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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Texting with a scout is a huge no no in my book. It is my belief that texting and one on one emails violate two deep leadership.... When ever I call a scout it is to the Home phone or mom or dads phone and speak to the parent first about my discussion with their scout. Wireless phone companies do not keep records of texts, I know this as fact from a friends very ugly divorce and attempts to get text records, this is verizon. I would print the Texts out as soon as possible and put them away for safe keeping and to present to the Committee to let them know what is going on. Do this by forwarding them to your email address and then printing the email. If I was threatened by a scout I would call a Board of Review and have it addressed by the committee. I would block his number ASAP, The more I think about it the more concerned I become.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  2. Beyond scouting what is your relationship to the family??????? if the Parent is a Personal friend would be handled differently than just a scout from the troop. You are not the SM correct???? I assume this happened at a scout event?????? If so I would speak with the SM and get his thoughts. I am going to bet it won't be long before you have parents calling about this issue.
  3. twocubs......that is what we felt like.....The patrol flag thing was last minute at gilwell so we didn't look stupid. We all signed it and presented it to him at the last minute, it really wasn't planned.
  4. No way in gods green earth would I ever tell a professional scouter about a financial donor to my scouting organization. It is none of their business. As Eagle pointed out the DE will pursue that donor as well. I am sure that donor will appreciate that. NOT.
  5. We all signed our Patrol flag and gave it to our troop guide....
  6. Well our council camps shut everything down after summer resident camp. You can use the rifle range, but it is $400 plus ammo. shotgun is the same deal. No boats, they are stored off site somewhere. You can rent individual buildings at a cost of nearly $500 a day. Climbing tower or cope course super expensive, beyond the reach of a single unit. The rapelling tower never opened last summer during resident camp. the climbing guys got hired away at the last minute to another camp on the east coast.
  7. Why would you give a staff member a gift???? You paid several hundred dollars for the course, right???? If your tipping for service then I like 20% for great service. I think the best gift you could give is to use the skills learned as they were intended..... If you insist in giving a gift, do it in a private manner. We stood at gilwell while this went on for way to long.......One participant after another would come forward and gift a staff member or members.......then it went to thank you speeches and hand shakes....... I will add that when we made totems and such for the Patrol..made an extra for our troop guide. So he had Patrol gear to wear and adorn his tent with. It equaled a critter necklace and tent sign(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. while it sounds fun......It would become a spectator event........the boys would be bored. Maybe a competition at resident camp instead of us just hanging out and fishing and sleeping...... I would enjoy an afternoon of pioneering or orienteering competition......
  9. So if you camp at a time other than resident camps......Are all of the amenities are available????? are they an extra charge???
  10. So if you camp at a time other than resident camps......Are all of the amenities are available????? are they an extra charge???
  11. skeptic......Roundtable tuesday night.......... The DE stands up.....Says Membership numbers are down so WE need to recruit more boys, we are down 12%, The boy scout troops need to get into the middle schools before spring break and get something going..........Next words out his mouth are we are in last place for this years FOS campaign in all of the districts. We need to take to our families and make sure our units meet their goals....... He then stepped away from the podium. What else do you want me to say?????? What am I supposed to think?????? No mention of upcoming council events, no thank you's.......... So what does your DE do at roundtable?????? I am very active, I never met the previous scout executive.....He was here 4 years......... So I am guessing your a professional?????? Far as liking folks outside my unit, I have numbers of SM's and CM's who are friends and we plan multiple unit activities with.... Even if the district wants their financial cut of the activities(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  12. I agree with buff.......I can carry stove and fuel for a weekend outing weighing less than the unfueled weight of a whisperlite. If you are worried about speed then you have never really been backpacking.
  13. Wow that's pretty thin with out witnessing it first hand. I am guessing taser is probably the parent and we don't know if it is mom or dad, so we will not get an honest opinion or answer. Did he get yelled at for ruining a tent, food, knife or fire safety????? Was he doing something bone head???? We will never know.
  14. If the scout was hit by the SM call the law. If the scout was touched inappropriately call the law Sexual things call the law. Beyond those to things......Not sure what to tell you. No your professionals do not have you or your scouts best interest in mind. Funds and membership numbers are what matters. Far as your hypothetical nonsense it is impossible to offer advice with out more info. The above is the way I would handle it......Notice no DE or SE involved......
