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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. One project......with 5 steps...... sitting here shaking my head. where is kudu
  2. I think that is a scouter record for repeat posts. Congratulations.
  3. Ya know BDPT.... It is none of your business, but I care for my boys. Each and everyone of them deserve a better lot than they have been dealt in life. Foster kids, orphans, single parent, divorce parents, absentee parents. We are finally getting a few traditional families coming in from other packs, but the majority are from single parent or grandparent homes. My beef is with the adult long time scouters and the Pro's. I was forced to take woodbadge by the then district committee as a prerequisite for putting on Cub programs.....It was an artificial hurtle put in my way. I thought that I would help on the District Cub Activities committee.....the meeting was simply to put me on the spot for going out of district in pursuit of cub scout activities. My district is horrible. Zero cub activities, Well established good old boys club, Very Money Driven District Executive......I am no longer dealing with them so it is all good. Sure I am rough and gruff and don't have a lot of patience with political BS. I have tried to volunteer at district to improve the situation, I have worked with neighboring packs till I was told that we couldn't because there are no free events or multi Pack get togethers, by the DE. No public presentation of beads...... Not sure if I will even call my ticket councilor to submit it. I will have completed my ticket, completed a number of projects, tasks that benefit my scouts. Ya know that is all that really matters. My ticket will be finished, in less than a week from now. I don't need to prove anything to anyone regarding dedication to scouting. Beads don't prove dedication.... Not sure how I feel about the beads, probably they are a symbol of exclusion and elitism that is contrary to scouting's aims.
  4. It is just real hard to spend my $$$ to support council or district. I have to pay to attend the Camp beaver days.....it would be a couple of hundred dollars for the entire family. they say it is to provide meals...... Ok guys, so when are the volunteers going to take the organization back????
  5. Rick thats kinda funny I support national but have problem with District and council.
  6. Ya fish....I do wonder... As a young man I read sgt rock, richie rich, occasionally the xmen, thor.....While I never followed Iron man or the avengers.....I have started reading them recently......I am guessing that is why the son is reading and collecting captain america. He was disappointed by the movie..... I never read the horror comics, just not my thing I guess. Looking at the prices on the books today makes me wish I had took better care of them as a young man.
  7. Own...... This isn't the boys first BOR....I would like to think he has faced a table full of scouters in uniform before. Same boat as you Calico....my SM is now in his 70's and I still call him Mr. C.... He has 4 Scout Masters, 6 Cub Masters and untold den leaders and ASM's from the boys he has lead. He is always smiles every time I see him, asking how my scouts are doing and the latest adventures.....Enough to kill an afternoon when I am at the parents house for a visit......
  8. Comic con was wonderful......It is great seeing gals dressed up like Laura Croft or Princess Lea...Not to mention the number of green lanterns and bat mans. The Best costume was a guy Dress up like the main character from Desert Punk... Son picked up a few more Captain Americas he was missing.....I got a couple pieces of art signed. We sat and watched the crowd for a couple of hours...... The ACM called and no one died on the hike either. I think the De and FOS guy gave up....phone didn't ring at all today.
  9. Same SE sold my boy hood scout camp a couple of years ago....... It wasn't losing money.....council wanted to consolidate camps on one reservation..... I wonder when the Pro scouters finally sell off all the camps where they will get big infusions of cash. It is a sad state for sure......I hate seeing scout camps disappear.
  10. I guess I believe in honesty 5 year. Sorry that is old fashion and obsolete. We are all busy 5 year your son is no different than most youth. If my son is required to do 21 hours of service he will do 21 hours of service. He will understand fulfilling his obligation and not simply so his best. Yes I would give up three saturdays a month at the food bank for 8 hours per day......Son and I are leaving for there now he will load cars for 4 hours today and I will do what ever they ask, just like most saturdays and tomorrow we will serve the community meal for 2 hours at the church.
