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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. We currently have a wind chill of -4 wish I was there instead of here.
  2. I fourth or fifth support google calendar...... We also print it as an agenda.
  3. care to share the sites abel???? In the little bit of research I was amazed to see some troops will million dollar budgets....An explorer post 58 has a huge budget if I am reading all of the comma's a billion dollars??????
  4. Ya know seattle........there are some basic scouting skills every eagle should walk away with. Not sayin they are inferior, just don't have the advertised skills. Should every scout be able to develop and deliver a 20 minute power point presentation. No. Should every eagle be able to tie a square knot, build a fire in a timely manner, put up a tent in a timely manner, cook a meal for themselves. YES.
  5. Head pops up...... Woodbadge????? ticket, Staff, councilor..........Beads, Ticket, councilor. Head begins to spin......
  6. Our webelos den is nearly just another Patrol in the troop. We open with them, close with them, and in between we do our own webelos meeting. The webelos camp a couple time a year with the troop and still participate in the Pack meetings, Blue and Gold, pinewood and such. But the key to a good cross over is get them active with the troop......
  7. Mine was signed by the COR..... You have to fill out another application to be a member and then include a copy of your current youth protection with it.
  8. Got a laugh here........We have a step dad that insists on being a Merit Badge councilor. But only for his scout. The COR and SM refused to sign his app so he turned it directly into council. Can't wait till his scout starts showing up with merit badge cards signed by Step dad.
  9. SMT we have the same situation, when we stop I usually will cover those boys. So no one goes without.
  10. Last year we fell way short of this artificial goal.... I got a phone call first from the District FOS chair asking for the Pack Leader, me, to make up the short fall. An amount over $500 if memory serves..... No was my answer The next call was from the DE just short of demanding the money...... again No was the answer. So who do I speak with to get a look at the council and district finances...... Something is very wrong, The district has only one expense and that is the DE and with all of the popcorn fundraising, the published FOS results and the published proceeds from the golf outing and sheet shoot, ect. We should be $500k to the good.........(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. Our weak point was webelos cross over, we lost a number during basketball season last year and they never came back.......so this year we have lost zero to basketball, they still participate but they are at every meeting and outing.....Not sure what changed.
  12. My DE is very motivated to get his bonus and this is directly tied to how much cash he takes home. The best part is I don't even have to actually fill it out to get gold level because my DE will do it for me.
  13. Oh I get a big belly laugh at the FOS crap. our DE tells us that it cost the council $120 per boy per year at the council level. Really??????? How do you figure the cost????? Be take expenses and then divide it by the number of scouts. Really????? Do you take out the popcorn money? How about all of the golf outings and trap shoots????? Guess someone is over paid.......Because we do not get $10,0000 worth of benefit from our local council and district. I will never give another dollar to the FOS campaign ever. I belong to three friends of camp so and so. I give to them, I send two scouts, not my own to camp, I do not get reimbursed for gasoline, propane, snacks, craft supplies, rope, tents............. I think I give enough.
  14. We have treats at certain events or locations, a favorite ice cream shop or local burger joint. Bribery, nope, just sharing what I enjoy with the boys. they seem to enjoy it as well.
  15. Well the SM and his Son are setting bad examples. I cannot imagine how you could create a fair policy.....
  16. Wow what a bunch of wimps.....you might as well fill it out because he will fill it out for you. If he does it again this year, I will have the COR contact the SE and file a complaint. We notified the council office that next time he touches our UDA account with out written permission from our CC we would file a police report for theft. I don't like our district one bit.....ZERO activities. ZERO support for the units. Many of you know my struggles........Abel and I are in very similar boats regarding district. I see my whats a commissioner comment got deleted. Had one once, made the boys cry, told him to leave and never come back.
  17. Scoutfish The boys are reasonable and will accommodate a scout who doesn't like or is allergic to some foods. They forget sometimes but the boys care about each other, honestly. our patrols truely are a band of brothers. My experience with the boys and camp menus, they know what they like and they will eat it every camp out if not monitored. There is much much more to hopalong's story, I guarantee it. I am going to bet there is a history of an ASM or parent dictating menus and the boys have had enough.
  18. get more leaders????? Your kidding right? they have 8 boys after cross over total. They need more boys, with more boys follows more parents. This is a simple issue of recruitment and retention.
  19. I would not expect them to bear the food cost of others. I also think you need to but out and let the boys figure it out. You are out of line addressing the PLC, it is the PLC, not the PLC plus interested adults.
  20. I am entertained by the fact there is no mention of a unit commissioner. I am going to bet that with all of the scouts meeting in one room it is impossible to get anything done.
  21. Of course it is more....more prep work.....Can't just boil hot dogs and chips for lunch or cold cut sandwiches......Probably cost more. Is it fair or proper to force the Patrol to incur more expense on a camp out because one scout cannot or will not eat, insert, meat, gluten, bread, tomato, peanuts, ???????? I don't have much patience for this sort of nonsense. My daughters school ban peanut butter for lunch because one kid had a severe peanut allergy....500 kids could not eat peanut butter sandwiches because of on kid....It was to the point they had a cafeteria employee inspect all the sack lunches for peanut butter.....I called as did 50 other parents about this, ridicoulous to impact 500 kids for 1. Now that kid eats lunch in the school office, they don't inspect lunch and all is as it should be. Plus it saved the cost of one part time cafeteria employee to inspect the lunches. This is what this troop is doing, I would move all the "FOOD PROBLEMS" into on patrol and let the other Patrols be normal boys. they can have burgers and fries if they want too and bacon and eggs for breakfast. The other boys can eat veggie dogs and gluten free pancakes with sugar free maple syrup.
  22. There are too many unknowns as to why the Pack is too small. History???? Why only one Wolf and Bear???? Recruiting???? Size of school, boy talks, competing Packs Program???? Is their one or is it just an academic exercise I have posed this question to another Pack leader locally......Is it worth saving????? Moose, I was a den leader for a sinking pack for a year, the SM and I volunteered when no parent stepped up. I enjoyed the boys and their excitement at new scouting activities and style of leadership. But in the end the Pack started looking to us as the leaders not the cubmaster, we kept directing them to the CM. While it helped their retention when the year was up they were in the same boat....No trained den leaders and a huge retention problem. We went over last fall and offered to help again but no interest. I find it interesting that as ticket councilor you feel responsible to help this individual. I thought the role was one of guidance verse active participation???? In 16 months I have talked to my ticket councilor once and then it was very brief......No help or guidance, Oh and still no call from anyone regarding my request to have my ticket signed off. All though our SM came up with an idea.....Go to the next roundtable and in front of the group, box up my binders and scrap books and UPS them to the CD with a note requesting a completion sign off......I find it interesting that he is more worried about it than I am..
  23. Oh seattle, I was not romanticizing the North American Indian. Their culture and way of life was much harsher than that of the European. Raiding parties killing of each other for land and slaves. They were not completely peaceful people. I was commenting on the cowboy vs. indian. I am a product of what our explorers did to the North American Indians and I have benefited, but that doesn't make me proud or happy about it. Now I love the frontiersman stories. Read a bunch of them as a kid as well, Boone, crocket, I loved Grizzly adams and Jeremiah Johnson movies as a kid.
  24. Q our rule is to stop at trail junctions.....well we don't have a large number of trail systems in our area, so that generally means they need to wait on us every hour or so.
  25. Our troop traditionally is back and the boys are picked up at noon at the CO. Makes for more work with wet tents and such. It might be better if we plan for sunday lunch then get home at three or so after the tents are dried and put away.
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