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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I like the list, but wonder about new scout parents shelling out a couple of hundred bucks for new gear...... So how do you handle boys that show up with say a 30lb pack???? Poor or inappropriate gear?????? We do a shake down the meeting before the trip.......But we struggle with bad gear.
  2. In rereading what Abel posted earlier than in thread.........I recant what I said. LFL is not a scout program then......Not sure what or how the young lady is enjoying Cub scouting program. No clue.......The DE's response was they are doing what and NO.
  3. She is a LFL member.....I don't see a problem or rule violation. Momof2cubs.....I know your position about girls is scouting and why....... I tried to be a GSA leader and was told that men could not be leaders.......That is fine, the girls loose in the end.
  4. I was under whelmed on my visit with the family.... Information and links to the hiking trails....it says there 19.9 mile available. http://www.nps.gov/vafo/planyourvisit/hikingtrails.htm If you have not been to Gettysburg, much more interesting......
  5. New scouts are typically 12 just before their growth spirt.....which is a problem New scouts.....Here is my recomendation, 3 lbs 10ounce for a $39 pack. Not to bad. http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/Product___90387 We have a number of them and they do nicely for the new boys...... Sleeping bags need to fit right to keep the boy warm too. Campmor has a number that might work at a reasonable price.....but encourage them for fit...
  6. Beavah I have never received a free meal from the bsa. District awards dinner is a potluck and they charge $10 a person for the meat......which was donated I might add. When I was being recruited as district membership chair and day camp program director. Both over dinner i picked up my own tab. No bjggy.......but Roundtable they have a old coffee can that is the coffee fund....if the coffee can is empty no coffee for roundtable...... Just sayin(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  7. Twocubs......I am not disputing $10 for coco and doughnuts......I am wondering what significant is and why the Eagle or Parent feels they need to spend $100 or several hundred dollars to feed the crew????? And why is this a rich or poor issue????? Worse case you can get cold cuts and a loaf of bread and feed the crew..... Get the mustard ketsup and mayo out of your fridge. You can also get the large food service soup cans very reasonable and feed a large group veggie soup and cold cuts cheap. I agree it is a nice gesture but if the project is sort on funds then I would not feed the volunteers if I could not afford it. What happened to volunteering without the expectation of reward??????
  8. I have been in rhol's position, But it was not about going on a trip with my scout. I have struggled with district about holding events when no one would do it for the cubs. I had roadblocks put in place to prevent it, when I over came those roadblocks they created more.......So I understand to a degree. In one of rhol's earliest post he has only been active with his son's troop since March of 2011. http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=316311#id_316311 Having been on 4 campouts and outing by May of 2011. Less than a year in scouting. No wonder he was passed over. The SM Jim knew you would not be selected and tried to spare you the pain you are feeling. Maybe you should take some advice from him???? He also understands that you will probably be gone in a couple of years when your scout eagles at 13 or 14. For the record I would not take any advice from a DE or paid pro, they do not have your or your scouts best interest in mind.
  9. It is a tartan and is registered to the BSA. It is not the same as the McLaren Tartan here is the link to the registry http://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/tartanDetails.aspx?ref=819
  10. MOMOF2CUBS. the reason is many of the girls are siblings of Boy Scouts......My Daughter has been involved in girl scouting and it's program cannot hold a candle to the Program that the Troops and Packs have. GSA is a rip....You sell cookies and make 50 cents a box.....My daughter worked her heart out sold 200 something boxes and got a rainbow bandana......yeahhhhh. Then before the big overnight at the zoo the scout leader quit......So where did the cookie money go???? Could you buy us the tickets and let us take her? Yep, the girl scout leaders keep the cookie money even if the troop disbands. Girl scout troops do not have to take every girl.......We have been told she is too young, to old and not from their area of town. She is 10 years old and cannot find a Girl Scout troop.....We have looked for 9 months......I call weekly to the district office and leave a message on a voicemail.
