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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Yes parents and camping snacks...... Had that last Family camp.....dinner was served and non of the kids were hungry....... What the heck????? Seems one of the moms is a Little debbie distributor had brought a large quantity of just about to expire stuff and the kids had been eating it all day..... Heck, I didn't notice I was down at the lake baiting hooks and taking fish off. Or playing pitcher in the kickball game. My son was so sick.....they all learned a lesson that weekend.
  2. Lisa...... It is my belief if mom had stepped up when the boy was 3 or 4 and said.....How about you play with trucks instead of dolls or how about we watch power rangers instead of bratz......or how about you go out and play with the neighbor boys......This young mans life would be considerable less complicated than she is setting him up for.
  3. Our cut off is the meeting night before the event. Period....... Send a few boys home who show up with out signing up....your problem will correct itself.
  4. I think our biggest obsticle to a lighter pack is dollars. We are going backpacking this weekend. It is supposed to be below freezing. with extra blankets and the zero degree bags the boys can afford their packs with bags and backpacks start out an 10 + pounds before you add food or water.
  5. Sasha.....I am not talking about kids with physical issues like you describe. I am talking about the ones with issues between the ears. Mom screwed that boy up. Plain and simple.
  6. He dictated the entire ticket to him.....Remember He was a staff members son. The twenty something could have cared less about woodbadge, didn't participate in the patrol, screwed around with the staff, got us in trouble for disrespect a couple of times over parent child issues. I am sure parent forced son to participate. Our group presentation he did not prepare his part of it..... He has received his beads already.
  7. we do cold cuts and chips for lunch We have done spagetti, tacos, fajitas, hamburgers, hotdogs, Pie iron sandwiches or pizza, stew, and chili for dinner. PB&J is always available for an alternative. Yes people complain, but your right. Is the purpose camping or eating???? With the size of our pack growing.....how do you deal with the cost of food for the weekend????? What are your typical cost???? I like to keep ours at less than $10.
  8. This parent should view their parenthood experience as a FAILURE. It is one thing for your 16 year old teenage son or daughter to come home one day and say Dad I am gay. It is another animal for your 7 year old to like dolls, dress and act like a girl. IMO at the age of 3 or 4 this should have been dealt with and corrected. I am going to guess this little fellow has no father beyond the sperm donor, No positive male role models and probably had no exposure to boys till he entered elementary school.....An isolated kid. See it more and more. It is the parents role to guide, teach, console and show love. Well this parent did not guide or teach appropriately.
  9. You guys are silly there is already a long line of girls that want to join cub scouting.......the answer is no. Girl Scouting is terrible when compare to the BSA.
  10. Yes I have a blackbird.... Worth every penny..... I also have a bear burrito oven from arrow for the blackbird.....It does exactly as advertised by adding 5 or 10 degrees to the inside of the hammock. I have not purchased a top quilt yet....I was looking at jacks r better.....but I will hammock gear too, thx for letting me know. I am still using a sleeping bag set up like a quilt.....leave it mostly unzipped and stick my feet in.
  11. I remember sitting at the picnic table saturday night of week 2 1 hour before the ticket deadline and watched as a staff member came to our campsite and dictated the SPL's son his ticket to him. guess what it got approved first trip thru.
  12. So buff....whose top quilt did you buy????? I have a yeti for mine....Brandon does a great job....
  13. Well from Jay's profile he is most definately qualified to offer a concrete answer to the question......I mean being an active adult in scouting since 2000 more than makes him qualified. At least that Richard B character has some possible credibility as someone who is involved at the national level.
  14. Scoutfish.... The requirement reads....Tenure: Complete one year as a registered Cub Scout den leader... No an assistant den leader cannot earn the award and should not be awarded it. They are eligible to earn the Cub Scouter knot. Most ADL do not met the requirements because they don't attend roundtable or scout university.....or they don't take additional leadership roles. Not sure how calling the registrar will do anything.... So Scoutfish.....we know nothing of this fellow....lets just pretend his is one of your ADL in the wolf den.......So he calls the registrar and monkeys with your charter and his registration to earn the knot. How would you feel about that???? Your like me and we both recognize our leaders and ensure they have received their knots and get recognized at the awards banquet. I think that is some pretty bad advice on an open forum, with people unknown.
