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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Joebob Sound advice from Eagle......I am still CM so my son begins his scouting career with out dad looking over his should on everything. Because of the age of our adult leadership I still am second adult on most of the outings, but not all over my scout. Make sure you start having the pressuring parents step back and make sure they understand that this is the scouts journey and not theirs.
  2. Ya know something joebob.......Over the last couple of years I have learned a thing or two. I enjoy scouting and when it becomes too much of a a PITA I will walk away. So in my world, let national do all of their gyrations, make new rules and requirements....raise the price on the volunteers and when it becomes too much I will walk away. What could I do with two free weekends a month, and 5 additional evening nights free. I could see the world like blake......or work harder on section hiking the Appalachian trail. Of course there is always the beach......options are a wonderful thing. Had an interesting debate with one of my ACM's about why the BSA charges volunteers a membership fee......I mentioned the training website, background checks, the insurance and on......He said they charge me for membership, the charge me for training, they charge me for a uniform, they charge me for activities......No wonder the BSA is losing to youth sports. the coaches are not charged a membership fees, provided a uniform and trained for free. Makes ya think
  3. Scout fish the JTE has been discussed here before. I think it is a waste of marketing Advancement: Increase the percentage of Cub Scouts earning rank advancements. Retention: Improve retention rate. Building Cub Scouting: Have an increase in membership or be larger than the average size pack. Outdoor activities: The pack has activities in the outdoors. Trained leadership: Have a trained and engaged pack committee. Have a Cubmaster and a committee with at least three members. All dens have leaders. The entire committee has completed This Is Scouting, Fast Start training, and Youth Protection training or, if new, complete within three months of joining. Den or pack meetings have started by October 31. Bronze level, plus all must have completed Leader-Specific Training or, if new, complete within six months of joining. Silver level, plus pack participates in BALOO training and in OWLS training. 50 100 200 6 Day/resident camp: The pack participates in Cub Scout day camp or Cub Scout resident camp. The pack participates in Cub Scout day camp or Cub Scout resident camp. Service projects: The pack participates in service projects, with one benefitting your chartering organization. The projects and hours are entered on the Journey to Excellence website. Leadership planning: Next year's leaders are identified early. By May 31, the pack committee recruits/confirms pack and den leadership for the next year. Earn the Bronze level, plus the pack holds its fall recruitment by September 30. Earn the Bronze and Silver levels, plus every leadership position is filled by October 15. Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have a Webelos-to-Scout transition plan with a troop or troops. With a troop, hold two joint activities, one of which is a parent orientation and camp promotion meeting. Budget: The pack has a budget that is continually reviewed by the committee and follows BSA policies relating to fundraising and fiscal management. Have a written budget reviewed at committee meetings and that follows BSA policies. Earn the Bronze level, plus Cub Scouts' ideas are used in the budget planning process. Earn the Bronze and Silver levels, plus budget is completed by August 31 for the next program year. Pack and den meetings: Packs and dens have regular meetings. Hold nine pack meetings a year, with one meeting reviewing program plans and asking for parental involvement. Dens meet twice a month. Meet the Bronze level plus, pack committee meets at least six times a year. Meet the Bronze level plus, pack committee meets at least ten times a year. Reregister on-time Complete reregistration, obtain all signatures, and submit paperwork to the council office prior to the expiration of your charter. Annual assessment: Completion of this form. Conduct an annual pack assessment using this form, and submit it completed and signed with the charter renewal forms. Now honestly Training is one line and you can get the gold level without trained leadership.....but you cannot recharter with out all direct contact leaders being fully trained.....
  4. We do not allow or significantly discourage disposable water bottles on campouts and outings. So a group of 100 people how many disposable water bottles in a day or couple of days...... I am not forcin the Nalgene bottles, I think they are a waste, a pound a piece........I use or reuse gatoraide bottles......free the ultimate dirt bagger in me. We catch the kool aid on sale with coupons we can get it for 50 cents per two and a half gallons. We stock up during the winter and the sales are on.
  5. So did anyone think this is just about money????? I know our district and council offers training that is required to net a minimum of 40%....... Honestly, as pointed out, how many times can you be taught to tie a square knot, lashing, food safety, or youth protection. I understand refreshers.
  6. Well ya have other ASM's take the time and get it over with. I understand busy schedules, my schedule is booked till christmas......Food for scouting tomorrow, Popcorn sale sunday at the church, LNT master educator course next week. the weekend leading up to thxgiving Pack hike. The friday after thanksgiving the older scouts are going backpacking, so I am off to doing that. I did it. Had a lot of fun doing it.......The guys in my patrol were a blast.....MUCH MORE FUN than woodscab. the skill I use in scouting, basically just polished them up a bit.