  11. So Seattle, your going to have to explain to me how this isn't going to end well???????? I have not violated any rules, the fight is over three things. 1. Rules made up by an event organizer that blocked my unit from participating 2. DE trying to collect unpaided apps and who has a history of accessing our UDA account to pay for them 3. A Dictatorial FOS chair that said they WILL do a presentation at our Blue and Gold banquet despite being told not then but here are two other dates. There is no rule that I must attend Roundtable, there is no rule that I must answer the Phone when the DE calls. There are no District events to attend so nothing there. The youth an parents have no idea this nonsense is going on. most have no idea what a district is let alone a council or DE. Your going to need to enlighten me here... Heck, if the DE kicks me out.....My boys will suffer, I will feel bad briefly, but long term it would not be horrible thing. More money in my retirement plan, weekends free again......I could explore the United States like Blake is doing.....
  12. We have been know to vacation at Atlantic Beach..... Really enjoyed going to Wilbur's in goldsboro.
  13. the BSA tools for this are miserable or non exisistant......have you tried the online advancement program yet????? it is terrible slow and very cumbersome. Try Troopmaster, much more user friendly, will track for world conservation and a multitude of other awards without any extra work on your part.
  14. I don't get what the big deal is about????? The Scouter wants to be in Pack 2 and that is great.....The CC of Pack 1 is preventing the scouter from recruiting the webelos from Pack 1 into Troop 2. I don't see a problem with it......you said your piece. Just curious, What is the rest of the Committee's stance on this matter???? Did you discuss it with them??????
  15. I was just asking if you were triple or quad dipping??? I am guessing the triple dip Just another over scheduled youth..........A shame he is missing his teenage years.....I enjoyed mine as will my son.
  16. Back to the original posters question Explain woodbadge to me........ It is a Council fundraising opportunity in which council representatives extract money from Scouters in the most painful manner possible. The side result is slave labor for many meaningless feel good projects for a 50 cent necklace.
  17. The funny thing is the weight was from district and council....The reality is not much has changed. I will no longer deal with council on any level. I will continue to put on the Packs program as before. file to the tour plan, maintain my training....No roundtable, no popcorn, no interaction with DE. the DE has continued to call today as has the FOS district Chair........I called my CC and COR and let them know what had happened. We are all on the same page with what is going on. BTW, if you wanta have lunch with a fat cigar smoking disenfranchised scouter, drop me a line......scout son like riding on the back of the motorcycle and I got the hankering to travel..... I like local dives the best......something with some personality..
  18. So 5 year.........I gotta ask Has your scout been triple or quadruple dipping????? I could see a young man and lazy parent counting 1 hour of service for 4 different things in your example. Is it right, wrong and in the scouting spirit????? So the reality of 5 years example is his scout could complete 6 hours of service and receive 24 hours of credit in 4 different activities. Is that proper????? In my opinion no. If your double dipping than what is the difference to triple or quadruple dipping???????? Not hating, Not judging just asking the question. It just seems fishy to me. In our troop service hours are a non issue. we have plenty of projects and everyone seems to participate in them. Second Class scout son has nearly 100 in 18 months of boy scouting. none of it counts for anything else other than scouting(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  19. so explain to me why they need more patches than what is already offered????? Lets see the Tiger and wolf/bear instant recongition totems. Belt loops and pins.... Rank patches, various event patches, like haunted halloween, christmas at camp or maple syrup days. Does this set them up for the big let down in Boy Scouting????? There is no monthly bobble hand out in most cases.
  20. Abel.... gonna take ya up on that cigar shop, probably in the spring......ya got any good dives to go get a bite to eat at???? It is a decent day ride to your town and back to mine.
  21. Unless your is significantly different than my grand fathers there is a big difference in weight. Take my advise or not..... I would advise the scouts in our troop not to carry it.
  22. Ya know these horror stories are more common than what you think...... How many folks are bullied by the district or de. How many show up to roundtable once to be ignored and never come back????? I am the only person dumb enough to believe I could make a difference to the boys of our district......foolish me. Advise to new boy scout leaders. Run screaming and don't get hooked into it.
  23. Called the ACM just a bit ago, told him I was not coming to the Pack hike and he will need to lead it. Taking all of our popcorn inventory back to the warehouse tomorrow before going to the convention. Guess parents will just have to wait till december to get their popcorn. Taking my son to comic-con instead. Son will be thrilled, he was begging to go and we couldn't because of scouts. Wife will be thrilled that all that popcorn is out of the living room. Priority resets are a good thing.
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