  15. sitting here shaking my head..... mystified as to why mom would do such a thing.......
  16. no dirt leaves or twigs get inside it, I generally change cloths before I go to bed....if you set it up right is never touches the ground. I shake mine out but it never really gets any dirt or debris in it. It doesn't really ever get wet because it is off the ground. I do air it out when I get home.....just because it seems light he right thing to do. I do air dry the tarp......it picks up dew.....but again no dirt, leaves or twigs....it never touches the ground. Faster set up.....I can get my hammock up in about a minute, 5 minutes for the entire hammock tarp combo. Take down is just as fast.....no fiddling with air mattresses only two stakes on hammock and two to four on the tarp. Tree anxiety.....yep I have experienced it......Yet to fail to find a decent spot. Storage...my entire hammock system fits in a plastic shoe box.....Tarps and all with room to spare. Buffalo....whose quilt did you purchase????? I was looking at JacksRBetter or buying one of warbonnets.
  17. "I'm going to contact my people at National " So who are you exactly again???????
  18. Oh rush..... I am an ASM and a Crew leader.....I have been acting SM for the last couple of weeks SM has been ill. So I do more than just cub scouting.
  19. Revenge.....that would imply that the district matters in my scouting activities or life. They do not.... My boys are all that matter.
  20. Not bragging, just speaking of the difference in people. 5 year, you view community service as something to be gotten thru or simply a line on a college resume or box to simply be checked off or tallied.....I believe it is my responsibility to be part of my community. My struggles in scouting with district and not simply giving up are part of that belief in serving my community. The boys in my area deserve the opportunities and adventure scouting offers and much as the rich two parent boys in the suburbs and rural areas. If I was just doing it for kicks I would have walked away long ago, scouting on a personal level has stopped being fun a long time ago........
  21. Gotta chuckle here......6th grade scout son has 134 hours since joining scouting 18 months ago.
  22. seattle....I have noticed that the ground is much stickier than it used to be. here ya go fish. bout half the price http://warbonnetoutdoors.com/ Shame we don't live a little closer together...you would be welcome to give it a try.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  23. That is sad......The troop committee had just voted on paying for our two most senior scouts to attend this coming summer. So how would a fellow know if it was the new course or old course....... Sounds like the Troop leadership needs some due diligence before we sign our scouts up for the course. I remember someone posted that they were still putting on the old course.....who and where was it????
  24. Scoutfish.....I am a hammock hanger.....I have spent more than a month sleeping in it this year. The best sleep on a camp out ever. The down side is I still must tent camp at camporees or events like that. I have a warbonnet blackbird I have a couple of tarps I use, from a supper light silnylon to a full fly with doors depending on the weather forecast. Do yopu have a rainfly over it or just veiw the sky ( when not raining of course)? I usually take a tarp, Keeps the dew off you Do you use mosquito neting or just slather yourself with bug spray? My hammock has mosquito netting. Do ants and other bugs do the congo down the ropes/webbing that connects to the tree? Nope Do you have to use extra padding between you and the hammock to retain heat in the winter/ coller weather? I bought myself an underquilt for my birthday, but I used to use a walmart blue pad. Even when the air temp gets into the 60's I would get cold butt. Is a rainfly/tarp sufficient when it really rains or just a sprinkle? Tarps are great and when pitched right will protect you from all but the most wind driven rain. And considering YP...where do you get dressed or change clothes? I am usually the first one up in the morning and the last one to bed....so I change clothing before I get into it in the evening....so never an issue....if your worried step to the far side of it. no biggy.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  25. Scoutfish......you may have a point. A question to the group. Who would be better on woodbadge staff? Man who had experience as a youth scout. Man who had experience as a youth scout and attended NYLT, Brown Sea or youth leadership training Man who was an Eagle scout Man who was an Eagle scout with NYLT Man with no youth scouting experience Lady with no youth scouting experience Long term scouter.....Meaning Scouters with 10+ years of scouting Just as scoutfish says the diner doesn't know what the food he is eating is supposed to taste like, I also contend that maybe the cooks don't know how to prepare it or what it is supposed to taste like.
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