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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. All boys love fire and will play in the fire from time to time.... So what do you do with a boy has an issue with it???? just can't get enough. I am really concerned, to the point of asking the SM and CC to ban him from camp outs, Looking for suggestions on how to address this with a mind for a positive out come for the scout and the safety of the other scouts.
  2. Now explain to me why she could not go camping as a parent??????? I have a number of friends who have chose an alternative lifestyle. They are great people, just can't be a member of the bsa is all.
  3. yes thanks a million. when we created our ISA accounts we modeled it after a neighboring troop.......Oh well. Guess we need to revisit the language on how or what can be purchased.
  4. calico..... I understand the not buying personal gear from the scout account......Could you cite a resource so I can get it corrected in our Troop. Don't want to get the CO in trouble.
  5. Ya know it depends on who you are. Coucil and district seem to have their own standards. I don't have a problem with it. At council events we have corporate sponsor banners every where. At the centennial camporee the entire back of the shirt was covered with sponsors logos. How many troop trailers have you seen with sponsor logos on them?????? a bunch. My favorite eagle mill trailer has about 40 sponsor logos on the back doors. A greedy, selfish bunch for sure. I would do it, make sure it is tasteful and not the entire back of the shirt. I view this just like little league shirts with sponsor logos on them. Hopefully your sponsor isn't "Chico's Bail bonds"
  6. SP you are treading a dangerous path refunding fundraising money to a scout from popcorn sale. Our Pack charges a program fee to cover expenses.....every scout pays it. Covers pinewood, pack tshirt, den craft fees, blue and gold, advancement and recharter. All fundraising goes into ISA accounts. We had a number of scouts pay for their entire year of scouts including camp outs and summer camp.
  7. I remember a thread a while ago where a Pack put all of the boys regardless of age into a bobcat den and had to earn their way out to a regular den. Well that would create a ton of confusion.
  8. I am not sure what or how you run your program. in our pack you join den 1, den 2 or den ???. That den is first working on their Tiger, next year they work on their wolf, then next year their bear and so forth. This year Den 6 happens to be for incoming tigers. Bobcat is the first rank earned at all levels of cub scouting. Must even be earned as a webelo. That is how the program is supposed to be run. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  9. Oh I will keep planning fishing nights and evening hikes and programs with the naturalist, because I enjoy them. If the cubs wish to partake then they will be available. We had a cook out where 40 people rsvp's they were coming and 15 showed up. I will say many parents work nights and odd shifts, weekends too. that is why I mixed the schedule up from events on normal meeting nights, to friday nights, saturdays, sundays and even wednsday nights. Heck I even took a day off work and held an event during the middle of the week during the day.
  10. Haven't seen this thread in a while..... Well I live in a 1300 sq ft house and it is full. No room for any more camping gear. I have been buying sleeping bags and hanging on to them. I have a trailer I bought off craiglist and have put together a decent camp kitchen from garage sales. I can feed 100 or so pretty easily. I have a scouter friend who is a trash collector who saves camping gear for me as he finds it. some of it is ok other stuff truly is he junk. The idea of stopping at my house to set the tents up is a fantastic one. We will institute it....it would probably save me an hour Sunday afternoons. That just leaves tear down and rolling which is another hour. Well it will make my day much shorter. The canoe trip was a blast.....Clean up of the lunch coolers was 5 minutes.... November is backpacking, and October is cabin to help with another districts halloween event. This is the cub camping weekend......it is even in another council. Most of the boys in the troop attended it as cubs and were very excited to help out. sitting here smiling. A month or so ago we talked about it.....I pointed out the benefits, of the best gear, most activities, advancing faster, and more friends in scouting. Heck the DE, camp rangers, round table staff and most of the active Districts SM's have met my son and he gets called by name at camps and events...... He likes knowing the camp rangers, the park naturalist...... He is much further ahead at his age than I was..