  15. In my state it lists 5 camps that have been closed and sold.
  16. Council owned property designated as camps. To me Summer boy scout resident camp is typically a program put on at a council owned camp
  17. Burn bans are about forest service and fire district policies regarding weather conditions......Let me see dead or fined for an illegal fire buy a manufactured alcohol stove, it is just that simple. Alcohol isn't banned it just isn't recommended...... Far as abuse or boys playing with fuel and fire goes.....someone posted about a young scout jamming a stick into a isobutane canister and trying to light the gas spraying out..... I think that National missed the boat on this one......The scout camp staff accident happened with alcohol from a first aid kit........Heck I had a scout burn up a big bottle of hand sanitizer..... So what is the actual argument about????? The alcohol as fuel or the DIY Stove?????
  18. Cam.....Depends on your location.....Within an hour of drive of town there is 5 Council owned camps.....Within 2 1/2 hours there is 12...Not owned by the same council. These vary in quality from a privy to full Blown corporate sponsored jamboree setting. We use council owned property for summer resident camp and that is it. Generally our troop camps in national and state forest, state parks, or service club owned property, Lions park, Y park, fireman's Park or the Legion's Lake front. The Pack does not utilize council owned camps at all.....We hold our own day camp at the CO and local park..... Several boys did go to the halloween shindig at the camp..... So My line of questioning stems from how little our Troop, Pack and Crew use our local scout camps......
  19. Not talking program here folks.... Just the grounds and what sort of things reside on the grounds.
  20. Sounds like a decent enough fellow.....$1000 fundraiser isn't nothing to sneeze at, If you don't want him send him my way...... I think I can get over the jean thing...... So Buff whats the rest of the story???????????
  21. The group seems to feel that Council owned Camps are needed, I would like to explore facilities. When you go to a camp what is your expectation on buildings, activities, and location? should your camp have a fishing lake, rappelling tower, swimming pool, dining hall, weapons ranges, hiking trails, natural feature???? ATV's???? Cabins???? four walls and a roof? electric, heat, full kitchen?????? flush toilets and showers???? Drive up campsites? Provided fire wood? What about these cub focused camps with theme build buildings, some with castles or timber forts. Are they excessive???? too expensive?????
  22. Pack your right, should have sent desert a PM with my thoughts. Seattle your probably right about when I will receive them....2032... It's over
  23. OGE I understand and appreciate you don't care for me much. Honestly it is irrelevant and I could care less. Your ticket councilor took your binder home and may or may not have actually looked at it. Far as marching bands and party, really????? That was an adult reply????? No, but I expected the ticket councilor to actually show a bit of interest in my ticket and whether or not I actually did it. I guess my expectations were too high.
  24. desert...... I read your post last night before bed and thought I would sleep on a response. Well I did. I don't know what to tell you about my experience or the woodbadge program. In reflection the experience has a hollow feeling. I still view it as a waste of 6 days. The anger at what should have been a unforgettable or as many write life changing experience has faded a bit. But honestly it was little more than a seminar that could have and should have been put on at the local holiday inn. It was not the mountain top experience that many on this board speak of......I have come to the conclusion that those who have the mountaintop experience are very shallow people who have never experienced adversity or difficulty...... I have read that other scouters said they met great scouting resources, Not possible for me, my closest patrol member is 60 miles from me. Fellowship, kinda hard when the patrol breaks up at patrol time and sons are with dads who are on staff and IOLS staff member leave to hang with their IOLS course director. Instruction, Inaccurate information was give in several presentations. I love sitting in a 110 degree dining hall watching power point presentations and movies I had previously viewed. Maybe my expectations were set too high???? Maybe my course was bad??? May be my patrol was to self centered???? I don't know. Advice for prospective woodbadge participants....... Am I or my scouts better for my attending, NO. I was already self aware and had a view of the big picture. My ticket items were things that I would have done anyhow. If you have no scouting or military background take it. If you are a Man Scout, take it......I took powder horn, it was man scouters at it's finest. I am a simple man. I am here for my son and his brothers in the Troop and Pack and I will continue to serve them until I am no longer physically able. Beads will not help nor deter me in that goal and the enjoyment I receive from new skill learned or experience shared.
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