it into three smaller camp with the names of the closed and sold camps, three dining halls, three climbing walls, three pools. STUPID (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  14. This non-sense happened to our districts a couple of years ago. Bottom line Who cares???? The idiots at Council are not happy with the numbers, whether financial or head count. So they shuffle the districts to doctor them. Old scout needs to get over it, stop volunteering at the district level. Concentrate on delivering the program planned by the Pack, PLC or crew to the best level possible. I hate adult games and politics.
  15. 2cubs said "and EPrep is on my hit list to bring in-house. Otherwise required MBs take individual effort, one-on-one with a troop counselor. " IMO this is just as bad as doing it at summer camp. Sounds like a Eagle mill kinda attitude.
  16. Just got back from another weekend camping..... Son and I pitched our tents to dry, he has gone thru his patrols food tote and did the inventory. emptied packs, cloths sorted. Not a complaint. sat down on couch he came over sat down next to me, rested he head on my shoulder and said "Dad, I had fun and when are we going canoeing, I can't wait" It was only a moment, but it was what I needed to hear.
  17. gotta laugh here...... Our camp schedule is as follows. Friday night arrive at camp as your schedule allows. Breakfast 8ish. morning games woods time Lunch hike or fishing or kite flying Creeking or field games Dinner Light stick games Ghost storys Bed at some point when the stories end. Sunday Breakfast 8 Sunday check out times are usually noon so we have to be pretty strick about checking out.
  18. I believe the conversation is getting confused. I believe we are discussing two separate issues. The first is council owned camping property. I do not believe there could be to many of these. The second is resident and day camps held over the summer. There are too many of these and quality is questionable at most.
  19. Jeff you are spouting incorrect Info about baloo.....Do research before you become an expert. not going to clutter eagles thread Cub leaders are tough.....some have outdoor skills, some think they have skills, and others could careless. I think your basic setup idea is good....I would provide them baloo and IOLS, I believe owl and wow training has been rolled into IOLS, dates and locations, approved camp list, tour plan info and an activity idea sheet. Get the info in their hands. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. and my Troop is often the target for these jokes and racism, by the good old boys. kcs I am gonna guess your troop would be telling my boys to fill their water pitchers and wait their table. This is the second time in a month someone has pulled some stuff out of the archives and smacks ya on the head with it. Just gotta shake my head about it......As eamon points out the boy is a product his environment.
  21. People people people this is Family camping. You haul all that gear in you will scare them off. MOST packs don't camp, To be honest I am not sure they should. Eagle who is your audience???? other cub leaders? cub aged boys?????? If it is Pack leaders, I would offer baloo training schedule and information on the approved council campsites....possible ideas for activites and locations. District and council cub events. Schedule of day and resident camps for next year. IF it is boys, fake campfire, your best known campfire story teller sitting in a camp chair doing his thing, logs for benchs for boys to sit on for his audience around the campfire. a practice area to toss fishing poles and a prize of some sort for getting it in the ring. A big tent and tiny tent.
  22. not sure of your age. Kelty or osprey are great packs. but so are alps and a whole list more. But as pointed out why use a 6 pound backpack. ULA is an excellent recommendation. I like golite as well. I recommend you take a look at the rest of your Pack and gear and put the whole thing on a diet.
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