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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Hey if you guys need rank patches, let me know. I buy them at the local scout shop with out paperwork.......all ya need is a couple of each to have on hand. PM me I will get what ya need and we will figure it out.
  2. Fair enough, I have never been lost on forest service roads.... Elk hunting in colorado and chasing whitetails in ohio, West Virginia and kentucky in a number of state and national forests. I did get lost in Colorado once but I was not on a road and I was chasing a blood trail, concentrating on that and not the map or keeping track of where I was going. I just don't see it as much of a challenge. Now far as my being wrong or incorrect.....Not how I read the requirements for alternate. Point one on the following link. 1. The physical or mental disability must be of a permanent rather than a temporary nature. We could argue the definition of permanent vs temporary. temporary    [tem-puh-rer-ee] Show IPA adjective, noun, plural -raries. adjective 1. lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent: a temporary need; a temporary job. permanent    [pur-muh-nuhnt] Show IPA adjective 1.existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change. Even if his recovery takes a year it is still temporary. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/earlyalt.aspx This is how the requirement reads......taken from http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/secondclass.aspx 1b Using a compass and a map together, take a five-mile hike (or 10 miles by bike) approved by your adult leader and your parent or guardian.* The asterisk takes you to the disability page noted above. A broken bone is not a permanent disability in this case. So is this Cub scouting.....do your best or Boy Scouting where unless your truly disabled do the requirement as written. I am not adding to the requirement by requesting it be done as written, nor am I subtracting the requirement. I am thru arguing about something so trivial. In the troop I am involved with the advancement committee would make him wait till he is healed. Note, we are a traditional troop, the boys advance roughly 1 rank per year.
  3. a nearby Eagle mill typically award T,2 and 1 at their fall court of honor to each of the scouts that crossed over in February. Ideally after the BOR the scout should immediately receive his rank insignia. I know most troops don't do this, but this is a best practice in my opinion.
  4. Ya know I like the female form I like European Motorcycles I like a nice bourbon I like a smooth cigar My nice chair on the patio is the perfect place to enjoy them....well maybe no the first one. I like good company and a good discussion. Does any of it conflict with the scout oath and law????? Only if each are consumed in excess. Does any one in the Pack Troop or Crew know I enjoy such things. Nope. I am not leering at the moms as they come thru the door, nor am I drinking of smoking, all though I have ridden my bike to meetings on occasion. Good company and conversation, nothing better shared around a campfire on a fall eventing.
  5. In one of the earlier post I thought I saw two or three months. It still isn't permanent. Even if it is six months to a year, he will still be first class before he is 13 year old..that only leaves 5 years to reach Eagle. Again what is the rush???????? Sure he is dejected and you know it is normal and healthy.....this is time for a lesson in patience and not a lesson on manipulating the rules. So which lesson are you teaching? Patience and playing by the rules? or playing the rules or changing the rules for your benefit? Not judging just asking some questions.
  6. desert, I took woodbadge so I would be permitted to put on cub programs at the district level. Well the old district folks moved the target.....I am over it now, no desire for district programs. Initially I joined scouting for my son, we have had a bunch of fun together.....I am seeing he is a growing into a fine young man, to be honest he really doesn't need much from me anymore, the occasional good job from dad and a glance to see if I am watching him complete a difficult task. I am staying for the others scouts who are not as lucky as my son. I wasn't telling the story for sympathy, No point to the story, just sharing my first experience at roundtable. I forgot all about it, till we started talking about new faces and how we treat them. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  7. Talk about a flashback...... My first roundtable visit. I was a brand new tiger cub den leader, been an adult member of the BSA two weeks, no shirt, the only adult scouter I new was the cubmaster. I show up, sign in and head for the coffee and the group generals standing around. As I walk up the conversation always seemed to stop....... fine, I am new. I found a see and enjoyed my coffee, hey my CM showed up, he didn't even know who I was when I went to speak to him. One of those moments you try to forget. Well he disappeared to the OA meeting going on at the same time. Meeting starts, usual stuff.....we break into BS and Cubs. The Cub RTC name was Judy and her Eagle scout son ran it. Well mercifully there was some other snubbed noobs in there with me so I met some folks. So the meeting starts, she asked if there are any eagle scouts present, I raise my hand and so did another fellow.....she then holds up a stick that had been whittled upon. And tells us to identify it.......well it had been 30 years ago, neither of us had a clue... So she looks at her son and says,"More 70's indoor eagle scouts...not really eagles by today standards" they both laugh...... It was a fuzzy stick....I have never seen a soul waste the time to make one...... Nice intro to Roundtable....Ya know I have hiked, camped, fished and hunted my entire life and being ridiculed by the fat woman and her fat son because I did not know what that waste of time project was.......Wow. she was awarded the silver beaver as a side note. This is probably one of the reason I look on the award in a less than positive light. The other eagle looked at me and called her a jerk....I agreed. He and I are still pretty good scouting friends. I keep hearing and experiencing scouters who view themselves as superior making fun of the new adults. Training, yep.......Good old boys clubs, yep...... forgot all about it......wow
  8. So let me get this straight...... the kid navigates forest service roads from the passenger seat of the truck because of a broken ankle that will be healed by thanksgiving?????????? Dad, let the kid heal then do his hike. Honestly do you think your helping him????
  9. baden......I was responding to moose who was talking about having a super council wide roundtable. Our council stretches 150 miles north to south and is 80 miles wide.