  11. Well, another summer is officially over......the rest of the pack starts meeting tomorrow night. Webs have meet every other week all summer. I am really disappointed in the lack of interest in our summer program. We had decent attendance at resident and day camps.....but we had a decent mix of events on rotating nights. Had 5 families participate in them. Week night hikes, fishing, star gazing with astronomy club, frisbee golf with the local club. Weekend fishing derby, picnic and zoo visit. Plenty of reminders, paper calendar handed out for the last month of den meetings. facebook events schedules, google calendar on pack website. Well I had fun with my family..... Disappointed in the parents.
  12. But does advertising a good deed cheapen the deed????? This bleeds over to the thread of what do I get. The reward would be publicity and recognition in the local paper or news. I don't have a problem with routering into a bench "BSA Eagle Project 2011" I have a problem with a boy getting his picture in the paper with the bench or routering...."Courtesy joe Bob's Eagle project" Your right that publicity is a good thing, but it must be tempered.
  13. Beaver Day is a combination of Cub Scout Family Camping and Boy Scout Troop camping. There are service projects available for Adults and Scouts to help with the improvement of Camp xxxx. There are activities in the way of belt loops such as Badminton, Volley Ball, BB Guns, Archery, Geology just to name a few. Boy Scouts can earn merit badges such as Wood Working, Home Repair,Electricity, Painting and more. Register now! (* Merit Badges & Belt Loops are subject to change*) Cost: $30.00 per Person with a cap of $100.00 per Family
  14. The hold is only for $1000 in 7 days of sales..... If you use it as a last resort kind of thing or stop using it when you get close to the limit you would be ok.
  15. We have to pay to work for council at camp beaver days.....even if we don't eat lunch or stay over night.
  16. how about using food that doesn't require refrigeration for a week????
  17. PC. More info regarding hike a thon. How is it structured? Sounds like something we could work with.......I assume it benefits the troop.
  18. I enjoy popcorn. Now selling an $18 box of popcorn is too much. The BSA has spent too much time in the wrong neighborhoods doing market research. 10 bucks for a $1 bag of carmel corn. We have always threatened not to sell popcorn.....Next year just might be that year.
  19. Sooo, 2.75%....$18 unbelievable butter, we get 32% so that means our take is... 5.76 the cost of the transaction is .495 So are you willing to pay .50 to receive 5.26. Seems like the cost of doing business. We got a lot of sorry no cash last year......For zero cost it might just be worth a try. If we get one more sale because of it then that is one more sale than we had before. Worth a try in my book.
  20. Skeptic.....it is a case of 20 great troops passing a spot and 1 troop behaving badly in the environment that ruins what the other 20 did. We have all seen it. Had a troop dig a fire pit in a city owned park. they filled it back in at the end of the event. Big dead grass ring a year later....we lost the right to camp in that park. It is this case in back country etiquette as well.....how many times have we heard people complain about BS's Taking all space in a shelter, in correct waste disposal, peeing in the water holes. on and on. How many times have you gone to a boy scout camp and your camp site has 10 spots where people had fires? I will say that this problem is better now than when in my youth. Last backpacking trip, we built a fire on top of a space blanket covered with mineral dirt from an up rooted tree. never know we had a fire.
  21. Q....a good and valid point. But I know a bunch of scouts who would not participate in community service. How many times have you heard "what do I get for doing this?"
  22. scoutfish....you kill me. your talking about adult led cub scouts.
  23. 13 whole service hours for eagle. That is pathetic. As a troop we do that in 6 months. Sad Sad Sad
  24. ok scoutfish your pack and leaders are the absolute best in the BSA. Well the rest of us aren't that great. Our Webelos den is very active with the troop and our boys are ready in 9 months. While most packs close shop for the summer we keep going...... Whose rushing, The boys have earned the ALL of the Required pins from all of the required groups before christmas. All but two of this years den have all ready earned all but 3 activity pins. They all know the oath, law and outdoor code...... In my opinion, I would be doing a disservice to them by holding back an entire year. It is their choice to cross over or not....
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