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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I don't think I would have asked such a question?????? How old is the scout????? is he 16 in a hurry to get his eagle????? I think that circumventing or using alternate requirements is an abuse of their intent. So he broke his ankle, OK, so he has to wait to do the hike, OK, time for someone to have the backbone to tell the young man the way it is. In my opinion he just needs to wait till it is healed. As an adult you need to stop trying to work the system to get advancements...... I guess I am just old school that way. Do the requirement as written and get your book signed.
  2. We redid the whole school assignment thing a couple of years ago. Prior to that it was a gentlemens agreement as to who recruited from where. The original Pack that my son was recruited into was half way crossed the city from the school. Unbeknownst to me we drove past 6 packs to get to the unit we were recruit to. Mistakes and selfish behavior like that has cost scouting dearly in our district. We recruit from 3 public schools, our membership includes 8 public and private school members. I am worried a little as well......We are getting a lot of refugees from other packs. We recruited 40 new boys and 12 refugees from other packs......They come for the program, but it is getting almost too big for our church. At 80 members now, I would like to see another Pack form and split the group. The problem is adult leadership.
  3. mom.....I was ticked with being stuck with kids whose mom or dad dumped them at resident camp at a week. Now boys from my Pack, I accept responsibility for them. When I take them to camp, I am properly prepared with games, larger first aid kit, evening treats and light sticks.....ect. I had paid $150 adult fee to attend.......If I had know I was going to be used as a guardian I would have insisted that I attend free......They did not even give me a tshirt for my effort.
  4. We like the bunnys better than the chicks....but it better than standard marshmellows.....but they will catch fire and scorch if your not attentive for sure.
  5. Yet another case of Local interpretation of the rules. My son and I went to resident camp between his tiger and wolf year......we went as a father/son combo. When we arrived I was assigned 3 more boys from a different pack that I did not know. Of course the boys were homesick and two of the three had serious behavior issues, stealing from the trading post and fellow scouts, wouldn't eat...... I spent more time with them than my son. I voiced my displeasure with the program and camp director to only be shamed for not wanting provide scouting to these boys. At the time the shame worked.....Now, there is no way I would have tolerated and I would have insisted to have my money refunded. While I don't have an issue with adhoc or provisional troops at summer camp. I have a huge issue with it at the Cub Level.
  6. Fair enough, CCC worked.....WWII brought us out of the big one. All out war will cure a depression, no argument there. Most if not everything was manufactured in the United States, so buying our way out was possible. We spent a trillion dollars and it hasn't worked. At the top of the pile looking down in may have worked. But from the bottom looking up it doesn't seem to have worked. They hired the big companies do run these projects, they did not hire additional staff. The goods or materials bought were foreign in origin. You need to also remember this is a world wide recession, just now the US's problem.
  7. Yes the Tea Party and that woman from up north have castrated the Republican party. It will be a democrat in the white house, whether it is the presiding man or not is be seen. The United States needs to go one a HUGE budgetary diet. We need to understand that the government cannot spend us out of a recession or depression. We the people's voices are lost in the screams and moneys of the special interest groups and big business.
  8. Philmont, unexplored and untouched, you have never been. Even 30 years ago we walked a lot of jeep trails, cough cough, gravel roads around. You pick up your food every couple of days, hmmmmm, I understand it is one of the holy grails of scouting and every boy should go, but it honestly isn't high adventure. Brentallens, description and photos ARE OUTSTANDING, I would love to take a group of boys or at least send my son. As
  9. $40 a week allowance, heck thats more than I get.
  10. Ya they lost my training again too, They are still beating us over the head with FOS to last nights round table.
  11. well collect the money at time of sale. No popcorn leaves the CO with out being paid for. i would never sign that agreement, and would just ask the pack how much my sons part of the program cost is.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  12. Philmont ain't high adventure....as pointed out you walk from place to place and do stuff. Ever scout should go and experience it, but it at all that. I have been there, watched the sun rise on Baldy and Set on the Tooth. It was fun but not high adventure. Especially when the horseback riding is the horses just marching along in a line, oh thats fun......I wonder if they make you wear helmets now. Someone went to MOAH or MOHAB or something like that that looked like the real deal. I looked at the web site and really liked what I saw.
  13. Tampa....if the shoe fits. What I have seen and experienced. Participants wear their course necker every where, that is fine and ok. Some of the bead wearing group are idiots, just like every other group of people. It may be the culture of that particular troop. If you like it wear it, you might find the Good old boys club may welcome you.
  14. Hey tampa......don't pitch those bags....send them to me.
  15. That would be a super experience.....I am envious.
  16. My Point is how do you know for sure???????? If someone asked my sexual orientation I would say that is none of your business. If I bring my best male friend to the court of honor or blue and gold banquet does that make me gay??? or if my car is broken down and he gives me a ride home????? Just sayin. I got a big pile of rocks here, but I know better than to start throwing them.
  17. missed the tshirt part....I was assuming Field uniform.....I agree that tucking in a t shirt is silly.
  18. for the small amount it would cost to insure it I would just have the troop do it. I would imagine for fire, theft and flood it shouldn't cost more than a hundred bucks a year.
  19. Unless you ask a very pointed question, and receive a perfectly honest answer you will never know for sure. Of course there will be gossip. A scout is kind as well. gossip and presumptions don't follow the law. I know a number of scouters who may or may not be gay or lesbian, ya know it doesn't really matter cause they are better people than some devout heterosexuals. I gotta giggle here. years ago watched an episode of scout park that had a gay scoutmaster who had been in the position for years, boys loved him and the troop ran great. Well he got kicked out for being gay, they bring in a drill instructor kinda guy who was a whole lot less fun and took pictures of the boys less than fully clothed.
  20. Plus how do you do this one hours a week and maybe one weekend a month.
  21. Oh the great it is a lifestyle choice or a genetic predisposition argument and it could go on for years. I don't really care one way or another. I am amazed at the prejudice and hate from a group of scouters.
  22. Big news here guys there are gays, lesbians and all sorts of perverts in the BSA. Not agreeing with there lifestyle choices.....growing weary of this discussion
  23. Fred not sure about your scouting background, I am not trying to insult you. Ya know being SM at on a Jambo trip is probably difficult.....a bunch of scouts you barely know Far as flashlights in the eyes, it has been my experience that it is the same scout over and over and over again......Removing the flashlight and returning it after they are headed to the tent gets the point a crossed. No rules, but it is a courtesy thing, and some boys don't have a lick of manners. We had a young man who made us late for breakfast as summer camp the first two mornings because of his morning routine. So we got him up an hour early to start his thing....... Was it against the rules for him to make the entire group late, nope, bad manners for sure. Was it against the rules for the adults to get him up an hour early nope, bad manners probably. A parting thought........you said rules make the adult leaderships life easier.....I disagree completely......The incidents you pointed out are about manners. It would be easier for the adults to ignore the dishes on the table It would be easier for the adults to ignore the curfew violation It would be easier for the adults to ignore the untucked shirts It would be easier for the adults to ignore the flashlight to the eyes. Seems to me they are just trying to instill some respect and manners and you don't like it. It has absolutely nothing to do with obedience.
  24. Sure it can be difficult.....but that is part of the experience in my book. Who learns more? The boy who shows up to the troop meeting and is spoon fed the subject by a troop adult, who may or may not have more than a passing knowledge of the subject or teaches straight from the merit badge book. Or The boy who calls a merit badge councilor from the list and goes to met the counselor who either has professional experience or an enthusiastic hobbyist.
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