  10. We use it......with the cub pack and actually use a 4 tub system now.......Mom's just don't get the concept of scraping and wiping their plates to just shy of clean. All water is warm. probably 100 degree First tub soapy water, second tub less soap. third tub rinse , fourth sanitize... the first tub gets totally trashed by the moms who think they are rinsing into their sink. The patrols use the three dub, never a problem. We use a commercial sanitizing tablet and use the mess bag spin for drying.
  11. Well, there is the answer a new CC is worth losing a 50 year pack leader over. Possible he saw the the pack take off and knew that maybe his way was not the best. Possible he just was fed up with how he was being treated. Just because she does a good job as CC does not give her the right to treat a single soul poorly. I have never been to a hostile or obnoxious Pack or committee meeting. How does that happen????
  12. Let me see it is an hour east to west in our council and nearly 3 hours north to south. so you make the meeting to geographic center it will be a three hour round trip for some. 2 hour meeting. I wouldn't do it.
  13. to the group....... If you attend a Round table.....it is easy to hang with friends and chat. I challenge you to greet every new face and make them feel welcome. Offer a handshake, try to remember their names and a friendly smile.
  14. Scoutfish..... You have met a large number of lifetime and life long scouters by now. Would such a man just quit with out an explanation and leaving the Pack he has been involved with for 50 years with out a replacement??????? No he wouldn't. He would find a replacement or service notice when he was retiring from the position so a replacement could be found and trained before he left.. something isn't right....(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. scoutfish. You can edit your pin information by going to myscouting, left side of the screen under unit tools you will see "be a Scout" you can change your contact info, picture and such. a year ago we got 3 contacts and one recruit. Nothing since. I think it is too cumbersome to request info. try putting in your own info and see what happens.
  16. Scouting is about people skills. Next to the CM the CC is the person shaking hands and making the volunteers feel good about the Pack and what they are doing......Paying the volunteers. I am ruff and gruff here but my volunteers are golden. Never treat one of them bad ever. If the CC is running a long time pack member off, I bet it is the first of many folks she will send packing. I am not sure about your Pack, but before I recruited an Advancement Chair the entire process was good for most of a Saturday. Trip to the scout shop, signing all the cards, sorting by den and scout.... Finding or creating a ceremony. Hours and hours....definately under appreciated job for sure. I am curious by this statement "Just gotta get the boy through Bear and Webs..." Care to elaborate?
  17. Scouting is about the boys right??????? Not for some.....
  18. Guys this is really ridiculous.....we are debating a boy wearing two shoulder loops at the same time. ??????????????
  19. I like roundtable it is a great concept. But I read here what it is supposed to be and I have never experienced that. Not mad about it just saying. I drive over an hour in rush hour traffic to the geographic middle of our district. I figured out the scout population center of the district and it is about 10 minutes from my house. hmmmm. I won't miss the inside jokes I won't miss the Township and school rivalry's I won't miss the Boy Scout RTC winging the meeting I won't miss the Cub RTC reading directly from the book I won't miss being snubbed by the GOBC I won't miss being shamed for not chipping in for coffee and cookies, I am not eating or drinking them I won't miss the monthly FOS pitch I will miss the event flyers from council. I wonder if my troop and Pack can join another district.
  20. My guys are dieing to go paint balling.......Keep telling them to go as friends outside of scouting. I can still drive but no scout shirts......They just don't understand. My son just had a birthday party and we played laser tag at the place. Basically it was his patrol and cousins with the SPL for good measure. the SPL wanted to do a patrol vs patrol match.......well, ya know the rules about that. So how do you explain Nationals guidelines with out becoming NO MEN and perceived as the roadblock.
  21. Would the Handbook look the same? Heck no, I would love to see how it would turn out. I probably wouldn't understand the logic on how it was put together. Would we even have a Fieldbook? I think the field book and handbook would merge into one book Would there be as many Eagle Scouts each year? No, many boys get eagle for mom and dad they are pushing for it. Would there be a "FIrst Class in the First Year" movement? No, still a few very motivated boys would do it but to the level it is now. No. How would the uniform look? It would be different, I would like to see. The problem our troop stuggles with is the lack of older youth leaders to show the new boys the way.......So the adults end up helping with the yearly planning, adding new ideas and new directions. Repetition is the bane of adventure.
  22. I am a lucky man, I still enjoy the attention of my wife and her holding my hand on hikes with the cubs is very scandalous. Sadly many of the boys have never seen their parents hold hands and I have to explain it is ok and that we have been married 25 years. More than once have I seen a wife elbow her husband and by the end of the hike they are holding hands. One parting shot..... Unless you are told by the person that they are engaged in an alternative ......how do you know????? gossip?
  23. I don't care about your lifestyle as long as it is checked at the door and you don't push, preach or make it an issue. Yours and Q's list are all currently a part of many scouts and scouter's lifestyles not agreeing but it is what it is. ? How many Eagle scouts have knocked up their girlfriends or came out of the closet just after their ceremony???? Way to many in my opinion but that is just me. So your poll is irrelevant.
  24. Is this your son we are talking about, because it does make a difference. Answering your OP's question. do you have to have a permanent disability to use the starred alternative requirement? Yes, the intent was to assist the TRULY disabled and several posters have posted info copied from the source. what if the scout ends up being limited in his hiking ability for longer than a few months? There are other things he can work on, again whats the rush. It still is not a permanent disability. he is probably 11 years old......so what if he doesn't get his eagle at 13. would you make him wait a certain amount of time before considering the trip instead of hike?? He is a young man and if he is healthy that ankle should heal in a very short period. I would not change the requirement. Now in a year if he truly is still having a problem I would consider a modification of the requirement as Q suggested. But only after a substantial wait.
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