  7. Well Cricket......just curious what makes you so special that you don't have to do the training or get your boxes checked off????? Lots of eagles on this board and I bet most of us have completed IOLS......I have taken wilderness first aid over two weekends, my IOLS course was a combined course over three weekends. It had everything from YPT thru IOLS. The complete training course over 5 days and two nights. Our council did a test out weekend for 19 year old new scouters....the intent is for boy scouts aging out to demonstrate the skills and testing out. Well lets say it didn't go as well as they hoped. Mandatory training and testing keeps macho dad from going out and getting a bunch of scouts killed. We have all met the know it all scout dad, had a cub dad try to build a fire for nearly an hour a month ago. He had been spouting off about all of his outdoor adventures and experiences at the Popcorn sale. So I was playing kickball with the boys and checking out what was going on...... Haven't heard any stories since. I still believe that the BSA should have much more in depth or thorough outdoor training for the adults. Most city folks are not skilled enough for anything more than plop camping. They should have a Introduction to backpacking, Introduction to back country camping course. Introduction to water craft safety....... Sadly many Eagles, actual or pretend, just don't have the skills they should from an active scouting career. No way of knowing which is which.
  8. Ahhhh, The old guys will always have more knots than me now.... I am just kidding for the record. I think it is a good thing to reduce adult awards. No more central american generals running around.
  9. this really sound familiar..... I wonder if this is a national directive?????
  10. irregardless of my other short comings and attitudes, I understand that we need to support our council financially and this is how our pack currently does that. If someone builds a better mouse trap we may just do that and send them a check for a couple of grand....who knows.
  11. Ahhhh, another from on high answer from Doc......How is the weather on Olympus today??????? Ya know doc it is pretty easy bein a rich white guy from the burbs and having two parents in every household. First, Neither I or the Pack have extra cash to Pay for the young men who have not paid their registrations. The parents have the scholarship paperwork in hand.... This monday is deadline pay or leave for the boys. Second G2SS show me the quote about webelos den camping and where the Adult to Scout Ratio is 1 to 1. I would like to thank you for your pompous reply. I understand your a big district and council kinda guy, but you forget with out us little guys you wouldn't have a district to be a Napoleon of.
  12. I was a little underwhelmed as well. the vendor website listed a bunch more product than the order form has on it.
  13. fred, Trails end is way over priced......Quality is good. But it is a hard sell. I like the variety that blancs link showed.....I would be interested in their pricing structure as well. Of course it is irrelevant because no one would listen to me anyhow when it came down to a decision. Truth be told.......When people came over to our table and heard the prices, they gave us donations instead of buying popcorn. We never asked for donation and we did not have a donation bucket on top of the table. lets face it a $5 dollar donation is better than selling a $10 bag of carmel corn.
  14. There were some young ladies dressed up in cub shirt and little tiny skirts as halloween costumes. Inappropriate, but I did enjoy the view
  15. Blanc.....like the variety of product offering......how would you rate the quality??????
  16. Your a second year webelo leader right????? What does the committee say???
  17. shilue......explain to me why only allowing full case purchases by units makes any sense in the world. It doesn't.......
  18. I am the Pack popcorn kernel......we end our sale a month before the council... Pretty simple Yes some parents are rude, selfish and ignorant......nothing you are going to do to change it. Ya know scoutfish if our council pulled a stunt like that and forcing us to eat partial cases I would refuse to sell. You guys all are aware that you don't have to sell popcorn....(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  19. So Robert.........I see you are taking care of yourself. typical American attitude, me me me me me me me. I gotta, How many other folks are you going to submit for the knots?????
  20. drmbear lots of I's in that post. Well never submitted a for a know for myself. never will. The last knot I received was WDL knot.. At the B&G all the den leaders and committee members had received their knots.... Someone realized I didn't get one and submitted it for me.....At the time it could have been one of 4 knots. I could still submit myself for the three remaining, but won't do it. To me, submitting it yourself significantly cheapens the award. If you half heartedly doing the job and don't receive it then fine.....If it takes you doing a stellar job to be noticed and have someone notice and submit the paperwork that makes the knot more meaningful. Just tacky.
  21. Is it me or is just plain tacky to submit yourself for awards????? We have a husband wife team in council that nominate each other for everything available....Including the silver wood chuck.
  22. Wow small world Pack......I live like 20 minutes from hammock gears shop. I am headed for Springer November 11 for a week of R&R
  23. Our area of town is littered with stores that sell such things......the current rage in our area is bath salt abuse. K2 is but one brand there are a number of them.
  24. Patrol cooking for 10 is simple enough. cooking for 100 or 150 is an entirely different issue.....
  25. Lisa......dad or should I say the sperm donor is at fault too. momof2cubs made the point I was trying to make
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