  11. So explain to me why feeding the work crew has to be a significant expense????????? Not a lot of money? go to an aldi's or gordon foods and get you the big thing of 100 hot dogs for $10.....the food service bag of chips and all is good. you could feed your work crew for less than $40 for sure. Don't like dogs, they have burgers cheap too. Or you could do little caesars pizza's at $5 each........ Or you could do a volunteer potluck everyone bring something. You guys are attacking this issue too linearly. Think outside the box for cryin out loud. Curious, how much have boys spent on food for their work crews??????
  12. Creeps are every where. Vigilance is the only safety. I always get a kick how many times you hear on the news, "that never happens around here". Everything happens everywhere people. To comfort the troop Review the Youth Protection video with the families.
  13. I don't see a problem with it. I would make sure the CO knows because you might be using their 501c tax number when issuing him a receipt. Make sure you invite him to the pinewood derby, make him Marshal for the race or something.
  14. Pack what is the age of the students????? I am guessing college level???? You have got to be kidding me about not knowing what the deep water horizon was about or what happened. This group coming up is much less aware of the world around them......Whether it is they don't care or believe they can change anything. Givem facebook and a smartphone they are all good.
  15. hmmmmmm, John, Lots of us already do this in an unofficial capacity.......We have a sibling den. they pay dues and participate parallel to their brothers. I may call my DE and ask about LFL and registering girls in the Pack. That should be a fun call
  16. I would have chuckled probably. Sitting and watching the news during lunch earlier in the week.....I thought a couple of my coworkers were going to have heart attacks when the newscaster said that the captain tripped and fell into the life boat and could not get back on the ship.
  17. Ah, A written budget plan shared with potential cash donors makes me feel better about it. List of materials and include lunch for volunteers. sure, Full disclosure. I don't think anyone would object. But just doing it after the fact without knowledge of the donors not so much. I think that may become a personal policy from now on dealing with Eagles Candidates and Scouts asking for money.....I need to see a hard copy of their project budget
  18. Eagle.....I cannot imagine working for a fellow like that would have been like..... It is really hard to speak about integrity, honesty and they switch gears and create ghost scouts and units.
  19. Donated moneys are a funny thing....... I know that if I donated money for an Eagle project and found that Donated money was spent on food I would be mad. I don't buy into the whole food for the engine nonsense or rewarding the boys who worked. I would not permit my son to spend donated moneys on pizza for his friends, I would pay for them out of my pocket. While many on this board seem to feel it is just another cost of doing the project, I disagree. But I forget, we are now a society of instant rewards.......The Eagle candidates would rather just buy the group pizza instead of feeling obligated to help the others who helped him on his project. Sure a pizza party after the project is nice, I just don't feel it is proper to spend donated money on it. While many of you don't care about the boys who will follow yours, it makes it much harder to get donations or discounts when the public here's about this sort of abuse. Working with an Eagle candidate now and trying to figure out how to pay for his materials.....Donations are non-exsistant and discounts are very hard to come by. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. I don't know..... It just doesn't seem right to use donated money to buy pizza or food for the work crew. Just doesn't past the smell test, at least for me. So Mr. Jones donates $100 for park benches.....Mr. Johnson at the hardware store donates the wood for the benches, Life scout Jimmy buys nails and then buys 10 pizza's for his work crew. So what would Mr. Jones think about buying pizza for a group of boy scouts instead of park benches?????? Shouldn't the money be spent on more benches?????? Or am I missing something???????
  21. Well I hope that the Boy Scouts don't come a crossed as wimps or looking like an idiot........ I don't know anything that we do that I would think worthy of a tv show.
  22. Did it ever occur to you that the Jambo Leadership maybe trying to teach you a lesson?????? A couple of more thoughts for you to ponder... What do the boys in the troop want? You should have a little input but not schedule or plan it. merely guide. Do the boys want HA???? Can they pay for it???? You understand that the Crew is like a troop and the youth schedule and plan the events.....just because YOU want a HA Crew the youth involved might want one that is a service crew, or a social crew. Scout led, not adult led. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  23. Eagle googled Ronnie Holmes......50% of the members in that council disappeared after an audit...........Our membership dropped very radically just after this story broke... http://www.wheremostneeded.org/2006/06/alabama_boy_sco.html
  24. As always the rest of the story. Just a thought......Stop using Type-1 as an excuse or a path for special treatment. I hope you did not put that on your application
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